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The Essassani Civilization - Their Galactic Connection to Humanity

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Introduction : Who Are the Essassani?

The Essassani, often also referred to as Sassani, Shakana, or Eshakana, are a hybrid humanoid civilization that embodies the principles of transformation, balance, and unconditional love.
Born from a hybridization program that blended human DNA with that of the Grey Federation, the Essassani represent the harmonious integration of emotional depth and advanced intelligence. Their unique genetic foundation allows them to transcend fear and limitation, radiating trust, abundance and alignment with universal energy.

Understanding Their Names

Each name associated with the Essassani holds a specific significance:

  • Essassani: Translates to “Place of Living Light,” symbolizing the high vibrational frequency of their homeworld and their alignment with Source energy.
  • Sassani:    Refers to their civilization or people, commonly used when speaking of them collectively.
  • Shakana:   Represents their collective consciousness, akin to humanity’s "Christ Consciousness" or Sirius's "Siskeen."
  • Eshakana: A more recent resonance of their collective consciousness, reflecting their transition from the 4th to the 5th Density.

A Transitioning Civilization

The Essassani exist in a state of transition between higher fourth density and lower fifth density realities.
While still in physical form, they become increasingly transparent as they move toward a non-physical existence.
Their high vibrational frequency often renders them invisible to the human eye, unless they consciously lower their resonance for contact.
Their preferred mode of communication is telempathy - a seamless blend of telepathy and empathy - allowing them to connect with humanity in the most natural and harmonious way.
Their frequency reflects pure alignment with their true selves, achieving a profound balance between individuality and collective unity.
This vibrational state serves as both a model and an invitation for humanity to step into its own higher alignment.

Bringing Their Teachings to Humanity

The teachings of the Essassani are shared through several channels, including Bashar, Elan, Ryok, Ayako Sekino, and Lyssa Royal Holt.
Each channel offers unique insights into their culture, wisdom, and the pivotal role they play in humanity's evolution.
These connections act as bridges, allowing the Essassani to share their knowledge and help us navigate this time of transformation.

A Guiding Presence

As mentors and teachers, the Essassani prepare humanity for open contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
Their wisdom encompasses:

  • The power of excitement and joy as tools for transformation.
  • Insights into manifestation, universal laws, and the multidimensional nature of reality.
  • Our galactic heritage and the profound connections within our cosmic family.
  • Guidance on navigating densities, timelines, and the coming era of open contact.

The Essassani also offer profound teachings on the nature of consciousness, the soul's journey, and the role of oversouls in the grand design of existence. They help illuminate the transformative processes that are reshaping Earth and the Universe, encouraging humanity to align with its true essence and co-create a reality rooted in trust, harmony, and love.

Their presence and teachings are reminders that the journey of evolution is not about striving for something outside of ourselves, but about uncovering the infinite potential within. The Essassani are passionate about connecting with Earth to inspire, support and walk alongside humanity as we step into our own light and embrace our cosmic connection.

More on the origins of the Essassani people :
What's in the Name: The Difference Between Essassani, Sassani, Shakana, and Eshakana

The Origins of the Essassani


The Essassani are a hybrid humanoid civilization born from a sophisticated hybridization program. 
This initiative, orchestrated by advanced extraterrestrial beings, blended human DNA with the genetic material of the Grey Beings.
The program was designed to heal the Greys' genetic degradation while introducing humanity to new vibrational frequencies, paving the way for both species to transcend their limitations and evolve into multidimensional consciousness.

As a "third-generation hybrid race," the Essassani embody the perfect balance of human emotional depth and the Grey Beings' intellectual focus.
Their creation was guided by other advanced civilizations, including the Pleiadians and Sirians, ensuring that the Essassani would harmonize physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of existence.
This collaborative effort also gave rise to five distinct hybrid civilizations, each representing unique evolutionary qualities.
Among them, the Essassani serve as mentors, guiding humanity toward its next stage of evolution.

Another notable hybrid race is the Yahyel, or Shalinaya, who are expected to play a pivotal role in humanity's path to open contact.
As the fifth hybrid race, the Yahyel resonate more closely with Earth's frequency, bridging the gap between humanity and the greater galactic community.
The similarities and differences between the two hybrid civilizations will be explored later in this article.

The Essassani's rapid evolution as a civilization has been fueled by their collective embrace of synchronicity, allowing for an accelerated journey toward alignment and unity.
Their vibrational state reflects joy, authenticity, and oneness, qualities that permeate every aspect of their existence.
Unlike humanity's gradual evolutionary process, the Essassani have seamlessly integrated their physical and spiritual dimensions, creating a society rooted in balance, harmony, and connection.
As beings who exist in a higher fourth-density to lower fifth-density reality, the Essassani bridge the physical and non-physical realms.
Their ability to navigate these dimensions with ease symbolizes the transformative potential of unity and cooperation.
For humanity, their existence offers a powerful vision of what is possible when fear and separation give way to trust, collaboration, and love.

Life on the Essassani World

The world of Essassani, E'sassani, is a harmonious place of natural beauty located approximately 500 light-years from Earth, in the direction of the constellation Orion.
Orbiting a sun called Sha-meaning "higher light"-this planet exists in a balanced, high-frequency reality, embodying the alignment of nature and technology.
Slightly smaller than Earth, E'sassani boasts lush forests, vast jungles, and pristine waters, and its natural beauty remains largely untouched by large-scale infrastructure.

Instead of settling in permanent cities, the Essassani live aboard massive motherships that orbit their planet.
These self-sustaining vessels are marvels of advanced technology, blending functionality with natural aesthetics.
Millions of Essassani thrive aboard these floating cities, embodying the fluidity and synchronicity that define their way of life.

Essassani's environmental balance is maintained by three artificial moons - Epsilon, Eclipse, and Epiphany - created by the Grey Beings during the planet's terraforming process.
These satellites act as stabilizing engines, ensuring that the planet remains a thriving, vibrant ecosystem.
For the Essassani, time is not a linear construct, but a fluid flow of synchronicity that guides every action and decision.
Their connection to their planet, their sun, and the wider cosmos is deeply spiritual, fostering a civilization where individuality and collective harmony merge seamlessly.
Work, play, and spiritual growth are one and the same, driven by each member of their society following his or her highest calling.=

Discover more about their homeworld: The Essassani Home World - A Place of Living Light.

