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Energy Matters

In the immensity of the universe, where spacecraft can travel vast distances between stars and galaxies without encountering significant obstacles, space seems almost empty. However, space is not empty at all. It is filled with extremely small particles, energy and even fields such as magnetic and gravitational fields. What we often define as space is only the distance we mean between objects (matter).

Nowadays, more and more people are becoming aware that space is different from emptiness. 
Space is filled with potential, with energy, just not yet materialized and therefore rich in probabilities and not yet trapped as an object in the physical realm.
When the physical eye perceives an object, we now know for sure that between the observer and the object, that space is not empty.

Humanity is not only on the verge of becoming a spacefaring civilization, but we are also on the verge of discovering the nature of physical reality, bridging the visible and invisible worlds, and even beginning to master the fabric of spacetime itself.
Despite developments in this area moving at an exponential rate, there seems to be very little attention being paid to it in the public domain.

In this blog, we will explain some of these concepts as simply as possible as they will play an important role in understanding our reality and the huge technological leap our world will begin to see in the coming years.

Tachyon - Particles that travel faster than light

For the longest time, we believed that the speed of light was an unbreakable limit. Now, we’re starting to understand it as a threshold between our physical world and something beyond. Imagine the existence of particles that travel faster than light – particles called tachyons.

In our everyday physical reality, the faster something moves, the more energy it needs.
Einstein’s theory of relativity (E=mc²) tells us that energy and mass are linked, meaning, as things speed up, they need more energy and gain more mass. 
This effect isn’t noticeable until we get close to light speed, where the energy needed (and therefore the mass gained) would become infinite.
This is why only particles without mass, like photons and neutrinos, can reach this speed. 
All particles in our physical reality that are part of any form of matter can therefore only move slower than light.
These particles are called bradyons.

Our reality is made up of bradyons (physical particles), photons (particles of light), and tachyons (particles that are faster than light).
Light velocity was once considered a maximum speed limit.
Today, it is seen more as a barrier between the physical and non-physical worlds.

Tachyons travel faster than light, existing on the other side of the speed of light barrier.
The mechanism is reversed for tachyons: while adding energy makes bradyons go faster, tachyons actually speed up when they lose energy.
The faster they go, the less energy they have, and the more energy they have, the slower they go.
Bradyons cannot cross the speed of light barrier because it takes infinite energy to speed them up, and tachyons cannot cross it because it takes infinite energy to slow them down.
Because tachyons cannot cross the barrier, they never take form, yet they interact with it.

Tachyons are a conundrum for scientists.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

They have mind-boggling properties that challenge the way we think about the Universe and could explain other mysterious things like dark matter and dark energy.
The fact that they can travel faster than light also makes us rethink how Cause and Effect work, the nature of space and time, and even the possibility and mechanisms of Time Travel and Teleportation.

Our current instruments (made of physical matter) cannot directly detect tachyons, and proving their existence would have huge implications for it violates our current understanding, being reasons for mainstream science to not accept them as real.

However, researching terms like “Tachyonic Field,” “Tachyonic Mechanics,” “Tachyon gravitational interaction,” or “Quantum Tachyonic Dynamics,” shows that many scientists are fascinated by them and are much serious research is going on.
Even though tachyons are considered hypothetical by mainstream scientist, this ongoing interest and massive amount of research in quantum science suggest they hold key insights into our understanding of the universe.

Dark matter, another mysterious substance, is thought to make up a significant portion (at least 85%) of the universe. Although invisible to us, its gravitational influence is observed in the dynamics of galaxies and other cosmic structures.
Theories suggest that Tachyons may be the constituents of dark matter. 
They interact so weakly with ordinary matter that they evade direct detection, and may contribute to the gravitational phenomena attributed to dark matter.

Just as the existence of dark matter (called dark because it cannot been seen directly) has not been officially proven, the significant research is driven by the understanding that there are enormous unknown forces at play that hold the galaxies together. 
Understanding these fundamental forces and mechanisms underlying our physical reality is like building bridges between our physical world and the non-physical.
The physical world is not the starting point of creation, but an expression of non-physical intelligence.

