Logo ET-Healing Centre Beyond Medicine

Logo ET-Healing Centre Beyond Medicine

Fair Prices

Fair Prices

Everything is Energy

The more we understand the universe, the clearer it becomes that everything is connected through energy.
Energy flows, merges, and moves on—never stopping or disappearing, only changing form.

In an ideal world, interactions would involve a balanced exchange of energy.
Both parties would leave feeling enriched, without one giving more than they receive.
If one side continually gives more, it leads to a depletion of energy, resulting in darkness.

Many see money as having a low vibration due to its potential misuse.
However, money is simply an energy certificate for work done with love—a form of exchange.
Even the purest energy, love, can be misused and manipulated. 
It's not money that's the issue, but how it's used.
People craving money are often seeking love.

Having a lot of money isn't bad if it's earned through fair energy exchange and used wisely.
However, taking more than you give is stealing, while giving more than you receive is exploitation. 
Imbalances in exchange build up cosmic debt, which will need to be repaid eventually.

We believe our pricing is based on this principle of equal energy exchange.

What is a fair price

Some believe our work should be free, but without fair exchange, we couldn't continue.
Unequal energy flow eventually stops.

So, what is a fair price?
It's hard to measure energy, so we consider the time and effort we invest in sessions, preparation, aftercare, training, materials, and other costs.

We believe our prices are fair, but what matters most is how you feel about it.
If you feel it's a fair exchange, that's what counts.
It's not about what we want, but what you're willing to give in return.

Sometimes, people need our help but can't pay in money.
We never refuse help and are open to alternative forms of exchange.
However, we do not make concessions to the principle of equal exchange, so there is a responsibility to be taken by the one in need to come up with a good alternative for both parties. 
So, if you're in this situation, be creative and honest about what you can give in exchange.

Our prices since 2020

~ ET-Healing Session (1 hr consult) 85,-- euro (incl. audio recording)
~ ET-Healing Session Distant (Telephone/skype) (50 min. consult) 85,-- euro (incl. audio recording)
~ ET-Healing Session Distant (no contact) (40 min. consult) 70,-- euro (incl. audio recording)
~ ET-Healing Session for Animals (30 min. consult) 60,-- euro (incl. audio recording)
~ Reconnection | 333 (2 x 1½ hr consult) 333,-- euro  
~ Monthly ET Healing Experience (2½ hr event) 20,00 euro  
~ Monthly ET Contact | CE-5 Event (4 hr event) 35,00 euro  
~ ET Workshop (4-6 hr) 75,-- euro  
~ ET-Healing Week Retreats (5-6 days all incl.) 1.025,-- euro (depending on room type)
~ ET-Healing Practitioner Program (12 days) 1.740,-- euro  
~ ET-Healing Practitioner Program - Online (12 Sessions) 995,-- euro Duo Training
~ ET-Healing Practitioner Program - Online (12 Sessions) 1.475,-- euro Private Training
~ ET-Healing Master Practitioner Program (10 days) 1.450,-- euro  


Student Rates

Many young people today are highly sensitive and often misunderstood in traditional settings.
This sensitivity is a gift, especially in these transformative times.
We feel a special connection with these young individuals, as they are the foundation of a new world.
Unfortunately, many young people seek help but can't afford it.

For students enrolled in daytime study programs who can provide valid proof, we offer a significant discount on our services.
For an ET-Healing Session, we only ask for €45 and an  anonymous experience story that we can share on our website.
We also welcome any other forms of support like spreading the word about our work in their communities.

Our mission is close to our hearts, and we aim to organize activities for young people based on our expertise.
We're looking for support to connect with young people who are open to ET-Healing, ET-Contact and the path to higher consciousness.



After ET-Healing sessions, we sometimes receive long emails or phone calls with questions, concerns, or requests for confirmation. We're always happy to support everyone with brief follow-up questions via email or phone, and we set aside time specifically for this.

However, we hope you understand that we can't dedicate all our time to lengthy emails or extended phone calls, as this would limit our ability to help others.

For situations requiring more time, we offer...

~ Telephone consult   (30 minutes) 45,-- euro
~ Skype consult   (30 minutes) 45,-- euro
~ Skype consult (45 minutes) 70,-- euro
~ Email consult   (30 minutes) 45,-- euro



Healing Centre Beyond Medicine VOF

Wolfhezerweg 31
6874 AA Wolfheze

+31 (0)26 78 52 448
+31 (0)6 437 26 518

IBAN/BANK NL48 INGB 0003 8202 77
Chamber of Commerce 68716311
VAT NL8575.60.669.B01

Contact Us

Healing Centre Beyond Medicine 

Wolfhezerweg 31
6874 AA Wolfheze
+31 (0)6-43726518

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Customer Reviews

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  Last week I had the opportunity to do another wonderful ET-Healing session for a dog that was paralysed at the backside several months ago due to a fatal accident.My extraterrestrial team loves to work with...

ET-Healing for a paralyzed dog

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Together We Heal

  In the past years we have received requests from people overseas (Canada, USA, Australia, UK, India, ...) to develop a program for ET-Healing Practitioner via skype.This year for the first time we decided to give it...

My First ET-Healing Session

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Het leven is weer terug

  A sweet lady who had been in my practice a year ago, was lying on the treatment table for a session. And the team directed me instantly to her throat chakra, there was such a...

Life is back !!

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ET-Healing for Cosmic Contact

  Recently a lady came into our practice, who suffered from pain in the heart region.She has had herself examined by a specialist but no abnormalities were found. A mystery, because she does experience real physical...

ET-Healing for Cosmic Contact

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Am I an extraterrestrial?

  He comes into our practice for the first time concerning his physical complaints. He wants to know what it is, he wants a diagnosis. And he' s very honest about the extraterrestrials: 'I'm pretty skeptical...

Am I an extraterrestrial ?

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Magie op Aarde

  Together with a client, I had such a magical experience throughout the entire ET-healing session that we are eager to share it with you in her own writings ... "This is a summary of the ET-healing...

Time for Magic

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Shifting through time and dimensions

  "Dear Jacqueline, Last week you brought me a beautiful and amazing healing that changed everything. Thank you very much. Unimaginable, what has happened and what is still unfolding.On the audio recording I heard some of...

Shifting through time and dimensions

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ET-Healing for a traumatised dog

  One day there was another request for an ET-healing session for a dog, which I also love to do.For animals are so pure in there responses on the healing frequencies and once they trust you...

ET-Healing for a traumatised dog

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Healing voor Gabber

  Gabber is a very cute dog and one day his owner contacted me and asked me to do a distance ET-healing session for him, because when she lifts him, he is screaming in pain.The veterinarian...

ET-Healing for Gabber

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Janet Ossebaard

  Life changing event: healing by extraterrestrial beings When we were on holiday in the South of England (Glastonbury area) in 2013 doing a crop circle tour under the guidance of Janet Ossebaard, the team and I...

ET-Healing for Janet Ossebaard

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