West Woodhay Down, Wiltshire : 29th July 2011
Spread over 11 tramlines with 29 circles forming the body of the snake ... The number 29 is the key to this formation, adding 2+9 we get 11 ... which is a master number ... Awakening to Oneness !
It's one of the largest crop circles ever seen in England. The symbolism of the Cosmic Serpent, the DNA Activation and the Kundalini Awakening of the Earth stand out ...
West Woodhay Down, Wiltshire : 29th July 2011
Spread over 11 tramlines with 29 circles forming the body of the snake ... The number 29 is the key to this formation, adding 2+9 we get 11 ... which is a master number ... Awakening to Oneness ((( All is One))) !
It's one of the largest crop circles ever seen in England.
The symbolism of the Cosmic Serpent, the DNA Activation and the Kundalini Awakening of the Earth stand out ...
Many times we have been asked about the meaning of our logo, what it stands for and why we have chosen this one for what we bring into the world ... ET-healing, healing in co-creation with a team of extraterrestrial beings.
Sometimes when you come across something you feel a tremendous excitement running through your veins, a complete resonance without even knowing why ... it just happens.
This actually happened to us when we were thinking about starting a healing practice somewhere in 2013, and in a way we didn't choose this logo, it feels like it chose us, even though it was created long before we consciously decided to start our practice.
Although at first glance we could imagine what this crop circle was expressing, at that time we didn't realize its enormous size as well as its enormous depth of wisdom and information.
By studying it ourselves and with the explanations of many crop circle researchers, it became clear that this is the ultimate symbol that represents what our practice brings to the world.
This very impressive crop circle formation appeared in the night of July 28th to 29th, 2011, at a place that has never been the location of a crop circle before.
I suppose everyone agrees that the formation represents a dragon or a snake.
The Ancient Symbology of the Serpent
Since ancient time, the dragon and the snake take an important position in the collective unconscious of the human race, and as a result, in the personal unconscious of each individual.
Although it has multiple meanings as a symbol, it can essentially be understood as the universal force that brings transformation and transmutation.
In each of us, the dragon/snake nature is potentially present or awakened to some degree. The personal connection to our own dragon/snake nature is therefore of paramount importance, as further exploration of this energy will show.
Although we are all, more or less, independent individuals, we are at the same time all connected with the source of constant renewal.
The power of snake medicine is the power of creation, for it embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension (or immortality).
Snakes are amazing reptiles ... they grow from the moment they are born until the moment they die. They never stop growing and that is why they shed their skin, they grow out of it.
This process of shedding old skin reminds us to let go of things (whether physical, emotional or mental) that no longer fit us.
Although snakes have two eyes, their vision is weak, and they fully trust their ability to sense nearby presence through movement, heat (energy), and smell.
A shamanic saying is, "Like the snake, don't trust what you see, trust what you feel. Even before you are able to notice them, you can feel the changes that are coming".
The transmutation of the cycle of life-death-rebirth is exemplified by the shedding of the snake's skin.
In ancient times this was represented by the Ouroboros, the snake biting itself in the tail as a symbol of the cycle of life, death and eternity.
It is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance.
It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, and that those things that might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind.
Thoth, the Atlantean who later returned as Hermes (Mercury) and was the father of alchemy, used the symbology of two snakes entwined 7 times around a sword (the caduceus) to represent healing, where it is easy to see the kundalini (the awakening snakes Ida, Pingala and Sushumna) as well as the double helix as in DNA.
It is also the complete understanding and acceptance of the masculine and feminine within each organism that creates a merging of the two into one, thereby creating divine energy.
This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being.
By accepting all aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the fire medicine.
This fire energy, when it works in the material place, creates passion, desire, procreation and physical vitality.
In the emotional place it becomes ambition, creation, resolution and dreams.
In the mental place it becomes intellect, power, charisma and leadership.
When this serpentine energy reaches the spiritual level, it becomes wisdom, understanding, wholeness and connection to the Great Spirit.
This symbol reminds us of the need within us to transmute some thought, action, or desire in order to achieve wholeness.
