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Logo ET-Healing Centre Beyond Medicine


From Polarity to Trinity

The year 2022 could be a year of strong polarities.
Sometimes we experience polarities as a problem, but as we begin to understand the mechanics better, polarity is actually an amazing aspect of our Universe, because it enables creation, life and experience.


First of all ...

... We wish you the very best wishes for 2022 !!!

Our wish is to make it a year of friendship, connection and togetherness !

The year 2022 can be a year of strong polarities.
Sometimes we experience polarities as a problem, but as we begin to understand the mechanics better, polarity is actually an amazing aspect of our Universe because it enables creation, life and experience.

Without polarity there is no movement, without movement there is no change, and without change everything is static.
This principle can be found at every level, from micro to macro.
For example, our body functions according to this principle.
We experience a kind of continuity of our body as it is constantly being broken down and built up and it is balanced by polarity of processes (absorption/excretion, inhalation/exhalation, ...) and health is maintained, in other words a state of homeostasis.

Our body (nature in general) constantly uses polar processes to remain balanced as a whole, in homeostasis, amidst constantly changing environmental factors that on their level also constantly use polar processes (day/night, summer/winter ...) to remain balanced as a larger whole.
The principle does not only work on one specific aspect, the entire Universe works according to this principle in a large holographic, fractal-like pattern.

In the Universe, both poles are equally important and all creations resulting from them are equally valuable, ultimately making this balance possible. If one of the poles were more important than the other, the Universe would eventually tilt and could not continue to exist.

During our attunements to 2022, we constantly receive signals about "the Power of Paradox," the Trinity, "confusion" and how these elements can help or hinder us ( a polarity in itself) by staying or not staying in our balance point.
And also the word 'pole shift' is constantly brought to our attention.

To begin with the latter, I am not ruling out the possibility that we as a collective can manifest a literal pole shift in our physical reality, but right now I feel it is primarily meant as a pole shift in the collective consciousness.

And by this we mean that we can begin to experience not only greater insight, but also true understanding and even gratitude for that other pole.
Notice that this shift of perception is not the same as approval, because realize that approval and disapproval are again aspects of polarity.
As long as we are in a state of either condemnation or approval, we experience reality from either pole, and by definition, balance and integration is not possible. Thus, to stop disapproving of something is different from now approving of that same thing.

This is exactly what the Trinity Point is about, the balance point, the center point.
Have you ever noticed that in the Trident (Trishula) of Lord Shiva (the great transformer) the two polar teeth are smaller than the largest tooth at the center, at the Balance Point?
It shows "the power of paradox" in which both poles are equally valuable in the process and the greatest power is found in the balance point.

The process of letting go of judgment and beginning to recognize the value of the opposite pole will initially involve tremendous confusion.
Often we are stuck in one of the poles and think it is "the only true perspective," and the dawning realization of the value (truth) of the opposite pole is extremely confusing to the "physical mind" that wants to continue to make distinctions in its linear way of thinking.


As Bashar so beautifully says.... "confusion leads to co-fusion."
Confusion is as we call it, but it originally means to bring together, to mix, to pour together.
If we can allow confusion, different realities come together at the same time and mix ... co-fusion ... integration.

The function of the "physical mind" is to anchor us in a version of physical reality that is relevant to us.
Therefore, confusion is actually not pleasant for the ''physical mind'' because it likes to have certainty about which reality is ''true,'' but for our transformation process it is necessary to detach ourselves from a reality that no longer resonates with our highest good.

Judgment and condemnation makes us connect to a reality we do not want. This is another essential paradox to understand.
Judgment is about something that really shouldn't be there or is disapproved of in the hope that the disapproval will make it disappear or change.
It is a mechanism to keep things at bay, disconnected, and is triggered by a deeper fear within us by the appearance of that very thing in your reality.

So, by the appearance of something in our reality that we disapprove of, we actually want it to disappear or change, but also constitutes a denial that that thing has already manifested in your reality and therefore already exists.
Denial and/or rejection actually makes little sense anymore .... Indeed, we will never win a battle with the Universe over a manifestation.
Indeed, by the frequency we assume when we reject, we keep ourselves trapped in the reality we have just rejected.
Judgments eminently tend to lock processes and fix situations.

Therefore, confusion can be very helpful in the process of letting go so that new perspectives can emerge and we can see our fears, provided we allow ourselves to do so.
For it takes a certain courage to examine your own fears and judgments, even if the reward for doing so is extremely great.

In the process of confusion, the Trinity of mind also plays a central role.
The physical mind (analysis, differentiation, separation), the higher mind (connection to the Universe) and the heart mind where integration to inner knowing takes place in an alchemical process of co-fusion.
In the heart, the balancing point where the Cosmic (Yang) and Earth (Yin) energies come together, we merge and nourish all our creations in physical reality.

2022, a Trinity of Two ... it will be a very special year with many challenges !!!
We wish everyone an extraordinary year with much growth and confusion !!!

Dear All,

The topic of polarity has many perspectives and we all have our own way and timing of dealing with these themes.
This newsletter offers one perspective, but there are many other valuable perspectives!

We hope this newsletter will inspire you to develop your own new perspectives.
We would love to hear from you if you have an exciting question or positive input for a future newsletter !
You are most welcome ...

We wish everyone much love and wisdom
and let's build bridges
from one side to the other
Let's connect the shores
and look together at the middle of the bridge
enjoying the flowing waters of life

Love each other and hold each other close for the months ahead!
For now, lots of love!

And see you soon, in person, at one of the online events and on our online community Human-ET One!

Jacqueline and Philip

Source : ET-Healing Newsletter Januari 2022


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