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Essassani Ships and their Locations

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Bridging Earth and the Essassani

For generations, humanity has looked to the stars, wondering if we are alone in the vastness of the cosmos.
Among the many civilizations mentioned in the realm of extraterrestrial contact, the Essassani stand out as a compassionate and supportive presence, deeply connected to humanity.
Sharing both genetic and energetic bonds, they feel less like distant strangers and more like extended family.

The ships of the Galactic Federations, including those of the Essassani, are here during Earth's transformation to provide subtle yet powerful energetic support.
Guided by the cosmic principles of free will and non-interference, their presence reflects a commitment to assist their ancestral lineage during this pivotal time.
While their advanced technology and interdimensional abilities make them almost undetectable to our physical senses, their intent is one of cooperation, mutual respect, and co-evolution.

This article explores the role of Essassani ships near Earth - a small but significant representation of the broader galactic activity above us.
By understanding their nature, purpose, and the lessons they embody, we are invited to see Open Contact not as a far-fetched concept, but as an unfolding journey of reconnection.
Just as exploring the stars requires courage and curiosity, so too does exploring the unknown within ourselves.
They remind us that this universe, like our human spirit, is based on principles of unity, love and balance - a truth much deeper than fear.

Essassani Scout Craft, Research Vessels, and Motherships

The Essassani civilization operates a diverse fleet of spacecraft, each meticulously designed to reflect their advanced technology and harmonious way of life.
These vessels serve multiple purposes, from research and exploration to communication and support, all embodying the principles of synchronicity and balance.

Scout Craft 

Essassani scout craft are smaller ships and are primarily used for exploration and local interactions, acting as the eyes and ears of their larger fleet.
One of the most prominent examples is Bashar's own scout ship, Nexus.
Nexus is not just a craft - it is a reflection of Bashar's higher mind, a crystallized form of his Higher Self, an extension of his consciousness that allows him to navigate interdimensional realities with precision and intent.
And although the Essassani do not use names for themselves - they recognize and speak to each other by their frequency signature - the closest thing to a name for his ship is the meaning of the word 'nexus'.
Nexus means a connection or series of connections linking two or more things, or a central or focal point.

Esassani Scout Craft Technology

Its shape is triangular, with a point of light at each corner, acting as stabilizers for the ship's energy field and aiding in the seamless transition between dimensions.
The Nexus is approximately 30 meters (100 feet) wide, with a smooth, crystalline surface that appears to shimmer and change color based on its vibrational alignment.
On the underside is a central pulsing light, often referred to as the "heart," symbolizing the living, conscious nature of the ship.
This light acts as a focal point for the collection and redistribution of energy, allowing for silent propulsion and unparalleled maneuverability.

The interior of the Nexus is highly adaptive, reflecting the consciousness of its occupants.
The space can morph and reshape itself to suit the needs of the moment, whether it be a meditative environment, a gathering space, or an observation deck.
This dynamic design is made possible by the ship's crystalline structure, which responds to vibrational input and intent.
Just as the Essassani Motherships can reconfigure their interiors for different functions, the Scout Craft embody the same principle on a smaller scale, allowing for maximum versatility and alignment with purpose.

Each Scout Craft is designed to comfortably carry three occupants, but can accommodate up to five if needed.
This compact yet versatile design ensures efficiency and connectivity, supporting Essassani's focus on collaborative exploration and interaction.
These triangular vehicles, including the Nexus, demonstrate the Essassani philosophy of the unity of technology and consciousness. 
As we can see, these craft are not just vehicles - they are co-creations, living entities, semi-sentient organisms that operate in harmony with their environment and the beings who pilot them.

Research Vessels 


Research vessels are an integral part of the Essassani fleet, designed for exploration, observation, and the gathering of knowledge across multiple dimensions and realities. 
Larger than scout ships but smaller than motherships, these vessels serve as specialized hubs for scientific exploration and interdimensional study.
While scout ships focus on short-range missions and motherships provide extensive support, research ships are equipped for medium-range, focused exploration.
These ships are equipped with advanced sensor arrays and quantum field projectors that allow them to study not only physical phenomena, but also energetic and vibrational dynamics. They serve as mobile laboratories capable of observing planetary ecosystems, galactic energy fields, and even the collective consciousness of civilizations from a safe and non-intrusive distance.

