In this article, we will explore each of the nine levels of consciousness as described by Bashar, and provide a more comprehensive understanding of their roles and interactions in our lives.
Remember that any model we use in our reality is not reality itself, but a tool for understanding it.
Just as a map is not the area itself, but certainly helps us navigate and understand where we are and in what direction we are going.
By understanding and working with these nine layers of consciousness, we can more deeply understand our experiences in life and better align ourselves with our true self and our higher guidance that is available to us.
It is one of the most important insights about how we define, manifest and experience our reality.
We believe it should be taught in schools.
In this article we provide a brief summary of the specific functions that each layer (level) of our consciousness performs in the manifestation and perception of our reality.
This article is written in a structured manner so that its content can be studied and understood in depth as part of our training programs.
For further information, you can also visit the original source at Bashar Communications.
Overview on the Nine Levels of Consciousness
The nine levels of consciousness are divided into three main categories that relate to the different planes or densities of reality.
We perceive ourselves and our reality mostly through the lowest vibrational levels of our consciousness that reside in the physical plane, the 3rd density (as part of the 4th dimension).
However, the parts of our consciousness that orchestrate the major underlying currents in our lives reside in higher vibrational planes.
Let's bring this into a structured overview:
Non-Physical Plane:
1. OverSoul
2. Individual Soul and
3. Higher Mind (5th Density)Plane Between Physical and Non-Physical:
4. Template Level of Reality (4th Density)Physical Plane:
5. Collective Unconscious
6. Individual Unconscious
7. Beliefs
8. Emotions and
9. Thoughts (3rd Density)
More insights on the idea of densities and dimensions can be found at the end of this article.
Below is a detailed description of each of the nine levels of consciousness as explained by Bashar:
1. OverSoul (Non-Physical Plane)
The OverSoul is a high level of consciousness that encompasses all the individual souls that extend from it.
It projects or splits itself into many simultaneous individual souls and can be likened to the palm of a hand, with each finger representing an individual soul.
The OverSoul is aware of all the individual souls it projects, experiencing all their lives simultaneously.
This level of consciousness exists beyond the limitations of time, allowing for a simultaneous perception of past, present, and future lives of all incarnations at once.
The growth and evolution of individual souls contribute to the collective growth of the OverSoul.
Each soul's journey is a piece of the larger puzzle, adding to the overall wisdom and expansion of consciousness.
The experiences of the souls enrich the OverSoul, while the OverSoul provides wisdom, and knowledge gained from all of its extensions.
The OverSoul emphasizes the interconnectedness of all individual souls.
While each soul has its unique experiences, they are all part of a larger, unified consciousness.
Task of the OverSoul
- Projection of Individual Souls:
The OverSoul projects or splits itself into many individual souls.
On Earth, there are about 300,000 OverSouls, each with approximately 20,000 individual souls. - Orchestration of Experiences:
It orchestrates the overall experiences of the individual souls, ensuring that each life is aligned with the broader themes and purposes chosen for growth and evolution. - Integration of Knowledge:
The OverSoul integrates the knowledge and experiences gained from all its individual souls, contributing to its own expansion and evolution.
- Projection of Individual Souls:
Christ Consciousness
Over Souls can be extensions of other Over Souls.
'Existence' (Creation) is the interconnectedness of all levels of consciousness, from individual souls to Over Souls to 'Over Souls of Over Souls,' and ultimately to the Source.
The Source, also known as the One, All That Is or the Infinite, is the ultimate origin of all existence.
It is the one, infinite consciousness from which everything originates.
So when it is said that everything is connected, it is more than a saying!
When we invoke the Christ Consciousness, we attune more closely to our Supersoul of Supersouls here on Earth, who in turn attunes us to Source.
By making this connection with the (Supersoul we call Christ Consciousness), we begin to feel the unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and oneness between us as individuals, and that can lead to profound healing, spiritual growth and transformation as we begin to attune to our true Divine Nature.
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2. Individual Soul (Non-Physical Plane)
The Individual Soul refers to the unique, non-physical essence that exists beyond physical incarnations.
This level of consciousness operates in the realms between physical lives, planning, overseeing and evolving multiple lives.
It is an integral part of the broader spiritual journey, connected to the OverSoul, but with its own identity and purpose.