Essassani Shaddok - Portal of Resonance

The Shaddok: Portal of Resonance, Alignment and Relocation

Amidst the lush landscape of E'sassani lies the Shaddok - a stunning spiral formation of standing stones spanning several acres.
These ancient structures, similar to Earth's Stonehenge, are precise in their geometric and energetic alignments.
Between the monoliths, thin stone disks emit harmonious tones when struck, enveloping visitors in resonant frequencies that connect mind, body and spirit.

Far more than an artistic or historical monument, the Shaddok functions as a portal for interdimensional communication and translocation.
Once a key technology for traversing dimensions and timelines, the Shaddok now serves an educational role, reflecting the Essassani's profound mastery of vibrational energies and their relationship to the fabric of reality.
This sacred space reminds humanity of the power of resonance, harmony and alignment, inspiring us to seek balance not only within ourselves, but with the world around us.

Learn more about the Shaddok and their ancient traditions: 
The Essassani Home World - A Place of Living Light.
- Bashar : The Stone Speakers (2014)

What Do the Essassani Look Like?

The Essassani are humanoid in appearance, but their features reflect their unique heritage as a hybrid species.
Their physical form represents a harmonious integration of human DNA with that of the Grey Beings, creating a striking and distinctive appearance that mirrors their evolved consciousness.
Their skin, soft and pale gray with a subtle pearly sheen, appears almost translucent under certain lighting conditions.
This luminous quality is not merely aesthetic - it symbolizes their transition from a denser physical existence to a more energy-based reality.
Their features are delicate and symmetrical, with slightly larger, almond-shaped eyes that radiate warmth, kindness, and wisdom.
There is a depth to these eyes that reveals their alignment with higher dimensions and their deep emotional clarity.

Slightly shorter than the average human, the Essassani have slender, graceful bodies.
Their physique reflects balance and lightness rather than physical strength, in keeping with their lifestyle of energy and synchronicity rather than physical labor.
Their movements are fluid and light, exuding an effortless sense of harmony with their surroundings.

Hair is minimal among the Essassani, and when present, it is fine and sparse, often white or pale silver.
This subtle feature adds to their ethereal appearance, as their focus is on vibrational alignment rather than physical aesthetics.
Their clothing also reflects this philosophy. Often luminous and seemingly woven of light, their garments serve both practical and symbolic purposes.
Made of advanced materials that resonate with their frequency, their clothing is simple yet profoundly elegant, embodying their values of unity, minimalism, and vibrational harmony.

The Essassani and Yahyel: Two Faces of Hybrid Transformation

Essassani Female

As two of the five hybrid civilizations, the Essassani and the Yahyel share a common purpose: to help humanity evolve. 
However, their appearances reflect the different roles they play in this journey.

The Essassani, who reside in higher density realities, appear more ethereal and translucent, emphasizing their spiritual evolution and mastery of vibrational energy.
Their pale gray, pearly skin shimmers with a quality that reflects their alignment with higher dimensions, while their large, almond-shaped eyes radiate a wisdom born of deep emotional clarity.
Their slender forms and luminous clothing further emphasize their focus on balance, synchronicity, and the integration of physical and non-physical energies.

In contrast, the Yahyel embody a closer resemblance to humans, reflecting their role as facilitators of humanity's first open contact.
Their golden or light beige skin, smaller but still expressive eyes, and slightly more robust build create a sense of familiarity and approachability.
The Yahyel's appearance bridges the vibrational and visual gap between humans and off-worlders, symbolizing connection, unity, and mutual understanding.

Both civilizations serve as an example of what humanity can achieve when we align with our true nature.
The Essassani inspire us to allow higher vibrational states, while the Yahyel prepare us for the tangible reality of reconnection with our Galactic Family.

A note on their eyes

One of the most iconic features of the Essassani is their eyes - large, almond-shaped, and deeply expressive.
Unlike the completely black eyes often associated with the Grey Beings, the eyes of the Essassani are more human-like, with discernible irises and scleras.
However, their pupils are much larger than human pupils and can dilate significantly, giving the appearance of completely black eyes during certain states, such as deep meditative practices or interdimensional activities.

In some cases, their eyes can appear completely black.
This is not due to a lack of iris, but rather an adaptive trait inherited from their Grey ancestry. 
The Grey's black eyes are covered by a bio-engineered membrane that acts like advanced biological sunglasses, protecting their vision from intense light and allowing them to operate in different environments.
The Essassani have taken this feature one step further, allowing their eyes to dynamically adapt to their surroundings.
When operating in environments with brighter or denser energies, this membrane becomes more prominent, resulting in the all-black appearance often depicted.

Thus, the "black eyes" sometimes seen in artistic depictions may reflect either this dilated pupil state or the protective membrane in environments with brighter energies. 
However, in their natural state or in close interaction with humans, Essassani eyes often have a soft, pearly quality. 
Their gaze radiates warmth, wisdom, kindness and connection, making their eyes an important bridge between their essence and humanity's experience of their higher vibrational reality.
This understanding invites us to move beyond preconceived fears and appreciate their physical forms as expressions of functionality, adaptability and vibrational resonance.
The eyes of the Essassani are really not that "alien" to us and certainly not in a negative way.
Just like us, they sometimes wear sunglasses, only a little more advanced.

Advanced Clothing and Space Suits

The clothing of the Essassani is much more than just clothing - it is a representation of their advanced technology and deep understanding of vibrational harmony.
Their garments are extensions of their consciousness, created through nanotechnology and imbued with artificial intelligence.
Adaptive and multifunctional, these garments can seamlessly transform into casual wear, environmental gear, or even space suits, depending on the wearer's needs.

These garments are not only practical, but also deeply aligned with Essassani's values of balance and sustainability.
They are self-repairing, self-cleaning and environmentally harmonious, designed to support both physical comfort and vibrational well-being.
The luminous quality of their clothing resonates with their energy fields, reinforcing their philosophy that every aspect of life should contribute to synchronicity and alignment.

Bashar has shared glimpses of a future where humanity embraces similar advancements.
Clothing that adapts to our needs, reflects our individuality, and harmonizes with our environment is not just a distant possibility - it is already emerging in industries that value sustainability and innovation like the automotive industry
Such garments, Bashar says, will be a reflection of our evolving consciousness and our willingness to embrace a more harmonious way of living.