Structure and Technology

Research ships are typically cylindrical or disc-shaped, optimized for stability and adaptability in a variety of environments.
Their interiors, much like the motherships, are highly modular and can be reconfigured to meet the specific needs of a mission.
For example, one section might serve as a bio-ecological chamber for the analysis of species from other worlds, while another might house interdimensional portals for the study of higher planes of existence.
The ships often house sophisticated crystalline technology that serves as both data storage and amplification tools for their studies.
These crystals can store and project holographic representations of the environments they observe, creating immersive simulations for the researchers aboard.
The ships also have cloaking capabilities that allow them to blend into the vibrational spectrum of the place they are studying without effecting it by their presence.

Unique Features

Unlike scout ships, Research Vessels often remain in place for extended periods of time, observing and interacting with their environment.
They are equipped with "quantum resonance stabilizers," devices that help align their studies with the natural frequencies of a planet or dimension.
These ships also play a key role in the preservation of interstellar biodiversity, hosting samples of plant and animal life from different worlds to study and maintain ecological balance.

Crew and Collaboration

Research ships are usually manned by small, highly specialized teams of Essassani scientists, explorers and energy workers.
Research ships reflect the Essassani commitment to knowledge sharing and mutual growth.
They often serve as mobile meeting points for interstellar councils and collaborative experiments between multiple civilizations within the Interstellar Alliance to share insights and develop a deeper understanding of cosmic principles.
Their missions are guided by the principles of synchronicity, ensuring that their work aligns with the natural flow of the universe and the needs of the worlds with which they interact.

Essassani Motherships - The Solar Wind


The motherships of the Essassani are awe-inspiring feats of engineering.
Cylindrical in shape, these enormous vessels resemble tubes within tubes, with 30 nested cylinders containing 60 interconnected decks.
Ranging from 1 mile to over 12 miles (20 km) in length, these motherships are veritable floating cities that host not only Essassani populations, but also beings from other civilizations during interstellar gatherings.
These cylindrical vessels are monumental in both size and purpose, designed to serve as multifunctional hubs for exploration, community, and interstellar diplomacy.

Sometime in the nineties, Bashar gave a detailed description of one of their motherships, the Solar Wind.
Let's take a closer look at their unique features:

Structure and Design

The Solar Wind is a smaller mothership, approximately one mile long and consists of thirty nested cylindrical decks, creating a "tube within a tube" design. This innovative architecture allows each deck to be walked around, maximizing space and functionality. The central core serves as the ship's power source, housing the propulsion mechanisms and isolation field generators that enable inter-dimensional travel. At either end of the ship are Bridge Control Centers, which provide operational command of the ship.

The outermost layer functions as a hangar bay, facilitating the deployment and return of scout ships and diplomatic vessels.
This layer is also where other interstellar civilizations dock their ships for easy access.
The outer decks of the ship are often assigned to interstellar visitors, creating a welcoming environment and underscoring the Essassani's openness to cosmic cooperation.


Living and Leisure Spaces

Internally, the motherships, including the Solar Wind, are highly adaptable.
The crystalline materials used in its construction allow the ship to morph and reconfigure spaces as needed. 
Whether hosting interstellar conferences, providing natural environments for relaxation, or offering spaces for collective meditative experiences, the ships reflect the Essassani's commitment to unity and versatility.

A unique feature of the motherships is a natural space that mimics the lush greenery of their home planet.
These areas, filled with plants, water features, and small animals, provide the Essassani with a constant connection to nature and echo the tranquility of their home world. even when traveling far from their world.
Several decks are dedicated to huge park-like environments, complete with natural elements such as flowing water, plants, and even animals such as dolphins. 

Other decks house simulated environments that allow individuals to project their consciousness into custom-created realms, similar to the idea we know as holographic experiences, but then as real as being in a tangible reality.
These spaces allow for experiential exploration of alternate dimensions and planetary ecosystems, promoting both learning and recreation.
This harmony between technology and the natural world exemplifies their way of life, where all systems - mechanical and organic - work in seamless synchrony.