The Opera Experiment - A Controversial Discovery

The Opera experiment (Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus) was a scientific project at CERN designed to detect neutrinos.

On September 23rd, 2011, the Opera experiment made a stunning announcement: they had possibly detected particles moving faster than light.
If true, this would contradict Einstein's theory of relativity, which has been a cornerstone of physics for decades.

Here's what happened: during the experiment, neutrinos were sent from CERN to the Opera detector.
They were expected to arrive at the same time as a radio signal sent to announce their departure.
However, the neutrinos seemed to arrive 69 nanoseconds before the radio signal.
This surprising result suggested that the particles were traveling faster than light.

This finding shook the global scientific community and led to a frenzy of speculation and further investigation.
Scientists quickly mobilized other neutrino detectors to replicate the results.
Soon, it was found that the surprising result was due to an error: a poorly connected fiber-optic cable had skewed the experiment's timing measurements...

Although the Opera experiment's initial findings were corrected, the controversy wasn't without merit.
It reignited interest in the particles known as tachyons and resulted in more and more research.

Retrocausality - In the quantum world, the future causes the pastquantum-retrocausality-effect

The existence of tachyons has profound and challenging implications for our understanding of space-time and causality. The possibility that these particles can travel faster than light raises intriguing paradoxes that challenge our notion of causality.

We understand reality where there first needs to be a cause before there's an effect. But what happens when there are things faster than the speed of light, allowing effects to precede their causes?
What about the possibility of time travel, for example, going back in time?

The foundations of physics and our understanding of the universe are challenged by this mind-boggling particle. Ultimately, the dynamic and evolving nature of science is highlighted by the controversy surrounding the Opera experiment and the renewed interest in tachyons. The questions raised by this episode continue to inspire research and speculation throughout the scientific community, even though the original result has been corrected. Tachyons are a fertile field of research that holds the promise of unraveling the deepest mysteries of the cosmos and challenging the most ingrained conceptions of the nature of reality.

We naturally think in terms of cause and effect and linear time, even though quantum physics, discovered in the 1920s, challenges these notions.

Well, do you remember Bashar always saying that our past is created in the present?
And that cause and effect are the same event, like two sides of a coin existing at the same time, and that one of them can't be missing or the coin wouldn't exist?

In simple Wikipedia terms, “Retrocausality, or backwards causation, is a concept of cause and effect in which an effect precedes its cause in time, so a later event affects an earlier one. In quantum physics, the distinction between cause and effect is not made at the most fundamental level and so time-symmetric systems can be viewed as causal or retrocausal.”

Quantum Entanglement is perplexing. 
It's not just about how entangled particles are created but how they seem to communicate instantaneously across vast distances. This phenomenon led Einstein to refer to it as “spooky action at a distance.”
When we observe one entangled particle, we instantly know the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are.
It’s like they’re communicating magically, defying our understanding of space and time.
We do not know how it works, but we do know it exists.

For nearly a century, scientists have been baffled by this and other quantum principles.
Quantum Field Theory (QFT) suggests that all matter and energy consist of fields spread across the universe.
Different particles are linked to different fields, like the Electron Field, Photon Field or Tachyon Field.
When two particles are entangled, they share a single quantum field, remaining correlated regardless of the distance between them.
This concept is probably difficult to grasp.

Retrocausality is even harder to grasp because it suggests that future (current) events can affect the past and introduces the complex idea of time travel.
In terms of time travel, retrocausality suggests that the quantum world doesn't adhere to linear time.
This idea is beautifully explored in the movie "Arrival," where the alien visitors communicate with the protagonist in circular codes and teach her to see time as a circle, completely changing her perspective on our world.

So the next time you find yourself making positive and supportive intentions after a tragedy, take comfort in knowing that your intentions and prayers may actually be traveling back in time, embodying the essence of retrocausality.



Prime Radiant and Tachyon

In the distant past ('95), Bashar described the relation between the Tachyon Field and 'the Prime Radiant' as follows :

Q: I recently discovered the idea know as tachyons. 
Can you give us, from your perspective, the relationship of the breaking down of the different energies that are involved in this paradigm? 