The Personality of the Essassani People

The Essassani are often described as radiant beings who embody joy, authenticity, and deep emotional clarity.
Their personalities reflect the harmonious balance that defines their higher-density civilization, serving as a glimpse of humanity's potential as we evolve into higher vibrational states.
Living in complete alignment with their natural frequency, the Essassani exude an effortless positivity and ease, becoming a living example of what is possible when one aligns with one's true self and the universal flow.

Joyful Excitement

For the Essassani, joy is more than a fleeting emotion - it is their natural state of being.
This joy comes from their alignment with Source Energy and their unwavering trust in the flow of the Universe.
For them, every moment is a gift, filled with opportunities for growth, exploration and expansion.
Their excitement and curiosity infuse their interactions with an uplifting energy, often inspiring those around them to reconnect with their own sense of wonder and passion.
This contagious enthusiasm makes their presence transformative, as they remind us of the power of living in alignment with our highest excitement.

Authenticity and Emotional Clarity

Authenticity is a cornerstone of the Essassani personality.
Free of the fears and doubts that often hinder lower-density beings, they embrace their individuality while remaining deeply connected to their collective consciousness.
This harmonious coexistence of unity and individuality demonstrates the beauty of living authentically.
Their communication is always heartfelt, direct and clear, reflecting their ability to express themselves without distortion.
Emotional clarity is another characteristic of the Essassani.
They see emotions not as obstacles, but as vital tools for self-awareness and transformation.
By processing emotions naturally, without resistance or repression, they maintain a state of inner balance and openness.
Even challenging emotions are welcomed as valuable opportunities for growth and evolution.

The Power of Synchronicity

Perhaps one of their most profound qualities is their seamless alignment with synchronicity.
The Essassani navigate life in perfect harmony with universal energy, trusting that each moment unfolds exactly as it should.
This trust allows them to approach life with a lightheartedness that is both playful and transformative.
Their natural humor and sense of fun reflect their understanding that growth is most effective when approached with ease and joy.
They encourage humanity to "lighten up" and embrace the transformative power of playfulness, showing us that enlightenment can be found in simplicity and joy.

Compassion and Patience

In their interactions with humanity, the Essassani emanate compassion and patience.
They recognize the complexity of the human journey and the challenges we face in our transition to higher consciousness.
Their guidance comes from a place of respect for our free will and a deep understanding of our collective awakening process.
Their personalities serve as an inspiring reminder of what is possible when fear and limitation are replaced with trust, love, and alignment with one's true self.
In the presence of the Essassani, we are invited to rediscover our own joy, authenticity, and emotional clarity, and to live in harmony with the universal flow of life.

Their personalities are a living embodiment of the principles described in The Masters of Limitation: An ET's Observations of Earth by Bashar (channeled through Darryl Anka).
This insightful book provides a profound perspective on the Essassani's understanding of human potential, the nature of physical reality, and the transformative power of embracing our limitations as tools for expansion.

Communication and Ancient Essassani Language

Ancient Essassani Language

The Essassani have mastered the art of communication that go beyond the spoken word. 
Their primary method, Telempathy, seamlessly blends telepathy and empathy, allowing them to directly share thoughts, emotions, and intentions.
This creates an instantaneous, deeply resonant exchange that fosters unparalleled clarity and trust.
For the Essassani, communication transcends words; it becomes an energetic alignment that reflects their oneness and higher dimensional frequencies.

In addition to telepathy, the Essassani honor their ancient language, a vibrational form of speech rich in meaning and resonance.
This language acts as an energetic bridge, bypassing the intellect to connect directly with the heart and soul.
Each word carries a frequency designed to align the speaker and listener with universal energies.

For example:

    E’sassani: Translating to "Place of the Light People," this word reflects the vibrational essence of the civilization.
        E - means "place."
        Sassa - means "living light."
        Ni - loosely translates to "people."

    E’nani-ka: The Essassani word for Earth, meaning "Place of the ancestors."

The term evolved from its original form, “E’nadea a nani-ka,” which translates to "Place of the mother spirits."
Over time, the name was simplified to "E’nani-ka," understood by all Essassani to reference Earth.This term highlights the Essassani’s recognition of Earth as a pivotal ancestral home, honoring its role in their hybrid lineage and humanity’s evolutionary journey.

    Ma’sa’kesh: The Essassani name for our Sun (Sol), and means "Light in the darkness."

This word is symbolic of the journey of transformation of humanity, as perceived by the Essassani - a process of shifting from darkness to light.
And it is not just a name the Essassani have given it - the name "Ma'sa'kesh" shares a linguistic connection with Earth's mythologies.

To explore their language and its influence on Earth's languages and mythologies, visit:
- The Ancient Sassani Language
- The Galactic Origins of Earth's Languages (new Article)

Children in the world of Essassani

Physically, Essassani children resemble smaller, more delicate versions of adults, with similar translucent, glowing skin and expressive eyes. 
Their presence is often described as radiant and uplifting, embodying the pure joy of their existence.
Essassani children embody the vibrational clarity and joy that defines their civilization. 
From their unique process of procreation to their early development and education, every aspect of their lives reflects the profound harmony and alignment of their world.


Procreation and the Birth Process

In the Essassani's current evolutionary state - described as quasi-physical - procreation no longer involves traditional sexual reproduction. Instead, the process is highly intentional and vibratory. The parents enter a meditative, trance-like state and expand their energy fields to create two overlapping energy bubbles. 
This overlap forms a vesica piscis, a sacred geometric field in which the consciousness of the incoming child actively participates. 
Within this energetic space, the child's etheric consciousness crystallizes into a quasi-physical body.
The result is a fully formed child, appearing approximately three to four Earth years old, ready to begin its unique journey of exploration and integration into Essassani society.

Birthing Villages and Cycles

After a child is "born," they are raised in Birth Villages, temporary environments specifically designed for nurturing and early education. 
These villages are vibrant, supportive spaces populated by children, their parents, extended family members, and occasionally, extraterrestrial beings who contribute to the child's education. 
Surrounded by natural beauty and infused with harmonious energy fields, the villages ensure that children thrive in alignment with their highest potential.
The educational cycle within the Birth Village lasts three Essassani years (approximately four Earth years). 
During this time, the children are guided in understanding their vibrational nature, processing emotions, and aligning with synchronicity. 
The entire community participates in their growth, creating an immersive and supportive environment. 
When the cycle is complete, the children are ready to be fully integrated into society, and the birthing villages are dismantled until the next cycle.
The Essassani follow birth cycles that occur every eight Essassani years (approximately ten Earth years). This cyclical rhythm ensures that new generations are introduced into society in a balanced, harmonious manner.

