Thanks to the incredibly important work of J.J. Hurtak (The Keys of Enoch) and the work of the Reconnection, more and more information is becoming available about Light Body activation and Axiatonal Alignment.
And although it all seems new, humanity has known about the presence of the energy body and its connection to the cosmos for centuries.
Blog | ET-Healing Center Beyond Medicine
Strange shadowy figures began to appear in Chaya’s home throughout the year 1994. They explained politely that they were aliens from another universe, outside our own universe and they asked her permission to build a hospital for the purpose of treating human beings adjacent to her home. Chaya answered that she is neither a doctor nor is she certified to open a hospital.
In this time of tremendous spiritual evolution, a lot of mental, emotional and spiritual patterns are being released. But note that the physical body also needs to be detoxed in order to allow all spiritual energies to flow in achieving the Totality of One. Detoxification removes toxins and trapped energy from emotions, beliefs and thoughts, allowing cleansing on all levels - body, mind and soul.
West Woodhay Down, Wiltshire : 29th July 2011
Spread over 11 tramlines with 29 circles forming the body of the snake ... The number 29 is the key to this formation, adding 2+9 we get 11 ... which is a master number ... Awakening to Oneness !
It's one of the largest crop circles ever seen in England. The symbolism of the Cosmic Serpent, the DNA Activation and the Kundalini Awakening of the Earth stand out ...
Since the beginning of 2016, Ezra'el has regularly indicated that humanity is on its way to its 'triple A status', a status of expression of its own Authenticity, its own Authority and its own Autonomy.
In the business world, the term 'triple-A' is an indication of credit rating or reliability.
Our guides (and extraterrestrials in general) do like humour and often make puns in order to keep their messages easily understandable, but the question is "What does Ezra'el actually mean?
After the film premiere of the 'Bashar' documentary 'First Contact' in the film theatre Fraterhuis in Zwolle (Netherlands) we organized on 7 January 2017, many people asked us "what are these Universal Laws that Bashar was talking about?". We have taken this as an opportunity to go through these Universal Laws again and add some more elaborated 'Bashar' material.
The How and the Why of ET-Contact - Part 1
In the book - Being with the Beings; The How and the Why of ET Contact - written by Miguel Mendonca, several questions are asked to people about their contact with extraterrestrial beings (ET's) or Multidimensional beings.
And like Jacqueline, more and more people are becoming aware of their connections with extraterrestrial civilizations and their soul contract with one or more extraterrestrial beings to exchange information that can serve each other's lives in other realities.
"Although I am extraterrestrial and therefore live on another planet, in no way do I see myself as better than you.
I have certain understandings that many of you may consider more expanded than the common earthling point-of-view, but it is no better, only different.
I do not, in any way, insist that you believe what I am saying because I am extraterrestrial...."
~ Elan, contact specialist from the Essassani World
Bashar is a being of extraterrestrial origin, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 30 years through channel, Darryl Anka, bringing through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works and how each person creates the reality they experience.
Seven Steps for Entering Species Adulthood
For thousands of years mankind has been looking up at the sky, imagining the wonders of the heavens. During that time, we've developed an extraterrestrial mythology filled with benevolent beings assisting humanity as well as jealous "gods" vying for the worship and control of humans.
Healing from aliens, from another dimension, from beings invisible to most people. Yes, sure.
That was my first thought when I encountered this phenomenon. And as an energetic healer, I wasn't unfamiliar with healing entities such as angels.
Joël is part of the extraterrestrial team that assists me during ET-healing sessions and over and over again he tells me how important it is for all people, who are open to it, to build a real relationship with his/her guide.
A real relationship similar to how we as people can have with each other ...
When a computer engineer discovers he has extrasensory abilities, what does he do? He sets out to investigate!
Through a series of extraordinary experiences, Adrian Dvir, an unsuspecting computer engineer, opens a new world and an amazing and fascinating world of extradimensional life, ....