Compare it to the fingers of the hand.
When the hand reaches for something, all the fingers participate, but they have their own role and experience.
The Individual Soul exists in non-physical realms, often called the afterlife or intermediate life, but realize that the soul is what we are, the body is what we have (temporarily).
Therefore, the soul is not bound by the limitations of physical reality and lives in timelessness.
Which actually means that everything exists at the same time, simultaneously.
While physical lives are experienced linearly , the Individual Soul exists outside of time.
It perceives all of its incarnations simultaneously, which contributes to holistic understanding and growth.
Each Individual Soul is a distinct expression of consciousness, each with its own personality, preferences and goals.
It is a specific extension of the OverSoul, created to explore unique themes and experiences.
Task of the individual soul:
- Preparation and review:
The individual soul chooses to incarnate in different realities to gain experiences, learn lessons and develop.
Each incarnation is another part of the soul's larger journey toward growth and understanding.
The soul projects itself into (physical) incarnations and, from the perspective of the OverSoul, lives multiple lives simultaneously.
Before the individual soul incarnates into a reality, it prepares its life experiences and chooses themes, lessons and challenges that will enable growth.
And after the game of life, these life experiences are revisited in a “life-review” almost similar to an afterthought of a sports or game event to gain insights and integrate the experiences gained. - Incarnate:
The Individual Soul projects itself into physical incarnations and lives multiple lives simultaneously from the perspective of the Over Soul.
Each incarnation is an opportunity to explore different aspects of themes in Existence and in other realities or worlds.
- Growth and evolution:
Through this cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth in different realities and worlds, the Individual Soul learns and evolves.
This ongoing journey enables the expansion of consciousness and the achievement of the greater spiritual goals of both the Individual and Collective Soul.
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3. Higher Mind (Non-Physical Plane)
The Higher Mind exists in a parallel reality with each physical incarnation.
It functions in a domain that has more movement capabilities in time and less in space, and therefore can perceive multiple “timelines” simultaneously regarding our life (the physical incarnation).
By understanding and connecting with the Higher Mind, we gain a deeper mastery of our life experience.
With this understanding, we can face life's challenges with greater ease and confidence, knowing that a higher perspective is always available.
And that through this perspective we can navigate possible timelines (solutions) that we never considered or perceived before.
The Higher Mind exists in a dimension in which it can perceive the full course of an individual's life.
It experiences time differently, allowing it to see past, present and future and parallel timelines simultaneously.
The Higher Mind communicates with the Physical Mind primarily through Imagination (imagination or images).
Spontaneous ideas, insights and hunches that seem to come out of nowhere, but signals from our Intuition and Inner Knowing, are messages from the Higher Mind.
Gut feelings and intuitive insights are other ways the Higher Mind communicates with the Physical Mind.
This inner knowing helps to align decisions and actions with our higher purpose.
Task of the Higher Mind :
- Navigate dimensions and realities:
The Higher Mind has the ability to navigate through different dimensions, realities and timelines.
This includes timelines from the “past,” the present and the “future,” providing a broader perspective to the Physical Mind . - Providing Guidance:
The Higher Mind continually provides intuitive insights, inspirations and guidance to the Physical Mind through imagination, intuition and inner knowing.
It acts as a navigator that helps the Physical Mind stay aligned with its higher purpose and life themes because it can overlook timelines while the Physical Mind has its focus on only the one in which it perceives and experiences its chosen reality. - Perspective and insight:
Because it can survey multiple timelines and outcomes simultaneously, the Higher Mind can offer insights that help the Phsycial Mind make more informed and aligned choices.
As we strengthen our connection to the Higher Mind, our intuition and insight improves, making it increasingly easier to navigate the complexities of physical reality.
- Navigate dimensions and realities:
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4. Template Level of Reality (Quasi-Physical Plane)
This layer of our consciousness is one of the most important layers to become aware of at this time in our development, especially since it is completely unknown to most people that we use this layer to shape our physical reality.
This layer of our consciousness forms the boundary between the non-physical parts and the physical parts of our consciousness.
It is the layer through which we project our consciousness and take on form in physical reality.
It is the ultimate layer of manifestation and it is a layer within our consciousness, not something outside of us!
