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Logo ET-Healing Centre Beyond Medicine

Cover of The Apprentice The Adept And The Alchemist
Publisher: Video
Library: Bashar Library
Year: 2013
Link: Link Bashar Store : (2013) The Apprentice the Adept and the Alchemist


A Story of Transformation.
Bashar shares a story about our process of change and ascension.

Session Name : The Apprentice The Adept And The Alchemist
Session Date : 14-6-2014
Session Location : Los Angeles, CA
Session Length : 2 Hours

Q and A Includes :

1 - I get confused about different teachings, which is the ultimate truth?
2 - Why does life eat life?
3 - Why is it healthier to eat animals than to not eat animals?
4 - How can I use sound and other healing modalities to improve the education system?
5 - Bashar speaks on 'tel-empahy.
6 - What are your thoughts on when humanity will implement free energy methods?
7 - When will we be off our present monetary system?
8 - I was recently pregnant and had an abortion, did I make the right decision?
9 - Why do I keep experiencing a long string of injuries?
10 - Will you speak on the ancient history of the deck of playing cards?
11 - When I meditate, I get peaceful and still, I get to a point where I exhale and it's more comfortable to not inhale again, is this harmful?
12 - What is the 6' alien body that was recently found?
13 - When someone is under hypnosis are they in a dream state?
14 - Was my family involved in the hybridization process?
15 - When I summon you, and I'm not sure what really happens.
I feel a presence, is it you?
16 - What do you recommend for how to be more successful in gambling?
17 - Given the high rate of humanities current ascension, will my ideas for how to accelerate be no longer needed?
18 - In regards to the end of money, how can we transition into the idea of using human ability instead of currency?
19 - I came from a very stressful state, and it allowed me to develop in a lot of positive ways, but also into some illnesses.
How do I know if I'm done with this stressful cycle?
20 - Are all women are supposed to want to have babies?
21 - Why did I get sick at Macchu Pichu

Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation ... a Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.

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