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Das Buch Henoch und die Geschichte der Menschheit

Enoch is a patriarch who is mentioned in many religious scriptures as having played an important role for humanity in his time.

Enoch (in Hebrew “Hanokh”) was the seventh generation from Adama (where Adam and Eve are the first generation) and lived for 365 years.
He is the father of Methuselah and the great-grandfather of Noah who will later on become known for the story Noah’s Ark from the Bible.

Who is Enoch ?

Enoch is a patriarch who is mentioned in many religious scriptures as having played an important role for humanity in his time.

Enoch (in Hebrew “Hanokh”) was the seventh generation from Adama (where Adam and Eve are the first generation) and lived for 365 years.
He is the father of Methuselah and the great-grandfather of Noah who will later on become known for the story Noah’s Ark from the Bible.

Enoch’s dad Jared became a father at age 162, and lived 800 years longer.
Enoch, though, fathered Methuselah (Methusalem) at age 65, and then only lived for 300 more years, while Noah lived to be 950.
So Enoch’s life must have ended suddenly, as Genesis 5:24 says that he “walked with God; then he was no more, for God took him.”
It is suggested Enoch became archangel Metatron.

The Books of Enoch

Enoch left us actually two books:
- I Enoch, also known as the Ethiopic Book of Enoch, a lengthy composite work of 108 chapters seemingly compiled in five sections or “books”.
- II Enoch, known as the Slavonic Book of Enoch, or the Book of the Secrets of Enoch.

The First Book of Enoch, or Ethiopic Enochis in fact a compilation of several books, each of which appears with its own title and usually its own conclusion.
These books, known as the Book of the Watchers (chaps. 1-36), the Similitudes (also known as Parables, chaps. 37-71), the Book of the Luminaries (chaps.72-82), the Book of the Dreams (chaps. 83-90), and the Epistle of Enoch (chaps. 92-105), are combined into a single work in the Ethiopic version, in which alone the whole is preserved.

Throughout its 108 chapters, the book of Enoch (I Enoch ) discusses the life and death of the 7th patriarch of the Book of Genesis, Enoch.


The Watchers

In the Book of the Watchers (Aramaic עִירִין, iyrin) explain there are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans after their creation of mankind.
They soon begin to lust for human women and, at the prodding of their leader Samyaza (Semjâzâ), defect en masse to illicitly instruct humanity and procreate among them.

1 Enoch 6:
1 And when the sons of men had multiplied, in those days, beautiful and comely daughters were born to them.
2 And the watchers, the sons of heaven, saw them and desired them. And they said to one another, “Come, let us choose for ourselves wives from the daughters of men, and let us beget for ourselves children.”…

5 Then they all swore together and bound one another with a curse.
6 And they were, all of them, two hundred, who descended in the days of Jared onto the peak of Mount Hermon.[ 53]…

1 Enoch 7:
1 These and all the others with them took for themselves wives from among them such as they chose. And they began to go in to them, and to defile themselves through them, and to teach them sorcery and charms, and to reveal to them the cutting of roots and plants.
2 And they conceived from them and bore to them great giants. And the giants begat Nephilim…

So, according to the book of Enoch, the Watchers (“the sons of God” of Genesis) “are celestial (nonhuman) beings whose actions are regarded not only as morally evil, but spiritually destructive”.
The Book of the Watchers describes the revolt of the heavenly Watchers, which leads to evil on the Earth. The Watchers produce giants on Earth by their union with human women, and these giants are evil.

Enoch essentially becomes the middleman between the Watchers on Earth and the Sky Father (Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings, and God of the ages) above.

These Watchers are trapped underneath Earth as a punishment for entangling with human women who gave  to the Nephilim, the Giants who became corrupted and evil man-eaters, who in turn ended up taking away a good chunk of humanity. 

The punishment for the Watchers for essentially mating with human women was lifelong imprisonment and they are still underground to this day.
Enoch is told all of this in a “white castle that floats through space”. 

Samyaza, together with 18 other chiefs and a group of 200 angel's where expelled from the heavens after they started lusting after the daughters of men and thought them knowledge such as reading the stars, magic, the use of cosmetics but also “corrupt knowledge” like making weapons and the art of warfare. 

Through breeding with human women came the Nephilims (giants) who started killing men and eating the creatures of the world, after that the Lord of lords (God) ordered Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel and others to emprison Samyaza as he has given the humans knowledge with corrupt intentions.
The Lord of lords ordered a great flood to kill the Nephilims but mankind and the creatures of the world should survive because of Noah's arc.

