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Logo ET-Healing Centre Beyond Medicine

Cover of The Five Levels Of Mastery
Publisher: Video
Library: Bashar Library
Year: 2016
Link: Link Bashar Store : (2016) The Five Levels of Mastery


Willa Hillicrissing comes through and describes The Five Levels of Mastery: cryptic, nocturnal, shape-shifter, sage, and wraith.
Willa and Bashar discuss in-depth the specific symbols, energy states, and explorations involved in her mystery school training.
Bashar and Willa answer your questions.

Session Name : The Five Levels Of Mastery
Session Date : 3-12-2016
Session Location : Los Angeles, CA
Session Length : 2 Hours, 50 Min

Q and A Includes :

1 - Has Willa tried divinorum? What is divinorum?
2 - Can we achieve the Five Levels of Mastery without using divinorum, or using different tools?
3 - I?d like to feel my emotional body more.
Sometimes it feels like there is a disconnect.
What is the easiest and the quickest way to raise your frequency?
4 - If it?s so easy, how come we?re not always doing it?
5 - How would I know that I?m almost there?
6 - Why am I shaking while talking to Willa?
7 - Can you tell me about Lily Stargazer in Port Dublin in your timeline?
8 - What do the hybrids drink?
9 - Would Lily join me in her pub and drink the nectar?
10 - And I could drink it also?
11 - One night you visited me, and you asked me if I wanted to go with you.
I got out of my body, and there you were.
Bashar confirmed for me that it was you.
Was it you?
12 - What are my gifts?
13 - I?d like to use my intuition, but I don?t trust my automatic writing.
Last time I talked to Bashar he said that I made friends with death.
Can you expand on that?
14 - I?m confused about manifestation, can you help me with it?
15 - Since we?ve talked about ET contact, do you think there?s going to be any contact with the Annunaki?
16 - Would they come to the Earth?
17 - Can you give me some information about the Ark of the Covenant that was sent to the South Pole?
18 - Can you give me some information about what that is, the Ark of Gabriel that you called by another name?
19 - I heard that there is going to be an explosion on the Earth.
Is that true?
20 - I feel pent-up energy buzzing over my third eye.
I feel like I?m about to take off like a rocket.
What is that?
21 - How can I ground those energies?
22 - Do we all have divine gifts and a soul contract that we are being awakened to?
23 - What is my connection with Willa?
24 - What brought me to this place at this time, that I needed to leave Ireland and be here?
25 - My organization is thriving and doing much better.
And I?ve been getting a lot of recognition and accolades.
Recently I just gave a Ted Talk.
Where is the money?
26 - My ears are becoming more sensitive, can you tell me why?
27 - How can I support a family member who is addicted to drugs?
28 - You?ve said your ship is above Sedona, and there are many others.
Where are the other extraterrestrial ships located above Earth?
29 - Whose are they, and what is their purpose?
30 - What is the race of our hybrid children called?
31 - Do they visit Earth? If so, why?
32 - Can we connect as conduits for the hybrid children to see through our eyes?
33 - What do symbols have to do with our experience?
Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation A Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.
Video version recommended due to Holotope Meditation visuals.


Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation ... a Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.

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