Chambers of Connection

The ship contains 'Chambers of Connection', what we would call chapels or sacred places for connecting with the Divine.
Chambers made of crystalline formations that facilitate direct connection with the Infinite.
These spaces amplify personal and collective consciousness and act as spiritual and energetic hubs.
In addition, amplification modules allow for the tapping of specific dimensional frequencies, further supporting activities such as channeling and inter-dimensional communication.

Exploration and Experimentation

As centers for research, the Solar Winds contain vast areas dedicated to the creation and study of entire ecosystems.
These experimental environments allow the Essassani to understand planetary ecosystems, societies, and the finer workings of universal manifestation.
Some sections of the ship can even be disassembled to form self-sufficient planetary colonies when necessary.

Council and Cooperation

The Association Council chambers within the mothership serve as gathering points for consciousness projections from multiple worlds.
These rooms are essential for interstellar diplomacy and the harmonious coordination of the Association of Worlds - also known as the Interstellar Alliance - a collective network of civilizations to which the Essassani belong.

Elan-Bashar - Mothership Field Trip Meditation


Essassani Ships near Earth - Why are they here ?

The presence of Essassani ships in Earth's neighborhood serves a multifaceted purpose.
Far from being a mere observation mission, their activities demonstrate their commitment to assisting humanity during this transformative evolutionary period.
Their ships act as energetic anchors, vibrational stabilizers, and bridges for interdimensional cooperation.

Energetic Stabilization and Planetary Support

The Essassani civilization recognizes that Earth is undergoing a significant vibrational shift.
Their ships, stationed strategically around the planet, help stabilize the collective energy field to ensure that the transformation occurs as harmoniously as possible.
Much like their artificial moons serve their home world, these ships emit frequencies that resonate with the Earth's energy field, helping to balance out disruptions caused by fear, resistance, or rapid vibrational changes.
This assistance is subtle and non-intrusive, in keeping with the cosmic laws of free will. Its intent is to harmonize the Earth's vibrational shifts rather than interfere with humanity's natural process of awakening.

Observation and Telepathic Support

The Essassani ships are also platforms for telepathic and energetic connection.
From their ships, members of their society communicate with receptive individuals on Earth, offering guidance, inspiration, and teachings on the mechanics of the universe. 
These interactions often occur during altered states of consciousness, such as meditation, dreams, or channeling sessions.
In this way, the Essassani serve as mentors, sharing their experiences and insights from their journey of transformation and offering humanity a glimpse of what is possible when a civilization chooses to live in harmony, trust, and alignment with universal principles.

Preparing for Open Contact

Another critical function of Essassani ships near Earth is to lay the groundwork for open contact.
As humanity becomes more open to extraterrestrial connections, these ships facilitate subtle preparations to ensure that this monumental event unfolds in alignment with Earth's collective readiness.
Through their advanced technology, the Essassani create vibrational bridges that allow humans to experience glimpses of their presence and memories of past encounters. 
These experiences can manifest as triangular UFO sightings, feelings of connection, or even altered state encounters.
Each interaction is calibrated to ensure that it resonates with the individuals or groups involved so that it fosters curiosity and excitement rather than fear.

Cooperation with other Galactic Civilizations


The Essassani do not act alone in their efforts. 
Their ships often collaborate with those of other civilizations, such as the Pleiadians and Sirians, within galactic alliances like the Interstellar Alliance.
Together, they form a vast network of support surrounding Earth, dedicated to assisting humanity during this transformative era.

A Cosmic Responsibility

The Essassani, as part of the Interstellar Alliance, have stated that they honor the cosmic law of free will, meaning that they will not directly interfere with humanity's choices or development. However, they have made it clear that there is one critical exception: the potential use of nuclear weapons in a global conflict. 
The reason for this is as follows:

  • Nuclear detonations have been described as having the potential to create "tears" or "cracks" in the multidimensional fabric of the universe.
    This means that such explosions create ripples in the fabric of space and time, which can potentially destabilize nearby dimensions and realities.
    Therefor, the detonation of nuclear weapons on a large scale affects more than just the Earth and has far-reaching consequences, affecting civilizations and ecosystems beyond our planet.
    So, a global nuclear conflict poses a huge threat not only to Earth, but to the stability of other worlds and dimensions connected to our reality.

