Healing Centre Beyond Medicine
Wolfhezerweg 31
6874 AA Wolfheze
+31 (0)6-43726518
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Last week I had the opportunity to do another wonderful ET-Healing session for a dog that was paralysed at the backside several months ago due to a fatal accident.My extraterrestrial team loves to work with...
In the past years we have received requests from people overseas (Canada, USA, Australia, UK, India, ...) to develop a program for ET-Healing Practitioner via skype.This year for the first time we decided to give it...
A sweet lady who had been in my practice a year ago, was lying on the treatment table for a session. And the team directed me instantly to her throat chakra, there was such a...
Recently a lady came into our practice, who suffered from pain in the heart region.She has had herself examined by a specialist but no abnormalities were found. A mystery, because she does experience real physical...
He comes into our practice for the first time concerning his physical complaints. He wants to know what it is, he wants a diagnosis. And he' s very honest about the extraterrestrials: 'I'm pretty skeptical...
Together with a client, I had such a magical experience throughout the entire ET-healing session that we are eager to share it with you in her own writings ... "This is a summary of the ET-healing...
"Dear Jacqueline, Last week you brought me a beautiful and amazing healing that changed everything. Thank you very much. Unimaginable, what has happened and what is still unfolding.On the audio recording I heard some of...
One day there was another request for an ET-healing session for a dog, which I also love to do.For animals are so pure in there responses on the healing frequencies and once they trust you...
Gabber is a very cute dog and one day his owner contacted me and asked me to do a distance ET-healing session for him, because when she lifts him, he is screaming in pain.The veterinarian...
Life changing event: healing by extraterrestrial beings When we were on holiday in the South of England (Glastonbury area) in 2013 doing a crop circle tour under the guidance of Janet Ossebaard, the team and I...