A beautiful (and powerful) geometric pendant which is strongly connected to the Angelic realms. The pendant has a gentle but powerful (feminine) energy and will help you to get in contact with Angels and guides.
Do you work with angels or would you like to get in contact with angels? Take a moment to feel if this geometry resonates with you, then you will know if this pedant is meant to be with you.
The geometry of this pendant is from our newly discovered sacred geometry from the Flower of Life, like we’ve shown in our blogpost. We’ve made (Christmas) postcards with these geometries as well.
And more jewelry with these geometries will follow!
Almost all sacred geometry has its origin in the Flower of Life, for this reason we started discovering and playing with this geometry. However, the discovered geometry was in 2D.
So it was quite a challenge to turn it into a 3D model which is energetically correct as well!
Curious about the design process? Watch our “Making of” video of the Angelic Star.
Sebastiaan Fiolet
© 2017 Sacred Creation | Sebastiaan Fiolet
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