Bashar Event Overview - English Only
Channeling For Change

- Edited by : Bashar, Darryl Anka
- Publisher: Video
- Library: Bashar Library
- Year: 2010
- Link:
Bashar Store : (2010) Channeling for Change
At this event, Bashar discusses acting on your joy, turning a negative events into a positive, analyzing beliefs, pyramids, crystal skulls and much more.
Session Name : Channeling For Change
Session Date : 31-5-2010
Session Location : Irvine, CA
Session Length : 1 Hr +
Q and A Includes :
1 - What can we do to manifest the highest level of love as a human civilization
2 - How to speed up spiritual growth
3 - Existing in multiple realities at simultaneously
4 - Question about the gulf oil gusher
5 - masters of limitation
6 - being responsible for your own life
7 - shifting to another parallel earth reality
8 - poverty
9 - problem solving
10 - renewable energy
11 - karma vs. joy and bliss
12 - pre-destiny
13 - Language, psychic telepathy, telempathy
14 - simultaneity
15 - 'All-thruthiness'
16 - Shifting to a parallel reality
17 - Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna and Buddha being car-jacked
18 - being in the now / negative forces
19 - Crystal Skulls
20 - Sustaining state of mind
21 - Following your bliss and excitement on Essassani
22 - music on Essassani
23 - mantra
Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation ... a Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.