  • The Interstellar Alliance has stated that it will not allow such an event to occur, as it would disrupt the cosmic order and harmony of multiple realities.
    If humanity were to engage in a global nuclear war, these councils have the authority and capability - as they have demonstrated to all parties holding these weapons - to intervene to prevent catastrophic damage on a multiversal scale.

While they respect the free will and self-determination of humanity, this principle is overruled when Earth's actions threaten the broader cosmic ecosystem.
Their intervention in such a scenario would be for the purpose of maintaining universal balance and is not intended as an act of control or dominance.

Hidden in Higher Realms

The Essassani ships are still invisible to most humans because they exist in a higher vibrational frequency beyond our physical senses.
Their natural resonance in the highest frequencies of the Fourth Density allows them to exist in a realm that is currently not perceivable by our senses and public technology.
For their presence to become visible, they must significantly lower their vibrational frequency to align with our reality, a process that is neither natural nor comfortable for them to sustain over long periods of time.

Remaining primarily at their natural frequency is not only practical - it allows them to provide subtle, unconditional support from the background.
This approach fosters a space for humanity to grow without any sense of interference, pressure, or expectation.
By supporting from behind, they honor the universal principle of free will, and trust that humanity will evolve at its own pace and make its own decisions about how and when to engage in contact.

Also, the Essassani understand their role within a larger cosmic plan. They are not the first civilization humanity will engage in Open Contact with.
That role most likely belongs to the Pleiadians, followed by human-like civilizations such as the Yahyel.
By remaining largely in the background for the time being, the Essassani respect this natural progression and are careful not to step onto the stage until it is their time to play their part.
This patient approach reflects their deep awareness of the importance of timing and the need for humanity to integrate each step of the contact process at its own pace.

The question often arises: why remain hidden, especially when the secrecy surrounding the alien presence is already a point of mistrust for many? 
The Essassani's invisibility is not about secrecy in the human sense, but about respect.
They understand that for humanity to fully appreciate open contact, we must first overcome the fears and misconceptions often associated with the unknown - perspectives shaped in part by how extraterrestrial life has been portrayed in popular media over the decades.
Their subtle presence is meant to encourage our willingness and give us the freedom to explore these possibilities on our own terms.

Occasional glimpses - such as sightings of their triangular craft - serve as gentle signs of their existence. These sightings are not meant to overwhelm or impose, but to provoke questions, open dialogues, and inspire a sense of wonder about humanity's place in the cosmos. By remaining largely in the background, the Essassani create an environment where trust, openness, and mutual respect can flourish naturally, where we are the ones who invite them, so that the eventual contact is a harmonious and welcome connection rather than a source of fear or confusion.

Traveling Beyond Space-Time


The Essassani have mastered travel across vast distances of space-time through advanced interdimensional technology. 
Their ships utilize a unique method that doesn’t involve traditional propulsion but instead alters the relationship between the ship and its location.
This principle of "locational resonance" allows them to instantaneously appear at any point in space by matching the vibrational signature of their destination.

Frequency Matching

Their primary method of travel is to alter the vibrational signature of their ships and their occupants.
Essassani ships, whether scout craft or massive motherships, are equipped with advanced isolation field generators.
These devices create a bubble around the ship, shielding it from external interference while facilitating the necessary vibrational shift.

This bubble isolates their ships within an energy field, so they can momentarily "detach" from their current location, effectively becoming a free-floating vibrational entity.
By then aligning their energy signature to the desired location, the ship ceases to exist at its original point and instantly re-materializes at the new location.
This vibrational shift allows them to "arrive" without traversing the physical space between two points.
Unlike conventional human concepts of faster-than-light travel, their method does not "push" through space but instead repositions their ships using resonance.
In essence, they reconfigure their presence in the fabric of reality, bypassing traditional notions of speed or distance and making travel instantaneous, whether between star systems or dimensions.