If you imagine the pure white light of a beamer or slide projector as the non-physical parts of your consciousness, then you can imagine the slide as the template layer of your reality.
Its projection onto the wall is everything in your consciousness that has to do with physical reality, but more on that later.
This layer is therefore the blueprint for our physical incarnation, stable and focused for a legitimate experience with continuity and chronology, a pattern that the individual soul envisioned before incarnating.
At this level, therefore, is an elaborate idea, a blueprint or template created for the physical incarnation.
It outlines the major themes, challenges and opportunities that the soul will encounter.
So this blueprint is somewhat changeable and even modifiable, provided our frequency is high enough to work with it.
It can only be adjusted and modified by conscious intention combined with the right frequency, especially during transformative periods in one's life.
As a metaphor ... we can put other slides into the projector if we know how to access it!
This is why some Masters have been able to show that one can manifest infinite bread, wine and fish, and others unlimited vibhuti and physical objects, as well as translocation and the like.
All of these masters had in common that their frequency of consciousness was just below 333 kHz...high enough to fully embody that level of consciousness, yet low enough to reside in a physical reality.
For 333 kHz is the frequency of consciousness associated with the Template Level.
It is only at this level of consciousness that we truly realize that we do not exist in a physical reality outside of us, but that the physical reality is a projection of our consciousness and therefore exists within us.
Task of the Template Level:
Free Will and Destiny:
Is everything predetermined and what is free will?
The Template Level provides a structure or "corridor" for life experience, which in outline defines the theme of our physical existence, but we determine with our free will how we will experience these themes and navigate through life.
It is like a broad corridor with hundreds of doors with all kinds of surprises behind them. In this life we have chosen this broad corridor, but we are free to choose which doors we open.
This broad corridor (theme) is an individual soul's choice, but within the parameters of the Over-Soul's choices, because we also intend to have a collective experience with each other.
This interaction allows the individual to shape his or her journey, while adhering to the broader themes chosen by the Over-Soul.Upward exploration:
When searching for answers or understanding how our experiences came to be, it is essential to move "up" in frequency, and thus in consciousness, rather than down in frequency.
The answers do not lie deeper in physical reality, for that is not where manifestation takes place, only the perception and experience of manifestation.
The answers lie in the higher levels of consciousness, which is where we manifest our reality.
By raising our vibrational frequency, we gain access to these higher levels of insight and guidance, and possibly develop the ability to consciously make greater adjustments to our blueprint, as far as it fits within the framework of our individual and collective soul contracts.It is this level that is so important in the process we call the Cosmic Connection.
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5. Collective Unconscious (Physical Plane)
The Collective Unconscious is a level of consciousness that encompasses the collective “automatic mind” and unconscious behavior of the collective human experience.
It represents the underlying understandings and patterns that shape the reality of a group or civilization, such as humanity.
Agreements about the laws of physics, such as gravity, electromagnetism and the speed of light, which provide a coherent framework for physical reality.
But also common beliefs and values that define acceptable behavior, cultural practices and social structures within a society.
And also universal symbols and archetypes that carry collective meaning and influence how we understand different concepts and experiences.
These common understandings play out unconsciously and automatically, allowing us to focus on our personal experiences without having to consciously engage with the ground rules of reality.
It is similar to defining the rules of chess and the appearance of the chessboard.
By making these collective agreements, the Collective Unconscious provides a consistent and stable reality that we can rely on so that we can play the same game together.
This consistency is essential to the shared experience of reality.
Imagine what it would be like if everyone had to be constantly working to manifest gravity or the speed of light.
Is not doable. Or imagine everyone manifesting a different gravity.
In order to have a collective experience in the same reality, these agreements are fixed at a high level in the Collective Unconscious, but because it is an agreement, it too can be modified.
The challenge of the Collective Unconscious, however, is its resistance to change.
It is possible to change or rise above the parameters of our reality, both individually and collectively, but it is an enormous task.
For example, some yogis are known to be able to rise above gravity.
The clock rate that ultimately determines the length of our day is also changing.
Because these are deeply ingrained beliefs and understandings, changing them can be a difficult and slow process, often requiring a significant collective shift.
Interaction of the Collective Unconscious with Individual Levels of Consciousness
- Influence on our personal beliefs:
Although as individuals we have our own beliefs and experiences, these are often influenced by the overarching understandings in the Collective Unconscious.