This is heavy magic, but remember that magic is nothing more than a shift in consciousness. Become the magician or enchantress: transmute the energy and embrace the power of the fire.
The snake is a reptile that can shed its skin and live through a traumatic experience of life-death-rebirth.
As life and with transmutation from one experience to another and from one plane of existence to another.
Snake teaches you to recognize that you are an eternal being experiencing mortality, you are constantly shedding anything that has served its purpose in favor of something of greater value.
Snake has the ability to transform and provides the power to use fire energy in the right way. Continuity.
Transmute all poisons. Shed the skin of the past. Honor the change in progress.
The snake is also found as the Aesculapius, an ancient Greek symbol of healing and the healing arts, named after Asclepius, the Greek God of medicine.
The Hidden Codes in the Field
If we look closely at the formation, we can see a lot of symbology, codes if you will, that relate to many of the evolutionary processes that are taking place on this planet right now.
Before we explain these in more detail, please note that there is a central circle divided into four separate sections by an S-shaped serpent.
At first glance, the central circle appears to have two prominent poles connected by an axis.
However, a closer look reveals that the polarity with the axis is part of the snake figure, not the central circle.
Also notice the head and tail. There's a large disk attached to the tail. The head has a somewhat strange abstract geometric shape.
The fiery little 3-forked tongue seems outstanding in terms of pictorial elements.
The entire length of the snake is filled with disk shapes. Twenty-nine primary and forty-eight secondary disks, to be exact.
What does that mean?
The central circle
The quartered central circle corresponds with thick outlines to the cutting snake with its two remarkable limbs. Note that these "limbs" are connected to the largest circle of all circles on the snake, which (as we will see later) is actually the heart or heart chakra.
The ball is one thing, representing unity. It's cut by a bar with poles at the end...polarity or duality. Duality divides it into above and below, left and right, high and low, right and wrong.
The snake crosses duality right down the middle and with it's heart, encouraging us to overcome differences and duality and to make distinctions in our reality with the heart.
Another association that could be made here is the snake, representing natural healing powers, crawling over an unnatural pharmaceutical drug, reminding us to "think" with our hearts, to feel and to make wise choices when it comes to our health. Almost all disease doesn't originate in the physical body, and neither does healing.
Go Beyond Medicine, which only targets the physical body and covers up the true message of what our bodies are trying to tell us.
While the snake is dividing the sphere in its activity, it also seems ready to say something else with a typical characteristic of snakes, that is, they have a cut tongue...
The tongue
In the design here, the tongue appears to be sliced not in two directions as usual, but possibly even in three directions. I use the term "possibly" here because a careful look tells us that there are actually three separate elements involved. There's one track in the middle. Separated from that, there are two small curves.
For me it is another symbol pointing in the direction of overcoming duality by reminding us that we actually live in a Trinity.
The tongue looks very much like the trident of Shiva, the god of transformation ... how appropriate for the serpent ...
Also interesting in this regard is what Bashar (channeled by Daryl Anka) says about polarity and Trinity in the Cosmic Awakening transmission in BASHAR | the Nature of Existence.
Trishul (trident) of Shiva
The trishula also represents the place where the three main nadi or energy channels (ida, pingala, and sushumna) meet at the forehead. sushumna, the central one, continues upward to the 7th chakra, while the other two end at the forehead, where the 6th chakra is located.
The central point of the trishula represents sushumna, and therefore it is longer than the other two, which represent Ida and Pingala.
Shiva's trishul also represents the three fundamental aspects of life...the ida and pingala represent the basic energetic duality in existence, referred to as Shiva and Shakti or simply said the male and female aspects or energy.
Again, bringing balance between the ida and the pingala is what the current evolutionary process is all about.
Most people live and die in the ida and the pingala. Sushumna, the central space, remains dormant. With awakening, the Kundalini (the sleeping serpent) awakens.
Life really begins when the energies (the awakening of the Kundalini, the sleeping serpent) enter Sushumna.
We reach a new kind of balance, an inner balance, where no matter what happens outside, there is a certain space within us that is never disturbed and cannot be touched by these situations.
Instead, we begin to live from that space within and experience the world outside from that perspective.