This method also reflects the Essassani's philosophy of alignment and synchronicity. 
For them, travel is not about "moving" through space, but about aligning with the frequency of their desired outcome.
This understanding bridges the physical and the metaphysical, demonstrating how consciousness and technology are unified in their culture.
Their approach to travel demonstrates that the universe is not a barrier but a bridge, where distances are an illusion and possibilities are infinite.

Interdimensional Capabilities

Their ships can also navigate between dimensions.
This capability is essential not only for exploration but also for accessing higher-dimensional realms that support their advanced civilization.
For instance, the Essassani exist on a frequency slightly beyond our perception, which is why their ships often remain hidden unless they choose to lower their vibration to enter our visible spectrum.

Essassani Ships Around Earth

Insights from Bashar and Elan reveal that Essassani ships have been present around Earth for decades, operating as part of a coordinated effort within Galactic Federations and Interstellar Alliances. 
These ships - ranging from triangular scout craft to larger research vessels and motherships - are strategically positioned to support humanity's transformation and the energetic stabilization of the planet.


Locations and Altitudes

Essassani ships do not follow traditional orbital patterns like Earth's satellites.
Instead, their placement is determined by vibrational alignments and the specific energetic needs of the planet.
Bashar has indicated that these ships are often stationed at different altitudes:

  • Exospheric Levels:
    Most Essassani ships are stationed in the exosphere, the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere, beginning at about 500-600 km (310-370 miles) and extending up to 10,000 km (6,200 miles) above the surface.
    This altitude provides a strategic vantage point for monitoring planetary energy flows and stabilizing collective frequencies.
    Positioned at the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and space, these ships can observe the energetic grids of the planet free of atmospheric interference, while remaining well beyond the reach of most human technology.

  • Geosynchronous "Hotspots":
    Ships have been reported to align with key energetic points on the Earth's surface, such as Sedona, Cairo, the Bermuda Triangle, Mount Shasta and so on. 
    These locations are known for their strong energetic vortices and alignments with the planet's ley lines.
    By positioning themselves near these areas, the ships amplify the flow of higher dimensional energies, supporting Earth's transformation at pivotal times.

  • Higher-Dimensional "Orbits":
    Many Essassani ships remain in vibrational states that place them beyond physical visibility.
    While technically near Earth, their dimensional frequency keeps them in a realm where they can be observed and influenced without direct interaction or interference.

Their positions are not static; they shift in response to global challenges, celestial alignments, or collective energetic needs.
For example, during global meditations or significant planetary alignments, ships may converge near specific regions to enhance the potency of the energy being directed to or from Earth.

Why These Placements Matter

The strategic positioning of Essassani ships is not random.
These locations and altitudes allow the ships to act as stabilizers, balancing Earth's energy fields and aiding humanity's journey through its transformation.
By concentrating near energetic vortices, the ships enhance the planet's ability to process incoming higher-dimensional energies, while diffusing potential disruptions caused by collective fear or chaotic events.

In addition, the altitudes at which the ships operate - whether within Earth's atmosphere or just beyond it - are chosen to ensure minimal interference with human technologies while maximizing their ability to harmonize with Earth's natural rhythms.
Bashar has noted that this careful orchestration reflects the Essassani's respect for humanity's free will and their role as cosmic collaborators rather than overseers.

The Invitation - What Can Humanity Learn?

The presence of Essassani ships (and from many other civilizations for that matter) around Earth is not merely an observation of extraterrestrial activity.
Their presence is actually an invitation for humanity to come home.
It is a call for to open ourselves up for a greater understanding of ourselves and our place within the cosmos.
Their silent, steady presence reflects profound lessons that are way bigger then their technological capabilities of interstellar travel.
They offer insights into how we can evolve as individuals and as a collective.
They offer an invitation to :

Letting go of fear and learning to trust

The Essassani help remind us that fear, born of misunderstanding and separation, often stands in the way of transformation. 
Their ships, though unseen by many, are a testament to the idea that connection transcends physical sight. Humanity can open itself to new possibilities, both on and off Earth, by moving beyond fear of the unknown and embracing trust. This is not about blind faith, but about cultivating an inner knowing that we are supported in our growth, even if we cannot always perceive it directly.

