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Cover of Pleiades
Publisher: Article
Library: Human-ET



The Pleiadian civilization has held a longstanding connection with humanity, serving as both guides and allies in our spiritual evolution.
Their energies, often described as benevolent and nurturing, play a critical role in preparing humanity for open contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

The Pleiades constellation, comprised of seven main stars, holds deep symbolic meaning within various cultures.
Each star represents unique frequencies and archetypes, serving as anchors of the Pleiadian collective consciousness.

Bashar describes the Pleiadians as architects of a cosmic legacy that influences our personal and planetary journey toward unity consciousness.
In this exploration, we delve into key moments of Pleiadian involvement, their cooperative efforts with other civilizations, and what their presence means for humanity today.


Historical Ties: The Pleiadian Role in Human Evolution

The Pleiadians have been intertwined with humanity across various epochs, including influential periods such as Atlantis and the Mayan civilization. Their energetic signatures resonate within Earth’s spiritual history, promoting healing, wisdom, and a remembrance of our cosmic origins.

Orion, Earth and Pleiades coming to Full Cycle

Questioner: What is the relationship between Orion, the energies of Orion, and our present transitional Earth?

Bashar     : Let us put it very simply for now, and very succinctly. 
The Origin - Earth/Pleiades system in Lyra, split off – into Pleiades system and Orion. 
Pleiades system – retention of integration; Orion system – creation of separation and limitation.
Projection from Orion systems to idea in Earth system known as Maldek – former planet, now destroyed, projection from Maldek to Earth system – ideas of Lemuria and Atlantis, to the idea of the present Earth civilization.

Exploration of the blending of the polarities, positive and negative so as to form in some factions a feed-back system to original Orion systems experiencing negativity and suppression, so that they could also blend.
So that there can be, in round about ways, so to speak, re-blending, re-identification with original systems, original families, now to be found in Pleiades and to form reconnections after balancing, after transformation.

One direction is the path of integration. The other direction is the path of separation.
Now, full cycle, the rejoining of original families originated in Lyra.
Your direction, through Orion, through Maldek, to Earth. The other direction, to Pleiades.

Q: Are we all going to meet?
B: You have already begun to meet.

Q: So that asteroid belt near Mars...
B: Yes, Maldek. Self-destructed.

Q: Okay, thank you.
B: Thank you. 

The Pleiadians have contributed to Earth’s energetic stability, often in collaboration with other advanced civilizations.
Their guidance has consistently oriented humanity towards unity, balance, and greater cosmic awareness.

The Path to Open Contact: Current Pleiadian Involvement

As humanity advances toward the reality of open contact, the Pleiadians continue their role as catalysts and mentors.
They facilitate the integration of higher frequencies, encouraging the dismantling of old paradigms and the embrace of multidimensionality.

Human Evolution and ET Contact

The other significant group that we will mention are the Pleiadians.
Their symbols were also at times birds or winged figures. They also used the symbol of the seven stars.
Physically, and again we must generalize, they were similar in skin, hair and eye color to the Lyrans but much smaller.
So, for instance, a typical Pleiadian woman would look very much like this channel in size.
Now the Pleiadians had a very, very deep love of mankind.
It would take too much time to explain why, but genetically they are connected to you, so often throughout history they have been drawn back to Earth in order to help humans.
Not only do they have a genetic connection but they also have an emotional connection. They always tried to nurture and protect you like a mother.

At times in your history there has been release of information that could finally give you the truth about your heritage.
One of these examples is in the Sumerian clay tablets. They were discovered and some were deciphered but unfortunately a lot of the information has been withheld.
So those who guard Machu Picchu are very committed to never letting the records out until mankind is ready to accept those truths.

Throughout time, it has been mostly the Pleiadians who have come and checked to make sure the records are secure, for the Pleiadians truly await the day when humankind accepts its galactic heritage.
But since they cannot directly interfere, they can simply help to guard the records.
Pleiadians and the ancient Incans have a very, very strong connection.
All over your planet there are storehouses of these ancient records so that your history will never be forgotten.
And some of the extraterrestrial groups have been very instrumental in helping to preserve that information.

Source : Lyssa Royal - Human Evolution and the ET Contact Experience

Key Takeaway
Open contact is a shared effort, with the Pleiadians playing a supportive role.
Their presence gently encourages humanity to dissolve limiting beliefs, making space for new levels of awareness and connectivity.


The Pleiadian Connection: Embracing Their Influence

The Pleiadian influence on Earth goes beyond open contact; it touches on personal empowerment and self-discovery.
Here's an interesting very old transcript on Agreements and Pleiadian Connections.

Questioner:  Are Pleiadians connected to Venus?

Bashar     :  Remotely, but not directly.  Pleiadians, in your terms, are from your Pleiades.  You follow me?

Q:  Yes.

B:  Any connection will simply be that you perceive there is a similar level of unconditional loving energy that is exemplified by sixth density Venusians, as well as Pleiadians.  You may find that they are sending similar types of love to your civilization; but in many ways, though on one level all is the same, they are also on the levels to which you are referring, very distinct and separate.  The idea of anything that attaches itself by label to your Solar System will, in your terms, have quote/unquote, “first priority” in dealing with you, your civilization.  Now Pleiadians will be, to some degree, the one primary exception on a different level because, in a very literal sense, Pleiadians are your brothers, sisters, and cousins, for you are from the same offshoots.

This is not exactly, directly true, although there has been other intermingling of many  other groups as a whole.  However, portions of the consciousness from past times, from Atlantean times, from Lemurian times, have created offshoot non-physiological spirituality
consciousness that has attached  itself to the idea of sixth density Venus, and is reflected in that way; so you may be seeing a very old connection.  But in this way, in the present, they are quite distinct and separate directions.  You follow me?  Will that have assisted you?

Q:  Yes, thank you very much.

B:  Thank you.


Key Takeaway

The Pleiadian connection offers humanity a path toward expanded consciousness, guiding us in the journey toward open contact.
As we tune in on their energies and insights, we move closer to understanding our multidimensional nature and our role within the cosmic family. Through intentional practices, we can deepen our alignment with these benevolent beings and prepare ourselves for a future of unity and cooperation.

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