For example, cultural norms and societal values are part of this collective level of consciousness. - Shaping collective behavior and perception:
The Collective Unconscious shapes how we perceive and interact with the world around us.
It provides a framework within which personal experiences and interpretations take place.
Interaction of the Collective Unconscious with Higher Levels of Consciousness.
- Influence of the Template Level:
The Collective Unconscious is influenced by the Template level of reality, which is the blueprint for physical incarnations.
Changes at the template level can gradually trickle down and alter collective agreements, and with them the more individual levels of consciousness, and in this way affect groups, nations and civilizations.
Collective transformation manifests at this level in physical reality. - Guidance from the Higher Mind:
While the Collective Unconscious contains shared understandings, guidance from the Higher Mind can help individuals navigate these understandings more effectively.
The Higher Mind provides the insights and perspectives of different options (timelines) and where these options lead, so that the physical mind - provided it is open to this "inner vision" and not limited by external expectations and pressures - can make an inner choice to achieve desired results for both personal and collective growth.
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6. Individual Unconscious (Physical Plane)
The Individual Unconscious is a level of consciousness where automatic patterns, habits and behaviors are stored that are specific to each person.
It takes place below the level of consciousness, so we are usually unaware of these patterns at the time they occur.
Understanding the Individual Unconscious is crucial for personal development because it allows us to uncover hidden influences on our behavior and emotions, giving us a path to greater self-control and more intentionality in our actions and decisions.
Task of the Individual Unconscious
- Patterns and habits:
The individual unconscious contains ingrained patterns and habits formed through repeated behaviors and experiences over time.
These patterns often stem from early life experiences and conditioning. - Unconscious behavior:
Behaviors driven by the Individual Unconscious occur automatically without conscious thought or intention.
These include reflexive actions, ingrained reactions and habitual behaviors, as well as patterns that are fixed as "character" in the blueprint.
In the event "A game of Chess," the comparison is made to the chessboard and the chess rules as being the Collective Unconscious and automatic use of the various pieces within the framework of the agreed-upon chess rules as the Individual Unconscious. - Influence on perception and action:
Although we are not directly aware of these unconscious patterns, they significantly influence how we perceive the world and how we respond to various stimuli.
Unconsciously doing things always the same way because it leads to a familiar outcome can cause us to not build the self-confidence to explore other avenues and or take risks, even when we consciously want to be more adventurous. - Emotional triggers:
The individual unconscious also stores emotional triggers, which are reactions to specific experiences or stimuli.
These triggers can cause strong emotional reactions that seem to come out of nowhere, and are driven by past conditioning and unresolved emotional experiences. - Autonomic functions:
In addition to behavioral patterns, the Individual Unconscious is responsible for regulating many autonomic functions of the body, such as heart rate, respiration and digestion, which are essential for survival.
This part of our consciousness works hand in hand with body awareness and physical, biological control from the brain.
Specifically, this refers to the connection between the experiences in consciousness with the control of the physical brain to bring about the physical changes in body processes.
As an example ... our heart automatically starts beating faster when seeing exciting situations (even if they take place on television).
- Patterns and habits:
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7. Beliefs (Physical Plane)
The Beliefs Level of Consciousness encompasses the core programming and thought systems that form the foundation of our worldview.
These beliefs are deeply rooted but often operate unconsciously and shape how we interpret and interact with the world.
Although many beliefs are mostly active unconsciously, they dictate how we interpret reality and respond to various situations (our perceptions, reactions and experiences).
There will always be beliefs, because without beliefs we cannot have an experience in physical reality.
However, the question is which beliefs serve us and which do not, whether they limit us (negative beliefs) or expand us (positive beliefs).
Therefore, understanding and working with the consciousness level Beliefs is essential for personal development.
By recognizing and transforming limiting beliefs, we can unlock their potential, improve our mental and emotional well-being, and create a life consistent with our true desires and aspirations.
Both Bashar and our personal extraterrestrial guides continually emphasize the importance of looking closely and honestly at our beliefs and definitions in relation to our experiences and the changes we would like to see in ourselves and in our interactions with the world.
Task of the belief system:
- Core programming:
Beliefs act as the core programming of the Physical Mind and influence thoughts, emotions and behavior.