Transformation Through Open Contact

Aligning with Higher Frequencies and Synchronicity

The Essassani are a superb example of living in harmony with the principles of synchronicity.
They allow their lives to flow effortlessly within the larger rhythms of the universe.
Their presence on Earth reflects the potential for humanity to align with similar principles.
By living with authenticity, by following our highest aspirations, and by trusting in the natural unfolding of events, we will be able to harmonize with the higher frequencies that are increasingly available to us during this time of transformation.

Mutual Transformation Through Open Contact

The ultimate goal of these interactions is not one-sided.
The Essassani do not see themselves as superior beings here to save humanity.
Open contact will not only transform humanity, but also enrich the Essassani, creating a cycle of mutual growth and evolution.
For that, they approach this relationship as equals, with much to share and much to learn.
Through this exchange, both civilizations have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of unity, love, and the interconnectedness of all existence.


Reflection - The Sky as a Mirror

The presence of Essassani ships around Earth is more than an observation of extraterrestrial activity - it is a reflection of humanity's own journey.
Their silent guardianship mirrors the potential within us to transcend division, fear, and separation, and invites us to embrace our interconnectedness with the cosmos.

These ships are not just lights in the sky traveling through the stars; they are symbolizing Balance, Harmony, and Evolution.
They remind us that, like them, we have the capacity to align with higher frequencies, to live in unity with nature, and to create a world rooted in cooperation rather than competition.
By opening our hearts to the idea of connection- not just with extraterrestrials but also with each other and the planet - we can begin to dissolve the fear-based narratives that have shaped much of our history.
The presence of these ships challenges us to look beyond appearances and embrace the deeper truth that we are all part of a much larger cosmic family.

The Essassani ships inspire us to imagine a reality in which harmony within ourselves radiates outward to our communities and the world.
They remind us that the transformation of humanity begins with each individual's willingness to trust, to love, and to live in alignment with their highest passion.
The sky above us is not just a canvas of stars; it is a mirror that reflects the infinite possibilities that are within us.
By stepping into our own light, we can create a world that vibrates in harmony with the principles of oneness and love. And perhaps one day we will stand hand in hand with the Essassani, not as strangers, but as co-creators of a brighter future for all.

As the Essassani say so eloquently:

"Hand to Hand
Heart to Heart
Eye to Eye
Soul to Soul
We are One"

More on the Essassani Civilization :

Relevant Books on the Essassani World

The images in this article are artistic interpretations and may not reflect exact representations.
Some images are from the amazing documentary 'First Contact' by Darryl Anka ... a must see !!!  Rent or Buy  'First Contact'  on Vimeo


Preparing for Contact - Bashar Meditation with Music


More on 'Preparing for Contact 101 Workshop' in the Bashar Store

Bashar on specific locations of Essassani Ships

In recent years, Bashar has repeatedly pointed out that our planet is teeming with extraterrestrial ships traveling in and out of our atmosphere.
Sometimes when asked the question 'what was that shape of a spacecraft I saw, who was in it?', his answer is that there are so many ships from so many different civilizations in our atmosphere that they don't always know who they are and why they are there, unless it is relevant to them.
In addition, he has indicated several times that there are many ships stationed around important portals on Earth.

During the transmission 'The Five Levels of Mastery' (Los Angeles, December 3, 2016), the first question (just before the holotope) from the U-Stream listeners is to Bashar:


And in answer to that question, Bashar shares the following list of 23 specific locations on Earth where Sassani ships are more or less stationary...

