Bashar Event Overview - English Only
Crystal Portals Within The Infinite
Dimensions and Realities

- Edited by : Bashar, Darryl Anka
- Publisher: Video
- Library: Bashar Library
- Year: 2010
- Link:
Bashar Store : (2010) Crystal Portals within the Infinite
Slip Stream: Bashar discusses how to become much more superconductive, hyper-conductive of the energy that you are flowing through your being, your body, your consciousness.
So that you can gain a handle on how to allow this energy to serve you best, in the most consciousness way possible.
Crystal Portals: Bashar discusses the vortices that are created by the overlapping of energy streams of an energy net or doorways and gateways that connect an infinite number of realities and dimensions.
Session Name : Crystal Portals Within The Infinite
Session Date : 14-8-2010
Session Location : San Francisco, CA
Q and A Includes :
Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation ... a Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.