Some interesting trinities ... and note what's in the middle ...
- past present future
- birth life death
- woman divine man
The base
Now our attention is drawn to the base, which is a relatively large disk shape, and we can almost figure out the starting point. For the snake, this could be the egg from which it comes.
We will discuss the apparent similarity to the human spine later, but it is interesting to note here that there are almost 5 small circles from the tail still in the base disk, expressing a connection between these points and the base.
As you probably know, the kundalini rises from the base chakra, which is located in the pelvis, the base of our human stature.
The head
It may not be obvious at first glance that the shape of the head is based on the Vesica piscis.
The sacred geometric shape created by the overlapping of two identical circles.
The circumferences must cross each other at the center.
The Vesica Piscis in sacred tradition - from Kabbalistic to Vedic to Zen - is a symbol found in all ancient graphic traditions, from the pagan sun wheel, Celtic cross, architectural "golden mean" to sacred windows in cathedrals, mosques, tabernacles and pagodas.
The Vesica Piscis also represented to the Maya the summer and winter solstices in each cycle of time. For them, the shape of the Vesica Piscis represented the cycle of the ages - the precession of the equinoxes, not so much as a calculation of time, but more as a symbol of the evolution of consciousness.
In these earliest traditions, the Supreme Being was represented by a sphere, the symbol of a Creator without beginning or end, perpetual, perfectly formed, and profoundly symmetrical. The addition of a second sphere represented the expansion of unity into the duality of feminine and masculine.
Where the two spheres - goddess and god - come together, a divine offspring is created, what might be called the soul.
The vesica piscis is also referred to as the joining of the poles of duality into unity, as well as the integration of the physical and etheric worlds.
The Vesica Piscis, with its derivatives, the Flower of Life, the Tree of Life, and the fundamentals of Sacred Geometry, has a history of thousands of years in almost every ancient tradition and easily predates all major religions of the present era.
The row of disks
Obviously, there is the aforementioned connection with the spine ... without the coccyx, the human spine has 29 vertebrae.
It is interesting to note that Th4, the vertebra at the level of the heart (cardiac plexus), is quite correctly placed in the central position.
Another interesting fact is that the last 5 circles are enclosed in the larger circle and are missing the 2 dots on their sides, just as the last 5 sacral vertebrae are more closely packed together in the human pelvis, forming the base of our rising posture.
Still, it needs to be said, the fact that the coccyx or tailbone is missing; one could reason that it is left behind for it can be taken as a evolutionairy artefact that is no longer necessary.
Unity consciousness is based on the unification of opposites.
The pictogram of the formation tells us that there is opposition or duality as soon as the snake leaves its source. The source disk at its tail can easily represent the source of life, the egg, and the basis of our body, as mentioned earlier.
From the moment these new disks leave the aeria of the Source Disk, we notice the small Secundary Disks that come in pairs.
These pairs can be related to male/female or father/mother relationships, duality.
The skin
The skin of the snake is smooth in the diagrams, but in the actual formation it seemed to be quite messy.
When looking at the skin of a snake, one suggestion is that the snake sheds its skin several times as it grows.
The messy skin of the snake in this formation is a clear indication that humanity (our collective) is in a process of transformation, shedding it's old skin, habits and beliefs.
Duality will always be there, our process is not about changing the world, eliminating duality. It's about raising our consciousness beyond the validation, the judgment of duality and it's opposites to the consciousness of unity.
As always with crop circles, there are so many codes hidden in these formations. We may have missed some ... please contact us if you see even more information than we do!
And of course it may be that you see different information, but that is why we love this formation to function as our logo, because it so beautifully represents the work we do in supporting people on their journey through life.
Subliminally, it will remind us of what we stand for, what drives and inspires us.
We give our deepest thanks to the crop circle makers ... whoever they are ... thank you, bring us more!
There are still people who believe that these giant crop circles are made by humans using ropes, ladders and planks.
I challenge those who believe this to reconstruct this work of art just on a piece of paper and see how much time it will take you to finish it if you succeed.
The complexity and accuracy is astounding... CLICK HERE for a detailed description on how to create the Cosmic Serpent from scratch!