1. Sedona, USA
2. Mt Shasta, California, USA
3. Mt Haleakala, Hawaii
4. Mt Fuji, Japan
5. Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
6. Mt Everest, Nepal
7. Mt Chimborazo, Ecuador
8. Yucatan, Mexico
9. Glastonbury, UK
10. Ayers Rock (Uluru)
11. Taj Mahal, India
12. Crete, Greece (Kreta)
13. Eiffel Tower, France
14. The White House, USA
15. The Kremlin, Russia
16. Cairo, Egypt
17. North Pole
18. South Pole
19. Mongolia
20. Beijing, China
21. Mexico City
22. La Paz, Bolivia
23. Mount Rushmore (the carved heads, Bashar says it’s called ‘Black Rock’), USA

Specific locations and information on other Federation Spacecraft

For those seeking deeper insights, here is an excerpt from Bashar on Essassani and Federation ships around Earth.
The following information was delivered by Bashar in 1997 and may have changed since then, as he has not addressed this topic recently.

"Let us begin this transmission with a further description and explanation of something that we have discussed recently, in that our craft, mine personally, and three other craft from my civilization being positioned physically around your planet at this time, for the purpose of helping to assist, and adjusting the energy of your world as it changes within the collective consciousness.
And in positioning ourselves at certain points around your planet, above your planet, helping to adjust that energy by acting like a focusing lens, to help smooth and balance the energies of the changes going on within the consciousness of your people at this time.
But we are not the only ones doing this.

The idea, first and foremost, in describing the positions of the crafts that belong to my society, in that they are triangular craft and they are positioned in a tetrahedral formation, can be more precisely described as follows.
We have already said that my craft specifically is positioned approximately, give or take, approximately 3,000 of your miles above your city of Cairo.
Now, the idea is that sometimes individuals may have assumed that when we talked about the idea of my craft and three other craft forming a tetrahedral structure, they may have assumed that we were referring to the positions of our craft as if they were the apexes, the points, of the tetrahedron, but they are not.
They are the centers of the sides, the four sides of the tetrahedral structure; in that each side is a triangle.

But if you will extend each side of our physical craft outwards in energy, as if it were a larger triangle so that it reaches out in energy until it touches the projected energy sides of the other three craft, then you could see that your world is enclosed in an energy tetrahedron generated by certain frequencies of our ships.
So, it is like your spherical world is inside a clear energy tetrahedron, generated by our four craft.

I am in, as we have said, the position above your city of Cairo, approximately what you would understand as your 30 degrees longitude and 30 degrees latitude.
The other craft are in positions of, longitudinally 90 degrees west, which positions it just off the shores of the area of your planet you call Peru, and also 150 degrees east, which positions it in the ocean, above the ocean, underneath what you call your Asian area, and above what you call your Australian / New Zealand area, again positioned over the ocean.
The fourth craft being positioned off the coast, by a few hundred miles, of what you call your Antarctica, again over the ocean.
I am the only craft that is directly above land at this time. These are the positions that will allow us to form, relatively speaking, a regular tetrahedron structure.

Now, we are not the only ones.
Beyond us there are other ships from other civilizations, forming other geometric energy forms, geometric energy shells around your planet, and this is what we are referring to in this opening transmission, the geometric energy shells generated around the Earth for the purpose of balancing, energizing, amplifying, assisting the changes going on in your world now, acting as a filtration system, an amplification system, a step-down and step-up system.

The shell beyond us is formed by six craft from other civilizations forming a cube, and beyond that you have the octahedral with eight craft forming that.
And beyond that you have other ideas of regular geometric solids such as the two dodecahedral solids, thus, twelve craft generating twelve energy fields, forming two types of regular twelve sided solids, and twenty craft generating the icosahedral shell around your planet.

And then, beyond that, beyond, beyond, there are more, generating more different kinds of shells; twenty shells in all.
The final shell extends just beyond the orbit of your moon.
Thus, we encompass and enclose your entire Earth/Moon system, to aid and assist in the balancing and regulating of energy.
But only as we take your cues, in that sense, from your collective consciousness in helping regulate the changes going on now, and the changes coming up.

Do not ask me who the other craft belong to. I cannot tell you at this time.
But suffice to say, it is allowed that I can tell you there are twenty shells of craft forming these twenty different kinds of energy shells.
We are the innermost one, forming the tetrahedron.
Below us, in that sense, there are other ships, but they do not form shells.
They work with independent vortexes, vortices, on your planet, adjusting and regulating, but again, in accordance with the timing of your collective and individual consciousness.

