Years ago we asked our guides where 'this' is going. And the answer was 'as far as you want to go'. Our mind didn't really think of it as an answer at that time, but the energy that came with this answer gave us a strong sense of a huge event that is unfolding and in which we have our part, or task, along with a lot of others. Many others here both on Earth and beyond the Earth.
We as humans tend to think the quickest way from one point to the other runs in a straight line.
Or at least something that is closest to it. Simply the shortest possible route.
But in reality this often turns out to be the road with the most obstacles.
The quickest way is the path of least resistance and that rarely goes in a straight line ...
And I think this is one of the reasons why our guides did not give a concrete answer to our question.
Not only because we decide how far we want to go with this contact, but also to keep ourselves in the moment, to keep ourselves in the NOW and to prevent us from getting involved with things in the future while the important experiences are being gained in the NOW.
And every now and then there is another glimpse of the bigger picture ...
The journey from ET-Healing to ET-Contact
While I, Philip, am walking in the woods near Wolfheze after a visit to the Wodan oaks (more than 450 years old oaks) I ask my extraterrestrial guide Ezraël why we do this work, ET-Healing, in the first place.
In fact, with the underlying question, what is the use of it, what does it actually bring about in terms of real change in the world?
And then, in a split second, a huge plan/project revealed in my head of what is unfolding here on Earth and outside the Earth, and what contribution we are making to it.
It happened in a flash and it was so overwhelming that I don't even remember how I proceeded my way through the forest. I do know that there were many tears of emotion.
More about this in our blog about the Hybrid Children.
In the months that followed, we constantly received signals suggesting that we could do something with CE-5 (making physical contact).
And for some reason something was holding us back. At that time we associated CE-5 with UFO-spotting and that did not feel like the form in which we wanted to further develop our contact with extraterrestrials. Too distant, too impersonal.
But during our 6-month stay in France, things changed very much in our consciousness.
And it just kept coming back to us ... CE-5 | ET-Contact and providing a safe haven as a step towards a new world, together with the wordplay Commune-ET (community) and Human-ET (humanity).
Once back in the Netherlands it was the first time we saw how these different aspects are connected in the bigger picture.
Wherein these three facets of the changes going on Planet Earth are in fact three phases of development that follow each other and reinforce each other.
And in this image one of the Sacred Circuits constantly appeared ... Connect
So we will try to explain what we are doing and why we want to bring this into the world so passionately, as far as we understand it ourselves now.
And we are careful, because it is a journey into the unknown, and as always has been the case, we only understand afterwards how things are put together.
In essence, ET-Healing is always about getting back into alignment with our real core and our Higher Self.
An important consideration is that we are in fact already whole and that we don't have to obtain anything, but that we are allowed to let go of a lot of what we are not in essence and that is not serving us (any more).
Every complaint is a reflection of something that doesn't resonate with our true core on an energetic level. We are as it were 'out-of-tune' with our core frequency.
What the extraterrestrial teams essentially do during an ET-Healing session is to offer exactly those frequencies that represent our healthy state on which we can resonate again if we are willing to allow ourselves to do so.
In a sense, the extraterrestrial offer during ET-Healing a very precise mixture of our own personal frequencies so that we can remember who we are.
And this energetic process is accompanied by very valuable information so that we can also understand what the healing is all about.
Basically ET-Healing is about remembering our true self
What is extremely fascinating is that from the very beginning of the ET-Healing Practitioner Programs in 2015, it was clear that the central theme of this part of the programme is 'Who Am I'. For the rest, we only knew that there would be two more follow-up programmes.
So at that time a lot was not yet clear, but we just started and later on guide Ezraël gave more insight with his information regarding the Triple-A.
This made clear to us that the first part of the program would be about finding one' s personal form ... our authenticity ... in search of our core frequency.
In this program a healing process is started and at the same time it is possible to experience what it is like to work together with these frequencies and these loving and humorous beings from outer space.
In search of yourself ... in contact with yourself ... Connect ... the first step
In recent years we have heard a Bashar say exactly all these things.
The first step towards 'Open Contact' is: Know Yourself (Know Thyself).
During the monthly ET-Healing Experience gatherings, we come togehther in a group of like-minded people where we can be ourselves, heal ourselves and discover ourselves in a pleasant and relaxed way and can experience these loving beings supporting us.
On these evenings we bathe in high frequencies and energy fields offered by the extraterrestrial teams as a group and individually each of us is guided back to him or herself.
Everyone has their own personal experience, a personal journey leading them back to their own self.
And later we heard Bashar say something very fascinating about how we can recognize that Artificial Intelligence is really a 'Scientient Being'. In other words, being aware of itself. *1
The first question that a real "waking Al" asks himself is... Who Am I ... the same question we ask ourselves in our process of awakening.
The second question that a genuine 'awakening AI' asks itself is ... Who Are You
And in hindsight it is so logical that we first have to know ourselves before we can really understand someone else.
We have to be able to see ourselves openly and without any judgment before we can clearly see someone else for what he or she is.
