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Mitochondria and Quantum Field Interactions

Mitochondria and Quantum Field

Mitochondria, often called the power plants of the cell, are central to the energy production and functioning of cells. 
Recent scientific developments suggest that these vital organelles can also interact with quantum fields, opening up a new dimension of understanding in both biology and physics. 
By bridging the gap between the physical and quantum domains, mitochondria may play a crucial role not only in cellular energy regulation, but also in our consciousness and spiritual transformation. 
This article highlights the fascinating connection between mitochondria, quantum mechanics and the unfolding human transformation.

From Carbon-Based to Crystalline Life Forms

Perhaps, like us, you look forward to the moment when we stop burning carbon-based fuels and the introduction of “free energy” transformers that tap energy from “a field” and convert it into electromagnetic “current” that can be used in our physical reality.
It is fascinating to see such an evolutionary process unfolding in our bodies as well.
Here too we are burning carbon (hydrates) for our energy production in our cells and here too changes will eventually take place.
There are more and more people who can live “on air” (breatharians), in other words, who get their energy from somewhere else.
In the yogi tradition, the conscious practice of breathing is called “pranayama.
Prana means life force that sustains the body, Ayama translates as “to expand or bring out.”
Pranayama aims to promote high levels of physical health and mental clarity, both crucial on the path to awareness and well-being through breathing.
Similarly, many extraterrestrial civilizations do not eat, drink or sleep and draw their energy from the Quantum Field.
And as humanity evolves, our bodies are slowly changing from carbon-based life forms to more crystalline structures.
This transformation allows us to more easily draw energy from etheric realms, making us less and less dependent on physical nourishment. 

Mitochondria, with their quantum capabilities, play a crucial role in this process. 
As our cells become more crystalline, mitochondria facilitate this shift by accessing and integrating higher energy frequencies from the quantum field, enabling our transition to a more enlightened state of being.
So, what will change?

The Intersection of Mitochondria and Quantum Physics

Well, this is where spirituality meets science ... 
Back in 1977, J.J. Hurtak PhD in his publication 'The Book of Knowledge : the Keys of Enoch' provided wonderful insights that were way ahead of his time in those days.
This book, first published in 1977, contains 'state of the art' information passed on by Enoch (Metatron) to Hurtak and not only describes the origin of the human blueprint and the coming reunification with our star families, it also predicts healing methodologies whereby the (re)connection of the human body systems through the activation of axiatonal lines and 'spin-points' (activation points) will bring all of Humanity to a completely new level of consciousness and well-being.
The reconnection of the human energy systems with the cosmic fields (the axiatonal field as he calls it), as well as with a 'new', high vibrating version of the Earth.

The Intersection of Mitochondria and Quantum Physics

By the way, this is also exactly the spiritual and scientific explanation of what the Reconnection (we call it Cosmic Connection) actually is and why it is called that way.

First of all, it is important to know where in our bodies the magical conversion of energy and matter actually takes place ... in very small organs in each cell called mitochondria.
These organelles are basically the transfer point between energy and matter in our bodies.
They are so crucial to life that they have their own DNA separate from the larger DNA in the cell nucleus.

Although these mitochondria are known as the power plants of the cell, their role extends much further.
They are involved in cellular signaling, apoptosis and the regulation of genes.
Their dynamic nature allows mitochondria to adapt to changes in the environment, making them crucial players in health and disease and their role in human evolution and transformation.

Recent research reveals that these organelles can interact with quantum fields, linking the field of biology to the quantum world.
This connection opens the door to profound insights into both the functioning of cells as well as consciousness, especially as humanity undergoes a profound transformation.

Among other things, Hurtak explains in “The Keys of Enoch” how, through the evolution of our consciousness, we begin to “channel” higher frequencies through axiatonal lines and points (“spin points”) that are awakened or activated.
These axiatonal lines and spin points reconnect our meridian system (body field) with higher vibrating fields.

It reconnects and aligns the various energy fields / fields of consciousness through the activation of these small portals, the spin points, giving all layers an opportunity to recover.

Hurtak indicates that with sufficient integration, body tissues can be restored to their original state.
Hurtak / Enoch even mention that regrowth of limbs is possible.
(Kryon also highlighted this in The Twelve Layers of DNA).

The mitochondria in our cells will literally function differently and contain more (liquid) crystal forms. And to make this process possible, the blueprint (DNA) is going to adapt, both in the cell nucleus and in the mitochondria, under the influence of these higher frequencies of light.

Our body then also starts asking for different food, food of a higher vibration, because food with a lower vibration can no longer be processed properly by the mitochondria.
Eventually the body transforms (actually more transmutes) more and more in the direction of using “free energy,” as known to many extraterrestrial civilizations.

Quantum Mechanics and Biological Systems

Quantum mechanics, the study of particles at the smallest scales, is increasingly being applied to biological systems. 
Quantum phenomena such as superposition and entanglement play a major role in biological processes such as photosynthesis, enzyme activity and, intriguingly, in mitochondria. 
These phenomena, particularly relevant to mitochondria, suggest that quantum mechanics can explain the efficiency and complexity of all life processes at the cellular level, as well as the perfect coordination between the vast number of cells in the body.

Though these quantum effects defy the traditional view of biological systems, they show that life itself may well be deeply intertwined with quantum principles.
This intersection between quantum mechanics and biology opens new avenues for understanding consciousness, energy healing, and the broader connection between life and the cosmos.

Mitochondria and Quantum Field Interactions

Recent theories argue that mitochondria interact with quantum fields, affecting their energy states and efficiency. 
This concept of quantum coherence within mitochondria suggests that these organelles may function as quantum mechanisms and contribute to life at a fundamental level. 
Through cooperation with the quantum field, mitochondria are also now believed to influence consciousness in addition to energy regulation in the body.
Although quantum phenomena in mitochondria are still under investigation, they suggest that these organelles exhibit quantum effects that improve their efficiency and function. 