The tetrahedron we now form, the energy triangles that fan out from our ships, all four of the ships of my civilization, form a tetrahedron, that on each side would be approximately 36,000 miles, each triangle 36,000 miles on a side in order that your world is enclosed in a tetrahedron.
The closest tangent to your planet being the four ships themselves, the closest point being about 3,000 miles up.
This forms a tetrahedral structure that has triangles of 36,000 miles on a side.


When it comes time for our ships to touch down, to physically touch the surface of your world, as we close in, as the tetrahedron gets smaller and smaller and then just encloses your planet by touching it, that will form a tetrahedron with triangles of approximately 19,000 miles on a side; in fact, in actual fact, 19,500. There is the 19.5 again that many of you are familiar with.
And this will represent, when we have touched down on the surface of your planet, in what you call the near future, on what you call the idea or time of contact.

All the shells will collapse, will close down as best they can, interpenetrating one another.
Each shell having a touchdown point representative of the number of sides in the shell.
Therefore, our civilization will initially have four touchdown points.

The next civilization will have six touchdown points.
The next civilization will have eight touchdown points.
The next civilization, two of them, will have twelve touchdown points each.
The next beyond that, will have twenty touchdown points each and beyond that the different civilizational contacts will appear, but not at the same time.

Each will be representative of a higher energy hierarchy and each will manifest in due time, as each shell helps accelerate your planet up different and different vibrational levels of fourth density.
You will then be able to interact with and view physically the different civilizations that are representative of the different inner shells, one at a time, one after the other, as you become acclimated to the different energy resonances that are represented by the different shells as they collapse and touch your planet tangentially.
We will talk more about this methodology of contact later, but this is one of the ways that we have used to help accelerate and balance the energy toward contact and the methodology and the unfoldment of contact itself, with regard to the energy shell relationship and the energy of your world."

~ Bashar (1997)


Bell Rock - Sedona

During the transmission 'A Ship to Ship Communication - 2009' Bashar explains that his ship has moved to Sedona because 'Sedona is a neutral zone that allows us to better handle, better facilitate the energy of a multitude of dimensions in one place'.
He explains much more about the powerful vortex of Sedona in the broadcasts "Sedona Vortex Array (2015)" and "Interdimensional Portals and Where To Find Them (2018)".

Since Bashar's ship is located above the Sedona Vortex (Bell Rock to be exact), Bashar shares from time to time information about the altitude of his ship above our planet, which is like a barometer for how close we are to being ready for open contact with 4th-5th density civilizations like his civilization, the Sassani.
Bashar's ship began holding this position over Sedona at about 2,500 miles in 2009, prior to which it was over Cairo.
To get a better feel for this idea in relation to the position in our reality, here is a picture of the 5 layers of the Earth's atmosphere.
Based on this information, Bashar's ship is hovering in the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere, the exosphere, so he is not even close enough to our planet to make a "flyby" near the International Space Station (ISS).

Below is an (incomplete) table tracking the altitude of his ship to give you an idea of how close they are!
Note how the altitude of his ship changes / increases since 2019, as he also referred to the changing window of open contact.


Before 1997 Cairo 3.000 4.828
29 aug 2009 Sedona 2.979 4.794
14 jan 2012 Sedona 2.500 4.023
11 nov 2012 Sedona 1.977 3.182
22 dec 2012 Sedona 2.000 1.609
13 apr 2013 Sedona 1.936 3.116
11 aug 2013 Sedona 1.875 3.018
24 mei 2014 Sedona 1.750 2.816
09 jun 2014 Sedona 1.725 2.776
12 jul 2014 Sedona 2.000 1.609
20 jun 2015 Sedona 1.540 2.478
11 jul 2015 Sedona 1.300 2.092
14 nov 2015 Sedona 1.350 2.173
09 okt 2016 Sedona 975 1.569
20 dec 2016 Sedona 853 1.373
26 nov 2017 Sedona 850 1.368
05 apr 2019 Sedona 7.285 11.724
15 sep 2019 Sedona 5.000 8.047
20 apr 2019 Sedona 8.423 13.406
25 apr 2020 Sedona 7.000 11.265


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