The Early Development of Essassani Children

A unique aspect of Essassani children is their ability to learn and integrate knowledge quickly. 
Their vibrational alignment allows them to absorb information holistically, bypassing the linear, step-by-step learning process common to humans. 
This means that Essassani children quickly grasp complex concepts related to their world, their role in the universe, and their connection to other beings.
By the end of their first cycle of education, they exhibit emotional clarity, intellectual maturity, and a profound understanding of their role within the collective. 
Their accelerated growth reflects the vibrational resonance of their quasi-physical bodies, which effortlessly integrate knowledge and experience.
In terms of creativity and play, Essassani children are encouraged to follow their excitement without judgment or restriction. 
Their society recognizes that play is a powerful form of exploration and expression, allowing children to discover their unique passions and contributions to the whole.


Training Contact Specialists

Some Essassani children, such as Bashar, show a natural inclination toward interdimensional communication. 
These children are groomed as contact specialists, receiving specialized training to bridge the vibrational gap between their civilization and others. 
This training includes developing telempathic abilities, mastering emotional clarity, and understanding interdimensional principles to prepare them for their vital role as mediators.

The training of Essassani Contact Specialists is a meticulous and deliberate process, reflecting the profound responsibility of establishing intercivilizational communication. 
Contacting societies that may not have had off-world interactions for millennia - such as Earth - is no small task. 
Specialists are trained to minimize disruption, respect free will, and honor the unique vibrational dynamics of each civilization with which they engage.
Central to this training is the Essassani practice of unconditional love, which serves as the foundation for all interactions. 
For the Essassani, unconditional love truly means love without conditions. While they may have preferences for how things should proceed-always for the benefit of all involved-they never impose or manipulate outcomes. Instead, they respect the free will of each being or society, adapting to the choices made rather than forcing their preferred direction. 
Specialists are trained to embody this principle, ensuring that their presence is always supportive, neutral, and non-judgmental.

This philosophy is reflected in their understanding of multifaceted truth. The Essassani recognize that each perspective has validity within its context, and only through the integration of all perspectives can the greater truth be fully understood. Contact specialists must internalize this understanding by cultivating deep empathy and the ability to see from multiple perspectives simultaneously.
To master this skill, the Essassani use advanced holographic training systems. These systems simulate intricate, multi-dimensional scenarios in which each fragment of the narrative represents a unique perspective. Trainees must collaborate with others, piecing together the larger truth by integrating the perspectives of all participants. 
This method mirrors ancient Earth practices such as tribal storytelling, where children shared fragments of a story inscribed on pottery. 
The Essassani's holographic beams, however, immerse trainees in dynamic, vibrationally attuned experiences, honing their ability to sense the emotional and energetic nuances behind each perspective.

This approach ensures that Contact Specialists develop the emotional clarity, patience, and adaptability necessary to work with civilizations whose choices may differ from their own preferences. Specialists are trained to guide, not direct - to offer insights and perspectives while allowing civilizations to chart their own course. 
They understand that true transformation comes not from external influence, but from internal choice.
By adopting neutrality and non-attachment to outcomes, Contact Specialists ensure that their interactions are grounded in respect, empathy, and the Essassani's unwavering commitment to unconditional love. This delicate balance of guidance and acceptance allows them to bridge worlds without disrupting the natural evolution of the civilizations they encounter.

A Society of Support

From the moment of birth, Essassani children are nurtured through a combination of telempathic connection and community support. 
Parenting in the Essassani culture is not limited to biological parents. 
While biological parents play a primary role, the entire collective plays a role in raising each child, ensuring that they feel deeply supported, valued, and free to explore their excitement.
Play and creativity are integral aspects of their early years, allowing children to freely explore their excitement and discover their unique contributions to the collective.
The Essassani children serve as a living reminder of what is possible when a civilization nurtures alignment, authenticity, and joy from the very beginning. 
They inspire humanity to imagine a world where children grow up free from fear and limitation, empowered to live in alignment with their true selves.

The Essassani Connection to Humanity

The Essassani have a deep and abiding connection to humanity, serving as a bridge between dimensions and civilizations. As a hybrid race, born from the blending of human and extraterrestrial genetics, they see themselves not only as friends or partners to connect with, but literally as an extended family. Their role is to assist humanity in awakening to its true potential, offering guidance as we navigate the transformational journey from limitation to alignment with higher consciousness.

Human Contactees


The Essassani have formed connections with specific individuals on Earth who serve as liaisons, sharing their teachings and embodying their principles. These contactees often report experiencing synchronicities, heightened intuition, and transformative shifts in perspective. Through these connections, the Essassani help humanity to realign with its true nature and remember its place in the greater galactic family.

Bashar and Other Contact Specialists

Through their Contact Specialists, such as Bashar, the Essassani have maintained a long-standing connection with Earth. Bashar's teachings emphasize self-empowerment, joy, and alignment with one's highest excitement, providing humanity with tools to navigate the challenges of third-density living. Other Essassani channels, including Elan, Ryok, and Ayako Sekino's connection, also contribute to this ongoing interaction, offering unique perspectives tailored to humanity's diverse needs.

Why Humanity?

The Essassani's connection to humanity is not random.
As a hybrid civilization, they understand that their very existence depends on the success of Earth's role in the hybridization process. 
Beyond genetics, their connection runs deep on a vibrational level.
The Essassani view humanity as a catalyst for galactic evolution, recognizing that Earth's unique challenges and growth contribute to the collective learning of many civilizations.

Essassani Incarnations on Earth

The Essassani's connection to humanity extends far beyond their role as a hybrid civilization in the present era. They have made contact with Earth across multiple timelines through incarnations and energetic imprints. Bashar himself has stated that he experienced a lifetime during the Atlantean period where he witnessed and participated in humanity's exploration of higher consciousness and advanced technologies. This incarnation provided him with a profound understanding of humanity's potential and challenges, insights that inform his teachings today.
In addition to Atlantis, the energy of the Essassani is believed to have touched ancient civilizations such as India, where their influence contributed to mythological stories such as that of Shiva. Their presence during these times may have been through incarnations or telempathic guidance, allowing them to embed wisdom into human cultures as seeds for future awakening.

