Bashar Event Overview - English Only
Crossing The Bridge To 2013
Transformation and Earth

- Edited by : Bashar, Darryl Anka
- Publisher: Video
- Library: Bashar Library
- Year: 2012
- Link:
Bashar Store : (2012) Crossing The Bridge To 2013
Choosing your state of bring for crossing the threshold.
Session Name : Crossing The Bridge To 2013
Session Date : 10-11-2012
Session Location : Los Angeles, CA
Q and A Includes :
1 - Are the Hybrid Children listening in on this transmission?
2 - Fluctuations in experience.
Is the higher self the 'seed of being'?
3 - As we ascend will we become more connected?
4 - Redefining Karma?
5 - Has our human DNA been 'unplugged'?
6 - What are the strange noises emanating from Earth?
7 - Are all expressions of existence there by choice?
8 - About different soul families.
How can I help my friends and family to shift too?
9 - Is the shift going on now the earth reincarnating?
10 - Has your percentage increased that has come through this room?
11 - Does our shifting create different patterns of energy?
12 - Does your spiral sculpture that you created help our shift?
13 - How each the interstellar alliance members' contact crystals grow?
14 - Rediscovering Tesla's energy knowledge?
15 - Where do we stand on the timeline divergence that you discussed last year?
16 - When will have open contact?
17 - Do I have an Essassani counterpart in your current time frame?
Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation A Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.
DVD recommended due to Holotope Meditation visuals.
Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation ... a Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.