B: Yes! This has again, directly to do with the relationship between the etheric level and what you call your physical / material level. 
This relationship, again, is a matter of degree, a matter of frequency, but it is all based on the concept of the Prime Radiant. 
Prime Radiant is the understanding that everything, we’ll have to use the terminology that you understand in your language – a subatomic particle.
It is not really a particle as you think of these things and your scientists know that. 
But to use the term just to illustrate the point, let us just speak of a Prime Particle, a subatomic particle out of which everything is made in physical/material reality. 

The idea of the Prime Radiant is that everything that you understand to be an infinite number of particles
is actually the same one particle interacting with itself in the following way.

Just imagine now that you have one particle, just imagine it in your mind’s eye, just for the purpose of illustrating the point. 
Even though we understand this is not absolutely, literally representative of the reality, just now imagine one particle, one little tiny point, dot, if you wish. 
And, imagine that this particle can move at infinite speed.
Now what this would mean is is that this particle, in being able to move at infinite speed, would be everywhere at once. 
It would not be perceived as moving, it would just be perceived as being EVERYWHERE AT THE SAME TIME.

But let us start with the idea that this particle really has no substance, in your terminology.
It is not perceivable, per se, and can only be perceived by you in your physical reality when it reinforces itself by overlapping itself in the path that it takes.
In moving in infinite speed and tracing a line of particular geometric pattern over and over and over and over again, with slight variation. 

Here and there it will cross itself, and as it crosses itself over and over again it will reinforce itself and thus appear to be more and more and more solid. 
The less it crosses itself the less solid it will appear. 
This gives rise to the idea of the very densest physical reality, where the particle crosses itself as many times as it possibly can.
And through the higher more rarified etheric realms where it does not cross it’s own path that many times.
And to the void in space where it contains, what you call, virtual particles which simply come into existence briefly and flicker out. 

But you know that the void is contained and is full of many, many different potential particles, potential realities, potential dimensionalities and so forth, and then on up the scale.
The idea simply is that this particle, in moving at infinite speed and being everywhere at once, means that it is interacting with itself. 

What you perceive to be this particle here, and that particle there, held together by an apparent force, be it a strong force or the electric force or gravity or whatever you wish to call it, it is not really being held together by a force, it is not really being attracted to anything.
Gravitation, in that sense, is not an attracted force, there really are no forces, per se, as your society thinks of them.

As such the idea is that when this particle is moving at infinite speed, being everywhere at once, it appears next to itself a number of times and you think, from your perspective, that this is one particle, that is another particle, but it is the same particle interacting with itself, in a sense. 
And the force that apparently draws them together is simply the geometry of the path that it is taking in that this particle here and this particle there are simply representative of where the lines of that path cross each other, very close to each other. 
And thus, there is no other place that those particles can be at that moment but next to each other. 
But it is because of the description of the geometry of the path that they are taking, not because there is actually a force interacting between them. 

Now, the concept again of this applying to tachyon energy or what your society has labeled tachyons, is that simply in the entire array of geometric patterns that this one particle is taking, you have overlaps and arrays of different kinds of radiating pattern side effects. 
If you were to imagine a very complicated geometric pattern, you would see that there are many places that the lines cross over and over and over and over and over again, and where they cross as if you have, lets say a spiral going this way and a spiral going that way. 
You would see certain points where lines cross, and it would appear to your eye that there was a line being described by where those points cross, but it would be in your terms an illusion. 

There would not really be a line there, but where the points cross, in the succession in which they cross, would give the resemblance of the illusion of a path. 
One of those paths would be called the speed of light. 
One of those paths would be called the tachyon existence, the tachyon dimension, and all other dimensions and all other levels therein, all within the infinite speed of the Prime Radiant, the Prime Particle.

So it is simply a matter of degree and of tachyons representing the etheric manifestation, the almost mass-less manifestation on the other side of what you call the speed of light. 
Which is simply one of those lines describing the border of your particular physiological universe, the tachyon being the material of the etheric universe, so to speak. 

