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What does the Essassani World look like ?

There is no translation available.


Their planet is just like ours the third planet in their solar system, but unlike us they have three (artificial) moons around their planet.
Although they do stay on their planet Essassani from time to time, they generally live aboard their ships the size of our big cities (5-20 km in diameter).
They leave their ships and visit their planet mostly for recreational, educational and scientific purposes.
There are buildings on their planet, but they are not used for permanent housing.

The average life span of a Sassani is about 300 years in their reality, which is equivalent to 30 Earth years.
Their civilization does not speak verbally anymore, they communicate telepathically but they still know their original Sassani language and from time to time parts of this beautiful language come through during events of Darryl Anka.
Not only do they communicate fully energetically, they also feed themselves fully energetically ... they don't eat, drink or defecate.

A day at Essassani takes 25 hours in our time (it rotates less fast than Earth) and a year lasts 454 days (one orbit around a sun).
Their planet is about 120 million miles from their star, we are 93 million from our Sun.
So their planet makes a wider orbit around their sun (i.e. further away from their sun), but because their sun is hotter than ours, the temperature on their planet is still a pleasant one, averaging 22 degrees Celsius.
Their sun is named Sha, as ours is called Solar.


Their green planet has a very small axis tilt of three to four degrees that makes their climate almost stable, without any real seasons as we know them and the temperature is only slightly different from the average 22 degrees Celsius over the whole year.
The oxygen in their air is a little richer than ours, we’d be a little light headed until we adjusted, but could live there just fine with very little adjustment.
Now they don't breathe themselves anymore, but we could live well there with very little adaptation to their air and gravity which is about 85% of ours.
In the amazing documentary 'First Contact' by Darryl Anka more is revealed regarding the nature in their planet and how their planet is created by the Grey Federation and how it is seeded with plants and animals from all over the Universe.

They don't have a natural moon, but the Grey's created 3 artificial moons of about 75 miles in diameter, which through their frequencies regulate and stabilize their entire collective consciousness and planetairy atmosphere.
Their Moons are called Epsilon, Eclipse and Epiphany and in the similar named events on 20 June 2014 Bashar indicated that these moons now also help our world (Earth) to stabilize the frequency shifts on our planet, so our transformation is more or less harmonic and does not take place with excessive shocks.
Bashar shared more information on the Essassani moons during the events (2017) Epsilon, (2017) Eclipse and (2017) Epiphany.

Anima, a female member of the Essassani mentioned that their planet exists about 500 light years in the direction of the Orion constellation but it is no longer in our frequency band and therefor not detectable by us.

The Sassani's planet, Essassani, is in a star system with six other planets orbiting their star (sun), Sha.
Due to their elevated dimension we cannot see their planet, but if we could it would be approx 500 light years in the direction of the Orion constellation.
Bashar takes you on a guided tour through their Essassani solar system in the Holotope included in the event 'The I of the Storm'.


There are no major structures on their planet, it is mainly park-like and very green.
A population of approximately 230 million exist mainly in numerous ships of city size and the planet surface is used for recreational purposes.

Although they do live in a physical world of space and time, it is very different from ours, since their frequency matches a higher range of 4th density, where space and time are very malleable and multiple timelines become visible.
They do not follow the flow of keeping track of time at all, for them all is synchronicity in the real meaning of the word ... synchronous meaning 'at the same time'.
Everything exists at the same time, they can see all the (relevant) timelines and chose the one of their highest excitement (frequency).

They evolve 10 times faster than we do on Earth, due to the dimension and frequency of their embodiment making the average life span of an Essassani 30 of our years that is 300 of theirs.
The frequency of their reality is on average just below 300,000 cycles per second (hertz), known by them as the Epsilon state which reaches 333.000hz, demarking the border between Physical and Non-Physical reality.
As a contrast Earth’s reality resolution is approx 144,000 hz. (resource : The Precursors 2016) causing them to be not visible for us at this moment, though we can contact them through consciousness connections.

Beyond their genetic humanoid connection, they are also very connected to the Sirius vibrations, forming a unique planetary OverSoul relationship with them and with us, Earth humans.
Forming a (Earth, Essassani, Sirius) triad, which acts as a singular consciousness at a 'higher' level, and as a triad again connecting to another triad with Arcturus (37 light years) and Polaris (430 light years away, Pleiadian connection).  

The pictures in this article are from the amazing documentary 'First Contact' by Darryl Anka ... a must see !!!

Rent or Buy  'First Contact'  on Vimeo

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