Purpose of Incarnations


The Essassani understand that direct experience is essential to truly connect with and support a civilization. By incarnating among humans, they can intimately learn about our perspectives, challenges, and joys. This process deepens their ability to communicate and resonate with humanity on a profound level. While the Essassani themselves are the result of a hybridization program that began only decades ago, their energetic template and higher-dimensional consciousness allow them to engage with human timelines beyond linear constraints. This may explain their ability to influence or incarnate even before their hybridization was fully realized.

Telempathic Communication

While direct physical contact with humanity remains rare, the Essassani often engage with individuals through telempathic communication-a blend of telepathy and empathy. This method ensures that their messages resonate with the heart as well as the mind, fostering a deeper understanding of their teachings. These connections often occur during altered states of consciousness, such as meditation or dreams, creating a bridge between our worlds.

The shared genetic and energetic template between the Essassani and humanity plays a key role in facilitating telempathic contact. This shared foundation creates a natural vibrational resonance that makes it easier for the Essassani to connect with human consciousness. Telempathic communication aligns with the heart and intuitive mind, bypassing the intellectual barriers that often hinder traditional communication. This resonance also explains why many people report feeling a deep sense of kinship and love during contact experiences.

Essassani Ships and their presence around Earth


The Essassani maintain a subtle yet purposeful presence around Earth, using their ships as vibrational beacons, tools of observation, and extensions of their consciousness. 
These advanced vessels, ranging from compact triangular scout ships to monumental motherships, reflect their mastery of interdimensional technology and alignment with universal energy.
Their triangular scout craft, often described as glowing with sacred geometric precision, are optimized for exploration and localized interactions, while their motherships serve as dynamic centers of interconnectivity and interstellar diplomacy.
These ships are not manufactured, but grown through a process of conscious co-creation, blending crystalline-metallic materials with vibrational intent to create sentient vessels that respond telepathically to their pilots.

Essassani ships are strategically stationed near Earth's energetic hotspots, such as the Bermuda Triangle, the Himalayas, Hawaii, and sacred sites such as Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Egypt.
Their positioning supports planetary energy grids and aligns with humanity's vibrational evolution.
Although mostly invisible, these ships can lower their vibrational frequency to become visible, appearing as glowing orbs, triangular craft, or fleeting phenomena.
Their presence serves as an invitation for humanity to align with higher frequencies, embody trust, and step into a greater connection with the Cosmos.

For a more in-depth exploration of their ships, their presence around Earth, and how they interact with humanity, visit: Essassani Ships and Their Locations

Core Values and Teachings of the Essassani

The wisdom of the Essassani is rooted in their core values and teachings, and offers humanity a roadmap to navigate the challenges of transitioning from third to fourth density living. Through their Contact Specialists, they share practical tools and transformative insights to help individuals align with their true selves, integrate higher vibrational states, and embrace their role within the greater galactic family. These teachings are a blend of profound spiritual philosophy and actionable practices, all aimed at empowering humanity to unlock its potential.

The Five Universal Laws


At the heart of Essassani teachings are the Five Universal Laws - the Structure of Existence, which offer a framework for understanding creation:

  1. You exist.
    Existence is fundamental and eternal.
    You have always existed and always will, in one form or another.

  2. Everything is here and now.
    Time and space are illusions of perception; all experiences and realities coexist in the present moment.

  3. The One is the All, and the All is the One.
    Every individual is a unique expression of the infinite whole. We are all interconnected facets of the same existence.

  4. What you put out is what you get back.
    What you perceive in the external world reflects your internal beliefs, emotions, and state of being.
    Reality is a mirror that shows you what you are holding within, providing an opportunity for self-awareness and growth.

  5. Change is the only constant, except for the first four laws.
    The universe is in a perpetual state of transformation, allowing infinite opportunities for growth and exploration.

The Formula: Following Your Excitement

The Essassani’s Formula is a powerful tool for navigating life and creating aligned outcomes. The updated four-step process is:

  1. Follow your highest excitement or joy, to the best of your ability, in every moment.
  2. Take it as far as you can, until you can take it no further.
  3. With zero insistence on the outcome
  4. Always remain in a positive state, no matter what the outcome is, knowing the outcome is always there for a reason and for your benefit.
    Therefor avoid disqualifying your creation, recognizing that all experiences, whether preferred or not, are stepping stones toward your highest potential.

Excitement, as so often referred in Essassani teachings, is not just an emotion but a reflection of one’s natural frequency.
It acts as a compass, guiding individuals toward alignment with their Higher Mind and unlocking the toolkit of creation.

The Power of Neutrality

The Essassani emphasize the importance of understanding polarity as a trinity, where the third point - the neutral zone - holds the power of true freedom.
This point of power, free of judgment and bias, allows one to see both poles with unconditional love.
From this perspective, opposing realities can coexist, creating space for paradox and the infinite potential of choice.
This neutral state is also the key to unconditional love and trust, as it allows one to move through life without resistance, embracing the wholeness of all experiences and perspectives.

Synchronicity and Reflection

Synchronicity is a cornerstone of the Essassani teachings, revealing the interconnectedness of all things. By understanding that reality reflects our beliefs, emotions, and focus, individuals can consciously shift their internal state to align with their desired experiences. This is not about forcing outcomes, but about harmonizing with the natural flow of creation.

Expanding Consciousness

The Essassani provide tools to help humanity expand its understanding of existence and its place in the cosmos:

  • Dimensions and densities
    Recognizing the layered nature of reality and humanity’s journey through these levels of consciousness.

  • Timelines and manifestation
    Understanding that all potential realities exist simultaneously, allowing individuals to align with their preferred outcomes through focus and belief.

  • The galactic family and hybridization
    Reconnecting with the broader network of civilizations, fostering unity on a cosmic scale.

Practical Application

The Essassani's teachings are not abstract philosophies, but practical tools for daily life, meant to be experienced as a kind of "handbook on the structure of existence.
From techniques such as permission slips - external symbols or rituals that help align one's energy - to meditative practices that promote clarity and balance, their insights are designed to empower individuals in the here and now.