You can compare it to the operating system of your computer (e.g. Windows) that runs all kinds of other tools that you can consciously work with, e.g. Outlook, your email program.
We are aware of the email program, but usually not of the operating system working behind the email program.
Similarly, the "belief system" works largely behind the scenes, and with its underlying assumptions and beliefs about yourself, others and the world, it has a huge influence on our thoughts, emotions and thus our behavior. - Framework for perception:
These beliefs provide a framework through which we can perceive and understand our experiences.
It acts as a kind of (colored) glasses, a kind of filter. They filter and interpret the information from the senses and determine what is perceived and how it is interpreted, what meaning the perception is given. - Formation and reinforcement:
Beliefs are formed through personal experiences, cultural and societal influences, upbringing and social interactions.
Once beliefs are formed, they reinforce themselves as we often look for information and experiences that confirm their existing beliefs (confirmation bias).
This is an amazing and very powerful mechanism for manifesting the reality we would like to experience.
And at the same time a huge trap for continuing to manifest a reality we do not want.
And for this very reason, our extraterrestrial guides place such an emphasis on looking closely at negative beliefs and definitions in our consciousness ... because, by definition, these do not serve us. - Influence on emotions and actions:
Beliefs directly affect emotional reactions and actions.
For example, belief in one's ability to succeed can lead to positive emotions and proactive behavior, while belief in inevitable failure can result in fear and avoidance. - Unconscious operation:
Many beliefs operate below the level of consciousness.
People are often not fully aware of their core beliefs and their effect, but nonetheless, these beliefs have a great impact on their daily lives and their decision-making processes.
- Core programming:
Self-Inquiry, Personal Growth and Empowerment:
Personal growth consists of examining and critically examining our beliefs.
Identifying limiting or negative beliefs allows us to challenge and change them so that we experience more positive outcomes.
This process involves changing negative or limiting beliefs and replacing them with more accurate and empowering beliefs.
Positive and empowering beliefs strengthen self-esteem, motivation and resilience.
By developing more constructive beliefs that support these values, we lead more fulfilling and successful lives.
There is an undeniable and dynamic interaction between beliefs and the experience of our reality.
Beliefs shape our perceptions and actions, which in turn affect outcomes and experiences, reinforcing original beliefs.
This feedback loop can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, both toward a desirable and fulfilling life and also toward a more miserable one.
Examples of core beliefs
- Self-worth:
Beliefs about one's worth and dignity, such as "I deserve love and success" or "I am not good enough." - Competence:
Beliefs about one's abilities and potential, such as "I can achieve my goals" or "I always fail." - Confidence:
Beliefs about trust in others and the world, such as "People are generally good" or "The world is a dangerous place." - Control:
Beliefs about one's control over events in life, such as "I am in control of my destiny" or "Life happens to me."
- Self-worth:
Changing Beliefs
To make sense of experience in a physical reality, we will always use beliefs.
And to do so, we use positive (constructive) beliefs and negative (limiting) beliefs.
Making beliefs disappear is not so easy, especially the negative beliefs have a network of sub-convictions to sustain themselves.
It is easier to change the charge (polarity) of a belief.
Here are some steps in the process :
- Awareness and identification:
The first step in changing beliefs is to become aware of them.
This includes introspection and reflection to identify core beliefs and their origins. - Challenging and questioning:
Once identified, beliefs can be challenged by questioning their validity/truth and examining evidence for and against them.
This helps identify irrational or unfounded beliefs. - Adopt new beliefs:
Replacing old beliefs with new, more positive beliefs involves consciously adopting and reinforcing new thinking patterns.
Affirmations, visualization and new, repeated positive experiences can help reinforce new beliefs.
Crucially, the new belief is one that can be felt deep inside as a "higher" truth or with stronger validity.
- Awareness and identification:
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8. Emotions (Physical Plane)
The Emotions level of consciousness involves the feelings and emotional responses that arise as physical translations of non-physical thoughts and beliefs.
Emotions serve as an essential bridge between the subconscious mind and conscious awareness, providing valuable feedback about our internal state and interactions with the external world.
It unmistakably lets us know how interactions with the outside world are interpreted and relate to our inner world. Emotions are closely linked with beliefs.