For example, electrons involved in the electron transport chain in mitochondria could use quantum tunneling to move between proteins more efficiently, bypassing classical energy barriers.
And mitochondria would use quantum entanglement to synchronize remote biochemical processes to ensure coordinated cellular function, explaining why all cells together produce energy in a coordinated manner.
These quantum effects enable mitochondria to work as efficiently as possible, supporting the idea that biological processes can indeed be influenced by quantum mechanics, contributing to the complexity and adaptability of life at the cellular level.

If mitochondria are indeed quantum entities, therapies targeting them could revolutionize the treatment of diseases related to mitochondrial dysfunction, such as neurodegenerative diseases and chronic fatigue disorders. 
In addition, this quantum perspective may offer insights into consciousness, as mitochondrial activity can affect our consciousness and perception, especially as we evolve into a more crystalline state.

Mitochondrial DNA: The Quantum Bridge to Ancestral Energy and Human Evolution

Now let's dive a little deeper...as mentioned above, mitochondria are so important to life that they have their own DNA separate from the larger DNA in the nucleus.


Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is unique because it is inherited exclusively from the mother and remains relatively unchanged across generations.
This has led to the concept of "Mitochondrial Eve," a term used to describe the most recent common maternal ancestor of all living humans.
The most recent common maternal ancestor of all living humans, often referred to as Mitochondrial Eve, is currently accepted as the woman from whom all living humans inherit their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). 
She lived approximately 150,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa.

So this mitochondrial DNA has gone through all of human evolution -as far as we know- and has a connection to the quantum field for information exchange.
This sounds like a connection to the Akashic Records.

In relation to quantum fields, the study of mitochondrial DNA adds another layer of understanding to how mitochondria might interact with quantum phenomena.
The stability and preservation of mtDNA across generations suggest that mitochondria not only store energy but also store and transmit information on a quantum level.
Quantum coherence in mitochondria, which involves maintaining quantum states, is likely influenced by the genetic information encoded in mitochondrial DNA, potentially affecting energy regulation, consciousness, and even the evolutionary trajectory of life.

The connection between mitochondrial DNA and quantum fields hints at a deeper understanding of life’s interconnectedness, where energy, information, and biological processes are all interwoven at a quantum level. This relationship is also very relevant in the context of human transformation, where changes at the quantum level in mitochondria might influence broader changes in consciousness and spiritual evolution.

Now, let's take this one step further, or rather, back to 200,000 years ago in Africa, when the Annunaki roamed this world.
Who created Eve in the first place?
The following is speculative and remains a theoretical concept within astrobiology and cosmology, we are aware of that.
But just think about it...
Is it possible that we share a common maternal ancestor, the same mitochondrial DNA, with other humanoid species in the cosmos? 
If our evolution here follows similar principles elsewhere, there may be a distant common origin that links us together via mitochondrial DNA through the quantum field by which we share information.

It's an intriguing idea that could bridge the study of mitochondrial DNA beyond human evolution to cosmic evolution and our connection to extraterrestrial life.
Our extraterrestrial guides mention that we are a family, that we are galactics ourselves.

Bridging Biology, Quantum Physics, and Health

The relationship between mitochondria, the quantum field and human transformation represents a new milestone in quantum science. 
Not long ago the idea of consciousness, energy healing and quantum states were not taken seriously, but now the exploration of this connection is providing profound new insights into life, health and consciousness, bridging the gap between biology, quantum physics and human evolution. 
Humanity is waking up to a whole new reality!

We can see that energy healing and mitochondria are intriguingly connected. 
Energy healing practices, such ET-Healing or Axiatonal Alignment (Cosmic Connection), aim to balance and enhance the body's energy flow. 
Mitochondria, as the energy powerhouses in our cells, play a crucial role in this process, interacting with quantum fields to facilitate healing and consciousness shifting on a deeper level.

The Cosmic Connection refers to the notion that our energy systems are not separate "closed systems" but are connected to universal energies. 
By aligning with these energies and activating specific doorways and channels, the mitochondria help integrate these higher frequencies, supporting both physical and spiritual transformation.

This perspective bridges the gap between biological science and spiritual practices, demonstrating that energy healing actually affects cellular function and consciousness through the quantum connection of the mitochondria.
This holistic approach offers a pathway for understanding how physical health and spiritual evolution are interconnected and holds great promise for both scientific discoveries and practical applications in health care and spiritual development, especially as humanity undergoes profound changes at the cellular and energetic levels.

In this context, it is intriguing that we as a civilization are now going through this process of the Great Awakening, where not only is there a release of old heavy energies, but where the integration of higher energies is so palpable, even very physical in the body.

And that in this very process we are dealing with a virus that is specifically targeting our mitochondria, causing months of fatigue in people who have had a serious infection...
We could have done this transformation process as a collective in an infinite number of other ways, and why then a virus that targets our mitochondria and expresses itself through the respiratory system?
Just think about it ...
In the universe, nothing happens by chance, there is no such thing as coincidence!

Mitochondria and Covid Virus  

Dear people,

There is still so much to discover and share with each other.
It is super interesting to gain more insight into how our bodies and those of extraterrestrials are similar, but also (still) different!

Finally, we wish everyone much wisdom in the time that lies ahead of us and hope that everyone can feel the existence of a new world just as we do, in which we look back together in love and respect on these intense times of transformation.

Love each other and hold on to each other !

For now, lots of love !!!
And see you soon, in person, on one of the online events !

Jacqueline en Philip

Source :
Newsletter June 2021 - Mitochondriën - Cosmic Connection - DNA

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