Metatron’s Cube is a complex sacred geometric object which leads back to the centuries old “Flower of Life”. The shape is named after the archangel Metatron, he is responsible for all the creations and makes his appearance in Judaism, Christianity and the Islam. In Greek Meta means “Beyond” and Tron means “Matrix”.
The origin of Metatron’s Cube and the origin of the Flower of Life goes back centuries. The reason why the Flower of Life is so important is because of the underlying structure called the Fruit of Life. From the Fruit of Life, Metatron’s Cube can be formed.
The reason why this sacred geometry is kept secret for a long period is because Metatron’s Cube contains all 5 platonic solids; the cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron. These solids contain every possible molecular connection and contain all possible geometric laws of this reality and universe we live in. It’s the secret key to Prima Materia; the primitive, shapeless base of all matter which got shaped and became the universe.
Many people have seen Metatron’s Cube in its 2D shape, but not many people know its original 3D shape. For this reason BewustDsign created Metatron’s Cube in its 3D shape as a pendant.
Sebastiaan Fiolet
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