The Original Sin

Something that is extraordinarily fascinating in this description is that Angels who are normally considered to be non-human and not physical, in this case have apparently been able to interbreed with physical human women nonetheless.

So, something supernatural has taken place or there is something different in the definition of an Angel.

Another interesting topic is original sin.
The general idea is that Eve committed the original sin of eating the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge leading up to a patriarchal movement in the religious systems and where it is undesirable for women to show their beauty openly so as not to trigger temptation in men.

But in this book, the original sin is more about "malicious genes" that are passed from 'angels' to human through DNA, creating evil giants at first, and containing codes that humankind carries within it from that time on and which we have been transforming for tens of thousands of years and finally ascending us to the divine version of the Angelic beings.

To read the whole Book of Enoch, here's a link to the Book of Enoch
Here is a link to an audio version of The Book of Enoch 1-36  (The Book of Watchers)


Are the Anunnaki the fallen angels spoken of in the Book of Enoch?

the-book-of-enoch-and-the-history-of-humanity-anunnakiThere is some crossover in the biblical texts of Enoch and ancient Sumerian texts, particularly when it comes to the Watchers. Known as the Annunaki, or visitors from a planet called Nibiru, the Sumerians also looked upon these Watchers as gods, showing a crossover between the two ancient cultures.
In the Book of Enoch, there is also mention of the great Sumerian ruler Gilgamesh, who often describes the Annunaki in much the same way Enoch describes the Watchers.

One interesting similarities is that we always depict angels with wings, just as the Anunnaki depicted themselves in stone with wings.

Also, sometimes angels (such as Archangel Michael) are depicted with a sword which we also can see in depictions of the Anu.
But why would Angels have knowledge of war craft and teach it their own offspring with human woman.

Something else that raises questions is the fact that the many skeletons of giants that are found throughout the last decades always seem to disappear after they have been dug up, just like the Book of Enoch almost disappeared from our history.
As if we are dealing with forbidden history.
What are your thoughts ?


The antiquity and origin of the Book of Enoch

In Gen. v. 24 it is mentioned that 

"Enoch was walking in close fellowship with God.
Then one day he disappeared, because God took him."

In fact, this is such a crucial part of who Enoch was that it's repeated twice: here, and in verse 22.

His case is unusual in all of Scripture and, possibly, in all of human history. The only other event which seems similar is when God did something similar to Elijah, who was taken to heaven by a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:9–12).


What does it mean that Enoch "disappeared, because God took him."?
Apparently, in response to Enoch's walking with God, God prevented Enoch from dying. God just took him away, instead.
Hebrews 11:5 says this: "By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him.
Now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased God."

This life of faith, Hebrews tells us, pleased God so much God prevented Enoch from passing from this life in the normal way. 
These expressions were taken in later times to mean not only that he lived a godly life, but also that he was in favor of God and the recipient of superhuman knowledge.
It was then not unnatural that an apocalyptic literature began to circulate under his name in the centuries when such literature was widespread.

In the present book of Enoch, translated from the Ethiopian, we have large fragments of such literature, from various authors and it is well possible that in the coming years further portions of this literature will be discovered.
Only recently two Slavic manuscripts were found in Russia, which belong to this literature, but are separate from the present book of Enoch.

The present book from the Ethiopian belongs to the second and first centuries B.C.
All the writers of the New Testament knew it, and were more or less influenced by it in thought and diction. 

It is quoted as a genuine production of Enoch by Apostle Saint Jude (Judas Thaddaeus, not Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus), and as scripture by Saint Barnabas.
The writers of the Book of Jubilees, the Apocalypse of Baruch and IV Ezra, laid it under contribution. 

With the earlier Fathers and Apologists it already had the weight of a canonical book, but towards the end of the third and the beginning of the fourth century it began to fall into disrepute, and finally it fell under the spell of the Church.
Almost the last reference to it in the Early Church is that of George Syncellus in his Chronography around 800 a.d., who has preserved for us some long passages in Greek.
Thereafter the book was lost from sight until 1773, when an Ethiopian version of it was found in Abyssinia by James Bruce.
This traveler brought home three copies, two old manuscripts and a copy of one of them.
From one of these copies Richard Laurence made the first modern translation of Enoch in 1831.



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