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Cover of A Matter of Faith Intensive
Publisher: Video
Library: Bashar Library
Year: 2007
Link: Link Bashar Store : (2007) A Matter of Faith Intensive


This four hour intensive provides a deep exploration of the concept of faith.
Bashar takes us on a journey through the duality of faith vs.
doubt to the next level of understanding-- 'the power of knowing'.
This session provides the next stage of consciousness evolution and includes exercises designed to crystallize your comprehension of knowing what is true for you.

Session Name : A Matter Of Faith Intensive
Session Date : 11-4-2007
Session Length : ?

Q and A Includes :

1 - Happy Birthday to Bashar?
2 - Making a paper airplane with closed eyes?
3 - Gaining prosperity through surrender?
4 - Are Darryl's genetics a part of Bashar?
5 - A comparison between the crystals at the event and the feelings that would result from meeting Bashar?
6 - Which ET's will make first open contact?
7 - How should I imagine myself when I contemplate 'I AM?' What is the nature of individuality for a non-physical spiritual being?
8 - What is the pivotal nature of my gifts, vis-a-vis children and dance?
9 - Ad ream regarding the recent wildfires in California and the questioner's dog?
10 - Shifting to a parallel reality where the house did not burn down?
11 - Numbers that recur throughout a lifetime?
12 - Discussion of the benefits of democracy vs republic?
14 - Feeling a pure, absolute consciousness and exploring the idea of expansion of consciousness?
15 - When is our solar system supposed to cross the photon belt?
16 - Having impact?
17 - Technical clarification of the meaning of 'frequency' as it applies to non-physical ('higher frequency') beings, the nature of 'frames of non-physical reality', and the nature of time?
18 - Question about meeting Bashar in a time-suspended arena?
19 - Where does existence come from?
20 - How come there isn't just nothing?
21 - What is an average day like for Bashar?
22 - Question about a dynamic encounter the questioner had with several beings when she was very little?
23 - Being an 'absorber' of the energy of a place?
24 - The shift in consciousness experienced by the woman whose home almost burned?
25 - Are mathematics basic to reality?
26 - What is the significance of the number seven in New Age literature?
27 - If I imagine something, does that means it exists somewhere?
28 - Preparing for a job interview by choosing the reality we prefer?
29 - How physical healing is accomplished?
30 - Why is it so hard to walk the walk concerning faith when the chips are down?
31 - The limits of what is possible through faith in this reality?
32 - Technical terminology Bashar uses to describe time and space?
33 - The 11-dimension model of space known as M-theory?
34 - Challenges to the questioner's faith (and Bashar's attempt to bring the her beyond faith)?
35 - A discussion of the definitions of positive and negative?
36 - Can human evolution lead to certain super abilities (e.g. radical spontaneous change in human form, flight, spontaneous regeneration) becoming more real?
38 - What is the difference between metaphysics and New Age
39 - How does the Law of Attraction work into the recent wildfires in California
40 - How does Bashar define karma, fate, and free will
41 - If karma is self-imposed, how do we clear or change it
42 - Is Bashar still in orbit over Cairo
43 - Discussion of democracy vs. republic and how we are our government.
44 - Is faith a matter of timing
45 - Discussion about the Great Pyramid of Giza, the measurements it shares with geometry and astronomy, and the synchronicity of that.
46 - A dream about a new car with an accelerator with a life of its own and increased water levels on the road.
47 - Staying in a Hopi structure that is symbolic of a "time capsule," and a hyper-reality visit by hybrid beings.
48 - Discussion of consciousness, "the invisible," and infinity.
49 - Cultural obstacles to having "fun" at work.
50 - Definitions of "good" and "bad" and the ethics of "cracking" computer software written by others.
51 - If it's true that time is a function of consciousness and doesn't really exist out there, then how can it be true that all conscious creation results from frequency matching when frequency is itself dependent on time
52 - Examples of how collective awakening is manifesting itself in other civilizations both on Earth and other planets and dimensions.
53 - A question about a symbol of personal awakening and connection.
54 - A discussion of the desire to channel.
55 - Explanation of the creation of Bashar's civilization as a hybrid race of humans and grays.
56 - How best can I become more functional and surround myself with functional people
57 - Is it possible for me to experience what I know without filtering it through my belief system
58 - How do the first three laws create the fourth law, and how does the fourth law create the first three laws
59 - Human DNA is the blending of DNA from how many extraterrestrial races
60 - How does that number compare with the other beings in our galaxy
61 - Who are the seven extraterrestrial races from which we are made
62 - Following your heart in matters of love when money is an obstacle.
63 - Is the higher vantage point possessed by the higher self a design that occurs only in third density, or do higher densities have it too
64 - Does Bashar have a higher self
65 - Are they chosen
66 - Following your passion.  

Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation ... a Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.

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