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Logo ET-Healing Centre Beyond Medicine

Cover of Voices In Your Head
Publisher: Video
Library: Bashar Library
Year: 2014
Link: Link Bashar Store : (2014) Voices In Your Head


Join Bashar as he explores the many voices you hear inside your head such as 'the critical voice' and 'the voice of reason,' as well as the voices you may perceive when you open up to channeling energies.
In this session he will help you balance and align with the higher vibrations of who you truly are.

Session Name : Voices In Your Head
Session Date : 6-9-2014
Session Location : Sedona, AZ
Session Length : 4 Hours

Q and A Includes :

1 - How does your society use morphic fields?
2 - Do you have a preferred vortex in Sedona?
3 - Which parallel reality version of me is the real me?
4 - How many hybrid children do I have?
5 - Will I be able to see them someday?
6 - Did I originate in Arcturus?
7 - Can you tell me more about Steven Greer's CE-5 Initiative?
8 - What alien races have already had contact of this kind?
9 - Are the Annunaki and The Grays the same race?
10 - Are The Grays a government-backed race?
11 - Are there other civilizations who practice martial arts?
12 - What theme did I choose for this life?
13 - Is the government going to force the use of microchips on us?
14 - How can I enhance my communications with ancient stone civilizations?
15 - What was the connection I felt with The Orion and Sirius civilizations when I looked at the night sky recently?
16 - Was I abducted?
17 - Why do I not remember?
18 - Are The Hybrid beings made from The Grays?
19 - Bashar explains the involvement of cows and the hybridization program.
20 - Are 'Conscious Businesses' a stepping stone to our higher potential of economics?
21 - Is the Earth splitting into two distinct realities?
22 - What will happen in the fall of 2016?
23 - Bashar speaks on 'patience'.
24 - Does ET contact run in family lines?
25 - Why don't I feel your vibration anymore?
26 - Over coming The Voice of The Critic.
27 - Bashar redefines 'patterns'.
28 - How can I overcome negative family judgements?
29 - How can I redefine my self judgments about aging?
30 - Could you speak more on your ship's propulsion system?
31 - How can I overcome feelings of helplessness in a situation I cannot change?
32 - Are plants and beneficial fungi ascending with us?
33 - My excitement is experimenting with pyramids to amplify the potency of seeds!
34 - What are some silly things you do on Essassani?
35 - Are there many civilizations reaching out for contact?
36 - How can I overcome the uncertainty in my relationship?
37 - Is distance and time an illusion?
38 - Is there a constant version of me that is always suffering?
39 - Is All That Is lonely?

Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation ... a Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.

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