By incorporating these values into our lives and applying these principles, humanity is invited to step into its role as a conscious participant in the greater cosmic dance, aligning with the joy, harmony, and infinite potential that define existence itself.

The Essassani’s Journey

The evolution of the Essassani civilization has not been without its challenges.
Their current state of balance, synchronicity, and unconditional love is the result of a profound transformation - a collective process that mirrors the one humanity is experiencing today.


Their Search for Authenticity: Who Are We?

One of the most profound aspects of the Essassani journey was the challenge of finding their authentic selves.
As a hybrid species, born from the genetic blending of two very different civilizations - the emotionally rich humans and the intellectually driven Grey Beings - the Essassani faced a fundamental question: Who are we?

Without a clear role model or predecessor, their identity could not be dictated by their "parents" because both parental civilizations functioned in completely different ways.
They had to forge their own unique path, stepping out of the shadows of their creators to discover their authenticity.
This process was similar to humanity's rite of passage into adulthood, where we leave the comfort of home to explore our individuality and independence.

The Essassani experience aligns deeply with the archetype reflected in Lyssa Royal Holt's Galactic Heritage Card 104: Leaving Home.
Just as adolescents must separate from their parents in order to find their own identities, the Essassani had to leave behind the framework of their genetic origins.
They embarked on a quest of self-discovery, not bound by the limitations of their "parent civilizations," but embracing the uncertainty of forging a new and unique way of being.
This journey was not without its struggles. As hybrids, they were unlike anything else in the galaxy - a civilization without precedent.
This uniqueness was both a gift and a challenge, bringing with it moments of loneliness, disconnection, and the profound intensity of self-reflection.
In their search for authenticity, the Essassani explored the depths of their consciousness and reconnected with their inner truth.
They learned to trust the wisdom of their own essence, cultivating autonomy and self-sovereignty in the absence of an external authority or guide.

Parallels to Humanity’s Journey

The Essassani's journey holds powerful lessons for humanity, which is undergoing a similar transformation:

  • Leaving Our Comfort Zones
    Like the Essassani, humanity must "leave home" - move beyond old paradigms and beliefs that no longer serve our growth.
    This includes releasing dependence on external authority and finding our unique authenticity.

  • Trusting the Unknown
    The Essassani's journey reminds us that stepping into the unknown is a necessary part of evolution.
    Only by letting go of the familiar can we discover who we truly are.

  • Honoring Our Uniqueness
    Just as the Essassani embraced their hybrid identity, humanity must recognize and celebrate its own uniqueness, both as individuals and as a collective species.
    We are not meant to replicate the patterns of other civilizations, but to forge our own path.

The Intensity of Transformation

The Essassani's journey of self-discovery was profoundly intense.
It required them to look inward, face their shadows, and reconcile the emotional depths of humanity with the intellectual detachment of the Grays.
This duality reflected their hybrid nature and became the foundation of their strength.
Their quest was similar to the human vision quest - leaving the structures of civilization to find one's authentic self through connection with nature and solitude.
The Essassani found their authenticity not in external validation, but in the resonance of their being.
By aligning with their true frequency, they transformed into a civilization that thrives on joy, synchronicity, and love.

From Fear to Trust

The Essassani were born from a hybridization program involving human and Grey DNA.
This genetic foundation reflected not only the strengths of both species, but also their shadows - fear, isolation, and mistrust. As a civilization, the Essassani had to confront and transcend these inherited patterns.
Their journey was one of integrating fear and limitation and transforming it into trust, authenticity, and alignment with Source Energy.
Much like humanity today, the Essassani faced a pivotal choice: to remain in the cycles of fear and separation or to embrace a higher vibrational reality.
Their choice to align with joy and synchronicity led to the harmonious society we see today, where each individual follows their excitement in perfect resonance with the collective.

Lessons from their Collective Evolution

The Essassani's journey of transformation holds valuable lessons for humanity:

  • Integration of Polarities
    The Essassani mastered the art of balancing dualities - intellect and emotion, individuality and unity.
    Their ability to harmonize these polarities was key to their evolution.

  • The Role of Synchronicity
    By learning to trust the natural flow of the universe, the Essassani aligned themselves with synchronicity as a guiding principle.
    They teach us that life is most abundant and harmonious when we flow with excitement and curiosity.

  • Collective Reflection
    The Essassani recognize collective consciousness as an integral part of individual growth.
    Their experiences remind us that our personal evolution is deeply connected to the transformation of the whole.

Awakening to the Dream

The collective awakening of the Essassani to their true nature culminated in an extraordinary event.
Every individual on their planet simultaneously entered a deep meditative or sleep-like state.
This was not forced or externally imposed - it was a natural, collective response to their vibrational shift.
The experience transcended normal physical consciousness and allowed them to align with the essence of their Over-Soul.
In this suspended state, they connected with their Source Energy and redefined their identity as a civilization.
This event marked a pivotal moment in their evolutionary journey, often referred to as their collective initiation into the Shakana state of consciousness.

The collective awakening of the Essassani marked a moment of unprecedented transformation.
As they emerged from their three-day state of suspended stillness, they were forever changed - not only individually, but as a unified civilization.
In their heightened awareness, they came to a profound realization: reality was not something outside of them; it was within them.
Through their connection to the Shakana state of consciousness, they understood that Spirit is the only true, eternal reality.
What they had once perceived as the external world was revealed to be a dream created by their collective consciousness-a projection of the infinite essence within.
They saw that they were the dreamers and that reality was their dream.

This awakening shifted the Essassani into higher states of fourth-density existence, where the boundaries between spirit and matter dissolved into clarity.
They realized that the physical world was not separate from them, but an intricate reflection of their own vibration, born of Source energy.
This realization can be likened to 'waking in a lucid dream', where you suddenly become aware that the dream world is shaped by your own mind.

With this understanding, they stepped into their full authenticity, embodying a state of trust, joy, and unconditional love.
Their discovery is reminder that life, at its core, is not something to be controlled or feared, but a co-creative experience shaped by the resonance of the heart.
By aligning ourselves with the essence of Spirit, we too can awaken to the infinite possibilities of the dream within us.

