The ET Healing Experience Evenings are monthly online meetings where we experience beautiful energetic activations with a group of 30-50 people.
Together with each other and our interdimensional friends, we build powerful energy fields in a very short time, where wonderful encounters, powerful healings and activations take place.

We open the evening with a meditation and the introduction/invitation of our guides so that we can meet each other in a beautiful and powerful group field. 
A beautiful energy field where we can land, arrive and relax in connectedness.
You may feel the presence of this evening's guides during this meditation, or you may have already met them (or sometimes met them before).

Our guides are often already preparing in the field, sending out their gentle yet powerful energy from noon, and for many people this can be felt during the opening.
And imperceptibly we are already entering another dimension/reality ... this is the preparation for the evening.

We then offer the opportunity to ask our guides questions on a specific topic.
This can be a general topic - such as hybrid children, types of civilizations, DNA activation - but also personal topics can be asked.

Following a short break, we continue the evening with a Stargate Meditation, a delightful exploration of our multidimensional selves, combined with group healing and activations.
During the Stargate Meditation one effortlessly enters higher dimensions and contact with sentient beings and extraterrestrials suddenly becomes much easier.
It is wonderful to experience and feel the energy in contact with our extraterrestrial guides.

If you want to join this ET-Healing Experience (online) next time, please check our website at EVENTS | ET-Healing Experience
Please note ... these events are spoken in Dutch, unless otherwise stated in the event description.

Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 15 Maart 2022

bloedgroep Rhesus negatief - spagyriek planten - witte broederschap - Oekraïne en Rusland - hoe contact met ET's zo makkelijk mogelijk maken - heeft 5G, bewapening van ruimte effect op ET contact?

Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 8 Februari 2022

alsof ons hele huis een UFO is - artificial chakra's weghalen - lichamelijke reacties bij Stargate meditaties - besmet met Corona virus - ziek zijn en bewust zijn - wat wordt gereflecteerd


Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 11 Januari 2022

plasma healing - ET'S over romantische relaties - mogelijkheden tot frequentieverhoging - pijn in hartstreek - medbeds - krokodillen - Egyptische goden met ibis - effect corona vaccinatie bij kinderen

Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 7 December 2021

onzekerheid - angst voor tekort - Galactische Federatie en Witte Broederschap - waar wonen hybride kinderen - welk sterrenstelsel - hulp van andere beschavingen - monolieten - Rhesus negatief bloed - authenticiteit terugvinden - DNA healen

Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 9 November 2021

kwaliteiten van de mens t.o.v. andere rassen - 3 tand van Poseidon - frequentieverhogingen - contact met andere planetaire stelsels - Med Bed - witte broederschap en galactische federatie - hybride galactische mens - energieën van anderen - rhesus minus bloedgroep 

Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 7 September 2021

snel emotioneel - golf van licht over de aarde - hoe maak ik contact met mezelf - werken met jongeren - buitenaardsen openbaren aan mensheid - schokken (pulsen) van energie - contact met de pleiaden - lichttaal - frequentie nieuwe wereld - precursers

Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 6 Juli 2021

Sacred Space creëren - lichtwezens van holle aarde - 5D - gemanipuleerd DNA - pieptonen in hoofd - Bashar vraag over RH - spanning in keelgebied - kristalijne babies


Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 8 Juni 2021

Heb ik een ET-gids bij me - het juiste moment - aartsengelen/engelen - slaap tijdens Stargate Meditatie - shamanisme - kanker genezen - Metatron - multidimensionaliteit - rol buitenaardsen - voorbereidingen als healer

Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 4 Mei 2021

angstige / negatieve gedachten - ET healing opleiding - doodmoe de laatste tijd - vaccineren - gewrichtsklachten- en overgewicht - shedding - mobiele telefoons gedachten lezen - energie in balans - ufo boven mij - ET gidsen en andere gidsen - op jonge leeftijd bezig met ET’s - leven op hun planeet - pijn in bekkengebied 

Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 6 April 2021

vraag over de injectie - los komen van de ziel? - collectieve energie intens - oude pijnen die naar boven kunnen komen - zelf-herontdekking van kracht



Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 9 Maart 2021

energie goed op pijl houden - gevolgen van de vaccinatie - Gaia - connectie met bijenvolk - wat gebeurd er na overlijden - mensen zijn oud geworden afgelopen jaar - vermoeidheid - donkere dagen - enorme ruimte en rust - hitte golven met Art work - Med Bed

Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 9 Februari 2021

frequentie verhoging fysieke lichaam - wie is Zolan en waar komt hij/zij vandaan - nieuwe maan en overvloed aan planeten in Waterman - de grote transformatie/reset - 10 days of darkness - Sirius en andere beschavingen - waarheden naar buiten 

Replay ET-Healing Experience | Stargate Meditation | 12 Januari 2021

buitenaardse figuur door de schutting heen komen -  wat is er momenteel gaande op onze planeet - kunnen jullie iets over Jena doorgeven - leren communiceren met mijn gids(en) - opening bij derde oog - vrijheid beperkt - mondkapje

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+31 (0)6-43726518

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Customer Reviews

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Together We Heal

  In the past years we have received requests from people overseas (Canada, USA, Australia, UK, India, ...) to develop a program for ET-Healing Practitioner via skype.This year for the first time we decided to give it...

My First ET-Healing Session

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Het leven is weer terug

  A sweet lady who had been in my practice a year ago, was lying on the treatment table for a session. And the team directed me instantly to her throat chakra, there was such a...

Life is back !!

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ET-Healing for Cosmic Contact

  Recently a lady came into our practice, who suffered from pain in the heart region.She has had herself examined by a specialist but no abnormalities were found. A mystery, because she does experience real physical...

ET-Healing for Cosmic Contact

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Am I an extraterrestrial?

  He comes into our practice for the first time concerning his physical complaints. He wants to know what it is, he wants a diagnosis. And he' s very honest about the extraterrestrials: 'I'm pretty skeptical...

Am I an extraterrestrial ?

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Magie op Aarde

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Time for Magic

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Shifting through time and dimensions

  "Dear Jacqueline, Last week you brought me a beautiful and amazing healing that changed everything. Thank you very much. Unimaginable, what has happened and what is still unfolding.On the audio recording I heard some of...

Shifting through time and dimensions

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ET-Healing for a traumatised dog

  One day there was another request for an ET-healing session for a dog, which I also love to do.For animals are so pure in there responses on the healing frequencies and once they trust you...

ET-Healing for a traumatised dog

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Healing voor Gabber

  Gabber is a very cute dog and one day his owner contacted me and asked me to do a distance ET-healing session for him, because when she lifts him, he is screaming in pain.The veterinarian...

ET-Healing for Gabber

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Janet Ossebaard

  Life changing event: healing by extraterrestrial beings When we were on holiday in the South of England (Glastonbury area) in 2013 doing a crop circle tour under the guidance of Janet Ossebaard, the team and I...

ET-Healing for Janet Ossebaard

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Reference ET-Healing

In July 2011  I was diagnosed with Lymphoma Hodgkin in three places in my chest. After 5 months of chemotherapy and 25 days of radiation treatments the tumors seemed to have disappeared. During my recovery...

ET-Healing for Lymphoma Hodgkin

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