New Earth Star Children

Star Children

It is truly an exciting time to be alive on the planet, as waves of energy have been consistently bathing the planet for the last forty years or so, that are beginning to "wake us up" to activate our "junk DNA" so that we can raise our vibration to a higher density to begin a new cycle of existence as a new type of human being.
And the Star Children are a big part of this great transformation for humanity. 
Just by being here at this time...  

It is truly an exciting time to be alive on this planet.
For the last forty years or so, waves of energy have been consistently washing over the planet that are beginning to "wake us up" to activate our "junk DNA" so that we can raise our vibration to a higher density to begin a new cycle of existence as a new type of human being.
Psychic abilities that have been dormant for thousands of years are being activated.

The experience of being "handicapped" in the densest vibration of human physicality has caused most of humanity as a collective to forget who they are.
Incarnating into a lifetime and forgetting who you are or that you have a connection to your Source Creator makes for an interesting and challenging life, to say the least.

And for many decades, highly conscientious, enlightened souls have been joining us on Earth today, being born through what is called the Arcturus Gate and leaving activated and intact much of the DNA coding that is dormant in most adults.
These children are often referred to as "New Children," "Indigo Children," "Crystal Children," "Rainbow Children," and many others.
As humans, we often have the desire to intellectually understand elusive concepts such as these New Children.
We feel it is important to note that each child of this new generation has its own unique personality, gifts, experiences and offerings, and feel that we do not need to categorize them according to their abilities, for there is a wide range of abilities and not every child has (or has yet to develop) every quality.
To address these special generations, we will simply use the terminology of "New Children" or "Star Children".

Just to clarify, Hybrid Children and Star Children are not quite the same, though they are very related. 
More on that in our blogs "Hybrid Children and Star Kids" and STAR KIDS - THE EMERGING COSMIC GENERATION.

Below we list some generalities about Star Children, but if you want to get a more in-depth feel into the lives of Star Children, please have a look at

Star Children are compassionate

They are full of compassion for all beings in the world and may have a special connection with animals, plants and Mother Nature.
Star children intuitively understand when another person is sad or upset and, despite their tender years, always know the right thing to say to ease the sadness of others. 
Star children understand that we are all connected and see no boundaries to this love.
They do not value one form of life over another as they understand the interconnectedness of all things and can be very upset by issues such as pollution and inequality.

Star Children are generous

Star children will gladly give away their possessions, partly because they are not particularly interested in material things, and partly because they know that the world and everything in it belongs to everyone, since all things are connected.
But more than that, they love to make others happy.  
Star children are rarely competitive and prefer to work with others for the good of all. 

Star Children remember before they were born

Many Star children talk about memories they have from before they were born.
Star children often have "imaginary" friends who provide comfort and reassurance and with whom they regularly talk when they are alone.
These imaginary friends are not so imaginary after all, but are usually spirit beings and guides whom the child recognizes because they have not lost touch with the spiritual realm. 
Star children can also remember their connections to other lives, not only on Earth, but in other places in the universe.
Often a Star Child can remember being a member of another civilization.

Star Children are wise beyond their years  

Star children think differently than others. They ask the big questions, such as "Who are we?" and "What are we here for?" from a very early age.
Because they connect on such a wise level, they often enjoy relationships with people much older than themselves.

Star children have been coming to Earth in increasing numbers for some years now.
Some of the earliest arrivals are no longer children, but teenagers, men and women in mid-life, and even much older people.

Star individuals hold together the past, present and future of humanity and remain connected to the world beyond the material one, offering guidance to humanity on how to evolve into beings of compassion and love.
They help us remember who we really are on a soul level and how we can bring peace and love to a world in need.

Is being a Star Child always fun ?

After reading their characteristics, one might think, "Well, they are so blessed," but in reality these star children are often in very challenging environments and have a hard time here on Earth.
Their innate spiritual gifts are often misunderstood.
Specifically, Star Children have telepathic abilities that lead them to do what they have come to do later in life.
In the new world, we will all be much more aware of our intuitive thoughts and feelings, and use our telepathic and healing abilities.
Already more and more of us are getting in touch with our psychic abilities. Our interest in the paranormal is at an all-time high, accompanied by books, television shows and movies on the subject.
The Star Children come to Earth with these abilities already activated.

Because of this, some of the Star Children have delayed speech patterns, and it's not uncommon for them to wait until they are 3 or 4 years old to begin speaking.
The trouble comes when the Star Children are labeled as having "abnormal" speech patterns.
They start talking late in childhood and instead use telepathy and self-invented sign language to communicate.

It's no coincidence that as more and more Star Children are being born, diagnoses of autism, Asperger's, ADD, ADHD, etc., are at record highs, but Star Children are quite the opposite.
They're among the most connected, communicative, nurturing, and cuddly of any generation.
They are also highly philosophical and spiritually gifted.
And they show an unprecedented level of kindness and sensitivity to the world.
Star children spontaneously hug and care for people in need. An autistic person wouldn't do that so easily!

Many Star Children refuse processed foods and meat, preferring vegetarian meals and juices.
They are sensitive to loud noises, crowds, clutter and disorganization, and chaotic environments.
In addition, Star Children tend to be very sensitive to artificial ingredients and chemicals.

