The process of learning never stops!
Even our extraterrestrial friends are still learning every day ... and they are learning a lot from us!
One very effective way of learning is by doing and sharing your experiences with others.
As ET-Healing Practitioners know, there is no fixed method for doing an ET-Healing session, there are many variables and there is so much to learn.
No single ET-Healing session is the same.
We therefore regularly organize days of coming together, to do healing sessions with each other to learn from each other, where we give each other valuable professional feedback so that we also further develop our skills.
Asking for feedback is not a sign of weakness, but an enrichment and acceleration of our own process, because there is always so much to learn.
As ET-Healing Practitioners we support each other so we don't have to figure it all out on our own.
The Supervision for ET-Healing Practitioners consists each time of a trajectory of 4 days.
There are two yearly programs for supervision per group, one in spring and one in autumn.
After each trajectory of 4 days the participants can decide whether to continue in this group with the next trajectory or not.
These trajectories follow each other further and further.
A starting group consists of 6-8 participants.
Especially in a small group we can offer very personal guidance in the development process.
These supervision days are also wonderful days to immerse yourself energetically and to recharge, while staying in contact with each other, practicing, discovering and developing together and to inspire yourself with new information and perspectives.
It's actually so much more than just supervision ...
Morning :
- Feedback
- Delightful opening of the day together with our extraterrestrial guides
- Exchange of experiences about ET-Healing sessions or your practice
- Input of your question/theme for this day
- Guidance and reflection on submitted questions and themes
Afternoon :
- Theme or exercise
Theme about ET-Healing specifically, extraterrestrials in general or topics around awareness processes, individually and collectively or an exercise/experiment/try-out with the group
- Practical part
Working with ET-Healing Sessions, Stargate Meditation, Group Healing sessions and/or what the participants themselves have brought in as a theme
The development of making contact and everything to do with ET-Healing continues after the ET-Healing Practitioner course.
Sometimes as an ET-Healing Practitioner you first want to experience and develop new insights or methods in a safe and supprotive environment, with like-minded people who understand what is happening.
Just to give one example ... with some practitioners the phenomenon of 'toning' or Light Language (voice sounds with frequencies that can make bodies resonate enormously) develops after some time.
And at the same time this is often not something you immediately bring into the outside world.
Especially on these days you can give this development all the attention and be surprised about the effect on other participants.
The fee for an ET-Healing supervision program is € 395,00 incl. VAT and includes
- access to 4 days of supervision
- access to audio material that has been used or recorded during the program
- access to visual material that is used during the program
- during the program personal coaching / intervision at a reduced rate of € 60,- per session
Lunches and dinners are not included, please bring your own.
The rate for the online ET-Healing supervision trajectory depends on the number of participants (max. 3 participants for the Online Supervision)
- € 395,00 in case of 1 participant (private supervision)
- € 335.00 p.p. in case of 2 participants
- € 275.00 p.p. in case of 3 participants
and includes
- access to 4 supervision sessions
- access to audio material that has been used or recorded during the program
- access to visual material that is used during the program
- during the program personal coaching / intervision at a reduced rate of € 60, - per session
Please check the events page for the most actual dates.