Relevance to Humanity's Current Shift

Like the Essassani, humanity is at a crossroads.
We are in the midst of a shift from third-density reality, characterized by duality and struggle, to fourth-density consciousness, where unity and synchronicity begin to take precedence.
The Essassani's journey offers hope and guidance as we navigate this transformation:

  • Overcoming Fear
    Just as the Essassani overcame the shadows of their hybrid heritage, humanity is being called to transcend fear-based narratives and cultivate trust in ourselves, each other, and the universe.

  • Embracing Interconnectedness
    Humanity’s growing awareness of our collective consciousness mirrors the Essassani’s understanding of unity.
    As we align with this truth, our actions and choices naturally benefit the whole.

All civilizations go through periods of intense collective transformation. 
Looking into these processes of other civilizations, we can see the path to integration and harmony, showing us that transformation is not just about survival - it is about thriving, creating, and expanding into a reality that reflects our highest excitement.
Humanity is not alone in this process; we are part of a galactic family that has walked similar paths and now offers its guidance and support.

A Message for Humanity

The Essassani's journey reminds us that authenticity is not inherited - it is discovered.
As humanity undergoes its own transformation, we are called to leave behind outdated structures, beliefs, and fears and step into the unknown with courage and trust.
By embracing our own unique essence, we too can create a civilization rooted in authenticity, autonomy, and harmony.
Each of us carries the potential to dream a new reality into existence.
The Essassani’s journey shows that by aligning with our true selves, we can not only transform our own lives but also contribute to a harmonious, unified future for humanity.

Preparing for Open Contact

Open contact with extraterrestrial civilizations is not a sudden event, but a gradual process that requires a profound transformation of humanity's collective and individual consciousness. Preparation involves aligning with higher vibrational states, cultivating unity, and fostering trust - both within ourselves and with one another.

The Essassani play a key role in preparing humanity for eventual open contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
They emphasize the importance of raising our collective vibration, healing limiting beliefs, and fostering unity and cooperation.
Open contact is not just about physical meetings, but about creating a shared vibrational space where trust, curiosity and alignment can flourish.
In their connection to humanity, the Essassani remind us of our inherent worth and potential.
They invite us to step into a state of self-empowerment, embracing our role as co-creators of our reality and contributors to the unfolding story of the cosmos.

A Vibrational Journey

The Essassani emphasize that open contact begins with inner alignment.
Humanity must first reconnect with its true essence, moving beyond fear, separation and limitation to embody trust, love and unity.
This process is deeply personal and yet profoundly collective.
The more individuals align with their authentic selves and higher states of being, the more humanity as a whole vibrates at the frequency required for open contact.

The Role of the Essassani

The Essassani play an active yet subtle role in this preparation.
Their presence on Earth - whether through their ships or telepathic connections - serves as a vibrational anchor, helping to align humanity with the higher states necessary for meaningful interaction.
They offer insights, teachings, and encouragement through contact specialists such as Bashar, Anima, Elan, and other members of their society, reminding us that the journey to open contact is primarily a spiritual one, followed by powerful social, economic, and technological transformations.

The Profound Implications of Open Contact

For many, the idea of open contact with the Essassani feels deeply personal, like reconnecting with a long-lost cosmic family.
It's a vision filled with love, familiarity, and hope.
While this feeling is valid, the implications of open contact go far beyond personal connections.

Open contact is not just about meeting extraterrestrial beings; it is about entering a new paradigm of existence.
This shift will affect every aspect of life on Earth, from technology and governance to spirituality and social structures.
For contact to be meaningful, humanity must address its current divisions.

The Galactic Community respects free will and will not force contact on a divided planet.
They have emphasized time and again that humanity must come into alignment with itself and with each other. 
Bashar has reported several times that the consciousness of humanity in the outside world is still fragmented at this time, explaining that if extraterrestrials were to metaphorically knock on the door, there would be no one to open the door because most of us are simply "not at home".
At this time, humanity as a whole is not quite ready for this open contact to take place in a constructive and positive way for all concerned.
In order for this contact to take place sometime in the next 5-10 years, a period of preparation is necessary and is well underway.
Considering what remains to be done in the collective consciousness, this timeframe is very soon.
If humanity is willing to open itself to the possibilities, the integration of Essassani wisdom into human life has the potential to catalyze these profound changes in every aspect of our existence.

Technology and Self-Discovery

While the Essassani possess advanced technology, they are unlikely to simply hand it over to humanity.
Instead, they emphasize the importance of self-discovery and self-empowerment.
Their role will be to inspire and guide us to develop these technologies ourselves.
They may provide conceptual frameworks, insights, and demonstrations to help us better understand the universal principles of energy and matter, but the responsibility to create and integrate these systems will remain ours.
This approach ensures that humanity grows through the process of discovery and develops the wisdom necessary to use these technologies responsibly.


Healing and DNA Recovery

The Essassani's knowledge of vibrational medicine will revolutionize our understanding of health and healing.
They will likely share insights and provide support for humanity to reactivate and restore its DNA to its original blueprint.
This restoration process will not only enhance physical and emotional well-being, but also unlock latent abilities such as heightened intuition, telempathy, and expanded consciousness.
Through the demonstration of healing techniques and the provision of vibrational tools, the Essassani enable humanity to reclaim its inherent potential for self-healing and alignment.

Economic Transformation

The arrival of Open Contact will undoubtedly bring major changes to Earth's current economic systems.
As humanity adopts new energy sources, healing modalities, and technologies, the fundamental structures of scarcity and competition that underpin the global economy will begin to dissolve.
A shift toward cooperation, abundance, and resource sharing will become paramount.
Economies may transform to focus less on material accumulation and more on collective well-being, creativity, and contribution.
This shift will challenge humanity to rethink value and redefine what it means to thrive, individually and collectively.

Releasing Fear and Embracing Possibility

While the extraterrestrial presence offers extraordinary potential, much of humanity remains steeped in fear due to negative portrayals of extraterrestrials in movies, media, and conspiracy theories. This fear creates resistance and prevents many from recognizing the opportunity for profound growth and alignment.
The Essassani are aware of this and approach humanity with patience and understanding.
Their contact strategy emphasizes subtle, step-by-step integration, meeting us at the vibrational level we are willing to explore.

