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Logo ET-Healing Centre Beyond Medicine

Cover of Parables And Time Crystals
Publisher: Video
Library: Bashar Library
Year: 2018
Link: Link Bashar Store : (2018) Parables and Time Crystals


Recently Bashar has discussed story structure and its importance in human evolution.

In Parables and Time Crystals, he once again takes familiar concepts to the next level as he explains how parables reflect probable realities ? parallel probabilities, para-ble.

Armed with that understanding and the new analogy of time crystals, we can more easily go back and forth between states and write the stories we prefer to live, using story structure to change our beliefs and thus our outcomes.

Another fascinating permission slip that we can use to rewrite our realities.
These sessions are designed to build on each other in a focused way for accelerated results.

Session Name : Parables And Time Crystals
Session Date : 30-11-2018
Session Location : Los Angeles, CA
Session Length : 2 + Hours

Q and A Includes :

1 - Why am I experiencing blocks in my life?
2 - Why does it take so long for me to find a partner?
3 - Abraham told me that the concept of everything already existing is a false premise, could you comment?
4 - Could you comment on Abraham?s teaching of the Universe being about inclusion not exclusion?
5 - If something I desire is not coming to fruition, does it mean I should examine my belief system?
6 - Could you tell me more about the ET contact I?ve had in my meditations?
7 - How can I control my emotions from going up and down?
8 - Can you help me understand the concept of simultaneity?
9 - How can I make more of an impact spiritually?
10 - What does synchronicity in terms of numbers mean?
11 - Is there individuated consciousness in All That Is?
12 - Is is possible to lose the fear of death while in the physical body?
13 - Does your race seek a relationship with God?
14 - Could you comment on our shared reality?
15 - Who built the pyramids? Bashar discusses the dark ages and asteroidal impacts.

16 - What is the best way to raise our vibration?
17 - Does positive and negative exist in the higher dimensions?
18 - Will I be able to explore other planets after I die?
19 - Is there a crystal we can use to contact you?
20 - What is your opinion on DMT and other psychedelics placed here on Earth?
21 - Are the 23 Bloodlines coming to a close soon?
22 - Could you elaborate on the Sirius star system and our emotional streams? Bashar discusses dolphins and whales and their relationship to Sirius.

23 - Could you speak on The Fool archetype?
24 - What is the reason for the recent mass strandings of pilot whales?
25 - How can I overcome my reluctance to become known?
26 - Are there any first contact specialists here on Earth?
27 - What exactly is meant by the structure of existence?
28 - Who decides what I need? Bashar speaks on the seven neutral needs.

29 - If everything is symbolic anyway, what is the difference between a screen memory and something that actually happened?
30 - What is the difference between the energy that is being channeled by Bashar and Abraham?


Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation ... a Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.

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