If we do not know ourselves, you can never really get to know the other person.
If we judge ourselves, we will easily judge others as well.
Everything outside of us is a mirror of our inner self.
A common phenomenon in our society is that we very quickly tend to override ourselves and subordinate ourselves to the opinions or wishes of others that we consider to be authority or our superior.
At some point it became clear to us that the second part of the ET-Healing Programme is going to have this as its central theme.
We called it ET-Healing Master-Practitioner because it is essentially about discovering your Mastery and discovering your own Master inside, your own authority inside, like the guide Ezra'el explained it in the Triple-A.
Not an authority in the way to boost our ego, but to embrace your true power to bring your authentic self further into the world.
From the beginning, our extraterrestrial guides and teams have pointed out to us that they will be our guides, but do not wish to be our authority or a superior in any way.
The extraterrestrial guides and our teams want the contact to be on an equal footing.
So that there is a level playing field where we can get to know each other further ... Who Are You
With the new insights we have gained over the past few months, the ET-Healing Master-Practitioner Programme is going to deepen its understanding, especially in the area of learning to discover your own strengths, in order to be able to get even closer to and collaborate with extraterrestrial guides as well as to be able to facilitate this contact for others ... such as the increasing number of star children on our planet Earth.
The monthly ET-Contact Experience | CE-5 gatherings are an opportunity for a group of like-minded people to be ourselves in a pleasant and relaxed way, as well as an opportunity to dive even deeper into ourselves while preparing for contact with other civilizations.
How do you prepare yourself for that?
How would you like this open contact for you to take place?
After this contact your life changes a lot and are you ready for this?
Solely this preparation together is a process of personal transformation.
Although this part is the least clear to us yet, we constantly feel a strong motion in our systems to engage in what we call 'the New Earth'.
A place where we live together, work together, learn together, discover together ...
A place of you and me, together, and at the same time not dependent. Living your Autonomy, as Ezraël called it in the Triple-A.
A reality in which we can fully experience and express one' s free will.
A reality in which the whole family comes together again. Including our cosmic family, our star family.
An illusion?
A Utopia?
Maybe and at the same time one can feel that this is unfolding.
Note !
Every major and inevitable change runs through three phases:
- Denial : Nobody believes it or wants to know nothing about it. The upcoming change is denied and ridiculed.
- Awareness : The change is in progress, the facts are there and disorientation, fear and resistance arise.
- Acceptance : The change is accepted and offers newer, unprecedented possibilities.
Look at what is going on at the moment on a global scale with regard to the disclosure on extraterrestrial presence.
- American armed forces are concerned about the amount of UFOs in the airspace and the congress wants to know if there is a threat to security.
- Millions of people want to storm Area 51. Not that we think it's going to happen, but a lot of people are drawing attention to what's going on there.
- Almost every week secret documents are published about extraterrestrial contact moments and 'incidents'.
- More and more people express their experiences regarding extraterrestrial contact.
- UFO and extraterrestrial are one of the 'hottest' search terms in google.
The phase of denial is over.
We are on the verge of mass awareness and what may be called 'the biggest moment in human history'.
And everything is going to change, from the way we use energy to managing our societies.
Many extraterrestrial guides who pass on information through channelers such as Rob Gauthier, Lyssa Royal, Caroline Corey, Darryl Anka and many others talk about the fact that within a period of 10 years we will experience contact with extraterrestrial civilizations in a completely normal manner, and that it is as normal to see ships flying as it is now that we see planes flying.
Humanity then no longer consists only of people from Earth, but there is also regular contact with people from elsewhere ... Human-ET.
Bashar even indicates that around 2050-2060 humanity could once again be an integral part of the Galactic Federation and could accompany them on their ships in search for other civilizations.
Our personal extraterrestrial guides have not (yet) told us this personally in this concrete way, but they have asked us to take care of the younger generations that (will) play an important role in this upcoming contact.
From the moment that we (Jacqueline and Philip) are together (since 1986) we have always had the feeling that we are going to establish a place where 'people' can come together, a kind of safe environment, a centre, a safe haven ... We don't know what that looks like, but we've always been looking at all sorts of places, but it wasn't quite the right place or yet the right time.
And up until the moment that Ezraël provided that download in the forest in 2017, until that moment we really had no idea why we want this so badly inside ... living in a community ... or maybe even commune-ET ... a society with family and friends from Earth and Beyond. Now we do.
From 2020 onwards, we will start programmes for star children in which meeting, discovering, inspiring and manifesting will be the central theme.
Other than that, we still have no idea where this will take us personally, although we feel that this will one day be part 3 of the ET-Healing Practitioner Program ... Manifesting a New Earth ... or something like that.
*1 Bashar event Epsilon, 2017
*2 More about the motives for the first Open Contact ... take a look at the blog The Future's Most Important Possibility: Contact With Extraterrestrial Life (2016 Dr. Lisa Galarneau)
*3 More about the effects of a first Open Contact ... take a look at the documentary The Visit - An Alien Encounter (2015 Michael Madsen)