Welcome to Earth, where they will be bombarded with signals to which they are very sensitive!

In addition to being highly sensitive, Star Children are often highly gifted.
They "know" things beyond their years and often more than most adults.
Again, this sounds like something to be very grateful for, but note that our school systems are not organized to support children so far ahead of their age.
Many of the highly gifted Star Children drop out, not because they are not smart enough to learn, but because they are being asked to learn things that they know are not really true or relevant.
When they begin to ask questions and challenge their teachers' level of understanding, they are often ridiculed and insulted by them, and later by the group as they follow in their footsteps.
It really is not always easy to be a highly gifted Star Child.

Now note that not every Starchild will "know" what they are and what they have come to do.
Some Star Children remember very clearly and are fully Awakened, but many are not yet.
And in other cases, Star Children may have suppressed their knowledge at an early age, simply because it was not safe enough in their environment, they have adapted and forgotten.
However, there are so many Star Children on Earth now, and their awakening will increase exponentially in the coming years, leading the adults to their awakening as well.
As soon as the Earth frequency is high enough, they will awaken in masses, just as everything begins to bloom at the same time in the spring when the temperature of the Earth is high enough.

Raising a Star Child 

Raising a Star Child is both an opportunity and an enormous challenge, for these children are the change-makers.
They awaken humanity through both their frequency and their power to force change.

In many ways they do not follow the rules and regulations.
Remember that Star Children feel things deeply and can be very upset by injustice and suffering.
So rules, regulations, and laws that are created to keep people (them) under control and take away their power will not work for them.
They know when adults are not being honest with them. They do not accept the incongruence of others to affect them.

When these Star Children are forced into our social systems, educational systems, and economic structures, it can be quite challenging for the children themselves, as well as for the parents and caretakers.
And actually it is a blessing, for they are the change makers that this world is longing for, so they should not conform to the systems that do not work and are not for the benefit of all.
Once they have been indoctrinated by our failing systems and structures, they have become assimilated and less able to make the changes they have come for.

So many of these star children are in conflict with society, not wanting to go to school, not wanting to participate in the work arena, and so on.
And because our society is organized in such a way that parents or caretakers face reprisals, many families live under a high tension that Star Children are so sensitive to.
Being a Star Child is not always as easy as it looks, even if you are highly gifted, and can be a serious challenge.

One positive sign is that ... there are now many Star Children and their numbers continue to grow, because of the amount of pressure they collectively put on the systems, the systems must eventually change or collapse.

Personal support for Star Children and Families

If you recognize yourself or your child in the information above, you are probably wondering what can be done for your child and your family.
And although we cannot change the school you or your child is in, and although we cannot change the social environment you are in, we can be of enormous help.

The Healing Center Beyond Medicine specializes in working with (parents of) Star Children and it all starts with raising awareness of what is going on.
We are trained to work with Highly Sensitive - Strong Willed children (which many of the Star Children are) and their parents.  
Through a method of working with the "inner family" the specific dynamics in the Star Child as well as in the constellation of the family or school become very clear and thus more manageable.

The idea is not to adjust the child so that it becomes 'normal' (as in 'conforming to the externally imposed standard'), the idea is to have awareness of what is specifically going on in the child and in the parent/family/school dynamic so that other choices become available. Often situations get stuck and there seems to be no other solution than confrontation and rebellion or complete withdrawal and disappearance, depending on the basic character of the child.
In both cases, the child is using its immense power against itself and its environment, and is being used in a negative way.
Awareness is the key to the solution.

We can combine this method with an ET healing session on parts that have been hurt, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual for both the Star Child and the parent.
We can also help the parent and the Star Child make contact with their guides, if desired.
Remember, these Star Children do not come unprepared, and they certainly do not come alone.

Group events for Star Children and Families

We know that when Star Children meet, they recognize the frequencies in others that they themselves carry, and many times the Star Children immediately shift to their core frequencies.

They can feel and recognize each other even without seeing each other visually. They feel the safety, the openness. Sometimes they spontaneously begin to speak non-Earth languages. 
Many different things can happen when star children meet. Great friendships are formed.
But also for the parents and caregivers it can be a great support to be able to talk and share with other parents and to relax in the knowledge that they are not alone in this process.

In the near future, the Healing Center Beyond Medicine will organize workshops, weekend events and week retreats for Star Children and Star Families in the Netherlands and most likely in Romania.
Events where we can meet and socialize and where we will provide information and healing sessions. And last but not least... PLAY!
Many of the Star Children have one or more abilities beyond what most people think is possible, such as telepathy and telekinesis.
How wonderful would it be to be able to play with them, together with friends and family, in an environment where people understand, support and celebrate your new discoveries?

And in the coming years, we will offer programs especially for teachers, coaches and professionals who work with children.
Because it is inevitable that everyone who works with children will come into direct contact with Star Children in the coming years.
They're already here, they're here in droves, and they're here for a reason.

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Healing Centre Beyond Medicine 

Wolfhezerweg 31
6874 AA Wolfheze
+31 (0)6-43726518

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