A Catalyst for Evolution

The Essassani will act as catalysts for transformation, not as saviors or enforcers.
Open contact will challenge humanity to expand its perception of reality, let go of limiting beliefs, and embrace the interconnectedness of all life.
These changes will ripple through our societies, influencing technology, health, education, spirituality, and governance.
The question remains: will humanity rise to the challenge, or resist the changes that open contact offers?
The opportunity is here, but the journey is ours.
They invite us to discover our own power and to create a reality based on trust, harmony and endless possibilities.

From Scarcity to Abundance

One of the most transformative realizations that open contact could bring is the realization that scarcity is an illusion.
On Earth, we have built entire systems-economic, social, and technological-based on the perception of limited resources.
Yet the universe is an infinite reservoir of abundance.
Asteroids and celestial bodies contain vast quantities of rare metals, minerals, and other materials that Earth's industries currently exhaust the planet to obtain.
Even elements considered scarce on Earth are abundant in space, along with materials and elements completely unavailable on our planet.

Access to these resources would not only eliminate the need to harm Earth's ecosystems, but also open up possibilities we can scarcely imagine.
Open contact could inspire humanity to develop the technologies and systems necessary to reach these resources, creating a paradigm shift in how we perceive and use wealth.
This would mark the beginning of a transition from an Earth-based economy to a space-based economy, where humanity becomes an active participant in an intergalactic exchange.

An Intergalactic Economy

As humanity comes out of isolation, open contact will inevitably lead to the formation of an intergalactic economy.
Such an economy would be based not only on material trade, but also on the exchange of knowledge, energy systems, healing techniques, and cultural creativity.
Civilizations across the galaxy contribute their unique innovations, fostering collective growth that benefits all participants.

The Essassani, for example, could offer insights into vibrational medicine, advanced energy systems, and their mastery of synchronicity, while humanity's creativity, resilience, strong emotional experience, and diversity could bring unique perspectives to the galactic community.
Participation in this economy would challenge humanity to adopt principles of cooperation, respect, and mutual benefit, transcending the competitive, scarcity-based framework we have relied on for millennia.

The End of Isolation

Coming out of isolation will transform not only humanity's access to resources, but also our understanding of our place in the cosmos.
The Essassani, along with many other civilizations, invite us to recognize that abundance is our natural state.
The limitations we have experienced on Earth have been opportunities for growth, teaching us resilience and innovation.
Now, as we prepare for open contact, we are on the cusp of a reality where these limitations are no longer necessary.

This shift will require a collective expansion of consciousness.
Humanity must be willing to let go of fear, embrace cooperation, and align with the principles of universal abundance.
In doing so, we will not only transform life on Earth, but also take our place among the stars, co-creating a future of infinite potential and interstellar harmony.

The Inner Path to Open Contact


The journey to open contact is not about waiting for an external event to occur, but about actively participating in creating a reality in which open contact is natural, harmonious, and transformative. 
As individuals and as a collective, we are invited to align ourselves with higher principles of unity, love, and exploration.
Open contact will come when humanity demonstrates its readiness-not through technology or external achievements, but through vibrational alignment and trust.
The more we align with cosmic principles and cultivate trust, unity and harmony within ourselves, the closer we come to stepping into our role as co-creators in the vast interconnected cosmos.
This includes connecting deeply with the collective human family with whom we share our world, healing our divisions, and building mutual respect.

As the Essassani emphasize, the path to extraterrestrial contact flows through the inner transformation of individuals and societies.
Only when we embody trust and alignment within can we create a vibrational space that invites and sustains meaningful connections with civilizations beyond our planet.
In this way, open contact becomes a profound spiritual journey that reflects humanity's readiness to take its place in the larger galactic family.

Practical Steps for Individual Preparation

Individuals can take steps to prepare themselves for open contact, aligning with the vibrational shifts needed to participate fully in this unfolding process.
These steps include:

  • Inner Exploration
    Meditate, reflect, and cultivate awareness of limiting beliefs or fears that  might block your receptivity to contact.

  • Trust and Unity
    Work on building trust within yourself and extending it to others.
    The more humanity unites, the more we create an inviting vibrational space for contact.

  • Joy and Synchronicity
    Follow your excitement and joy as guides to your true self.
    These vibrations align you with the higher frequencies needed for open contact.

  • Educating Yourself
    Explore teachings about open contact, dimensions, and densities to expand your understanding of humanity’s place in the greater cosmic network.

Essassani and the Interstellar Alliance

The Interstellar Alliance is a framework for peaceful cooperation and joint exploration among advanced civilizations.
It serves as a bridge that connects diverse galactic entities under common principles of respect, unity, and mutual growth.
The Essassani, as members of this Alliance, embody its values and act as facilitators for humanity's integration into the galactic community.

Collaboration within the Galactic Network

The Interstellar Alliance is not an isolated entity, but part of a larger cosmic network. 
It interacts with other federations and councils, including the Galactic Federation and other galactic alliances.
These relationships allow civilizations to share knowledge, technology, and spiritual understanding, and to align their efforts for the benefit of all.
The name "Association of Worlds" has been used interchangeably with the Interstellar Alliance, indicating that these federations are not a rigid form of government, but are also evolving in their focus on connection and evolution.

The Essassani maintain close ties with the Sirius civilization, known for their expertise in vibrational healing and spiritual mentorship, and the Yahyel, who are humanity's closest hybrid relatives. Together, these civilizations are working to prepare humanity for open contact, balancing vibrational preparation with practical steps such as ship sightings and subtle interactions.

A Unified Vision

The Interstellar Alliance exemplifies the potential for harmonious cooperation among civilizations by adhering to a set of guiding principles.
Sovereignty remains a cornerstone of the Alliance, ensuring that each member civilization retains its autonomy while actively contributing to common goals.
Empathy and support are also core values, reflected in the Alliance's commitment to mentor and guide emerging civilizations, such as humanity, on their evolutionary journey.
At the same time, the principle of non-interference underscores the Alliance's respect for free will, allowing natural evolutionary paths to unfold without undue influence, while ensuring that assistance is provided only when invited or when vibrational readiness is achieved.

The Essassani's involvement underscores their commitment to bridging worlds, providing humanity with tools for spiritual growth, and preparing Earth for her role as a galactic citizen.

More on the Essassani Civilization :

Relevant Books on the Essassani World

The images in this article are artistic interpretations and may not reflect exact representations.
Some images are from the amazing documentary 'First Contact' by Darryl Anka ... a must see !!!  Rent or Buy  'First Contact'  on Vimeo

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