Not having been crystallized, not having been overlapping enough in the geometric pattern to be physicalized, per se, but forming, nonetheless, the underling template for physical reality where those lines all cross sufficiently. 

Thus going from the tachyon level to the physical level, what you call physical matter,
from etheric matter and all the other higher forms of matter of the Prime Radiant,
expressions of the Prime Radiant, of light, of energy and so on and so forth.

So all those ideas: light and energy, and matter and tachyons, and etheric reality are all different forms, different expressions of the one Prime Radiant just by virtue of the fact of how many times it interacts or reflects with itself. 
Does that make some sense to you?

Q: Yes, I understand the Prime Radiant now.

B: All right.
Therefore, with regard to the way in which the tachyon concept is being utilized in your society at this time, in that we take your meaning of certain kinds of products and so on and so forth that are made to have associations with the concept of tachyon, understand that what is simply being done is that your consciousness is being directed to the underlying template which is representative of the tachyon level of the Prime Radiant. 

It isn’t that that material is actually infused, per se, with tachyons, but that there is a level within all material that is the tachyon level, and when you attune your vibrational thoughts to that level then you can extract a different kind of energy, a different kind of relationship, a different kind of focus from that layer, that tachyon layer, which exists within all material objects.

Because it is more like the template level of the material object that you are holding in your hand, and it is simply the idea of focusing on that level that makes it have the effect that it has, because you are changing your frequency to match it. 
Does this make some sense to you?

Q: Yes. And, are there different material substances that can, let us say. . .

B: Represent the level or, perhaps, allow the concept to be transmitted more easily to your level. 
Yes, there are.
There are, perhaps, certain kinds of variations of metals.
One of the substances that actually has one of the highest degrees of transferring tachyon energy is, surprising as this may seem, would be the substance called amber

For understand that trees are very good at transforming tachyon energy into physical matter, back and forth, they are transmuters of life and many different high levels of energy. 
So their sap, which solidified into what you now recognize as amber, contains a matrix that is particularly receptive to the transformative use of etheric/ tachyon energies into physical materiality reception.
So amber is one of the strongest transducers, transmuters of tachyon energy into physical energy and vice versa.

Q: And the Japanese are using a technology in which they use silicon beads.
B: Yes, silicon is another. The idea of your quartz crystals is also a very good transmuter of tachyon energy.  

~ Source : Bashar's Lab / the Prime Radiant (1995)


Tachyon Field - For Optimal Energy Flow

There is a growing understanding that the Tachyon Field can help the body to return to its natural state of balance and health.
The field acts as a source of energy that can be used by the body to repair and rejuvenate itself.
The field is believed to contain tachyon particles, which have the ability to travel faster than the speed of light.
This means that they can interact with the body at a cellular level, providing a powerful source of healing energy.

When the body is in a state of balance, it is able to function at its optimal level, which leads to a state of health and well-being.
The Tachyon Field is thought to help the body to achieve this state by providing it with the energy it needs to repair and rejuvenate itself.
This energy is believed to be able to penetrate deep into the body, reaching every cell and providing a source of healing energy that can help to restore balance and health.

In addition to its potential healing properties, the Tachyon Field is also thought to have other benefits, such as increased energy levels, improved mental clarity, and enhanced spiritual awareness. By tapping into the energy of the Tachyon Field, individuals may be able to experience a greater sense of well-being and vitality.

The concept of the Tachyon Field is still relatively new, and more research is needed to fully understand its potential benefits.
However, the early indications are that it could be a powerful tool for improving health and well-being.

~ Source : chatGPT



Understanding that particles, waves, and fields coexist in this immense, not-so-empty space we call the universe challenges our perceptions and expands our comprehension of reality.
The mysterious Tachyons, with their potential to reshape our understanding of time and causality, continue to intrigue scientists and thinkers alike. 

As we delve deeper into the quantum realm, concepts like retrocausality and the Tachyon Field open new avenues for exploration and technological advancement.
Embracing these ideas may not only unravel the fabric of the universe but also lead to profound shifts in our approach to health, energy, and the very nature of existence.
The journey of discovery continues, promising to unlock the deepest mysteries of the cosmos and redefine our place within it.



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