For example, a belief in one's competence may result in feelings of confidence and pride, while a belief in one's inadequacy may result in feelings of shame and fear.
Sometimes they are suppressed, but instead understanding and working with the emotional awareness level is crucial to achieving emotional balance and well-being.
By recognizing and handling emotions effectively, we can improve our mental health, enhance our relationships and create a life that is more fulfilling and harmonious.
There are different types of emotions:
- Primary Emotions:
These are basic instinctive emotions such as joy, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust.
They are completely natural - the existence of this form of emotion is fixed in our blueprint and are universal - and usually arise as a direct response to stimuli. - Secondary emotions:
These emotions are more complex and include a combination of primary emotions and beliefs that are triggered and adopted in the past in response to similar situations.
Examples include guilt, shame, pride and jealousy.
They often arise from the interpretation and evaluation of experiences.
Task of emotions:
- Indicator of attunement:
Emotions act as indicators of alignment or misalignment with our true self and core beliefs.
Positive emotions usually indicate harmony and alignment, while negative emotions indicate conflict or dissonance. - Motivational power:
Emotions direct behavior by motivating actions.
For example, feelings of love and joy encourage social interaction and connection, while fear and anger may trigger defensive or protective actions. - Communication:
Emotions serve as a vehicle for nonverbal communication, both internally (self-awareness) and externally (expressing feelings to others).
They convey complex information very quickly and effectively. - Adaptive mechanism:
Emotions are part of the body's adaptive mechanisms and help us respond to changes and challenges in the environment.
They can also prompt rapid decision-making and action in critical situations. - Emotional memory:
Emotions are linked to memories and can influence how experiences are recalled.
Emotional intensity can enhance memory retention, making emotionally charged events more vivid and meaningful.
Emotions and our personal development:
- Emotional awareness:
Developing emotional awareness involves recognizing and understanding our emotions.
This self-awareness is crucial for dealing effectively with emotions and responding to them constructively. - Emotional regulation:
Learning to manage emotions helps us maintain balance and resilience.
Techniques such as mindfulness, full breathing and cognitive reframing can help in dealing with emotional reactions. - Healing and growth:
Emotions play a vital role in healing (wholeness) and our personal growth.
Acknowledging, processing emotions and integrating what has been learned, especially "more difficult" emotions such as sadness or anger, can lead to deep self-insight and emotional healing. - Empathy and connection:
Emotions foster our empathy and connection with others.
Understanding and sharing our emotional experiences can strengthen relationships and build social support networks.
Not only do we learn to better understand ourselves, we learn to better understand what is happening to others without having to get emotionally involved (empathy rather than sympathy).
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9. Thoughts (Physical Plane)
The level of consciousness Thoughts is the domain where conscious awareness takes place.
It includes the active processes of thinking, reasoning, perceiving and interpreting information.
Thoughts are the immediate reflection of our beliefs and emotions and play a crucial role in shaping our perceptions and activities.
Thoughts are very much influenced by our beliefs and emotions, but we can also use our thoughts to examine these beliefs and emotions and give a different meaning to them. This level of consciousness is characterized by the high degree of freedom of choice, provided we are aware of it and do not go on autopilot.
By cultivating positive and constructive thought patterns, we can improve our mental health, increase our creativity and achieve our goals much more effectively.
The first step in influencing thought patterns is to become aware of them through reflection and self-observation to identify recurring thought patterns and their impact.
Questioning the validity and accuracy of negative thoughts decreases their impact and replacing them with more balanced and rational thoughts holds the key to mental change.
In addition, regularly acknowledging things you can be grateful for creates a more optimistic and positive mindset.
Different types of thoughts:
- Automatic thoughts are spontaneous and often unconscious thoughts that arise in response to specific triggers.
They can be positive, neutral or negative and are influenced by underlying beliefs. - Conscious thoughts are consciously controlled and directed.
Purposeful thinking involves focus, analysis and intentionality. - Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, involuntary thoughts that can be disturbing, disruptive and often repetitive.
Intrusive thoughts are common in anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. - Creative thoughts have to do with imagination and innovation.
They allow us to generate new ideas, solve problems creatively and foresee future possibilities.
Pushing boundaries and exploring new options.
Relevant functions of right thinking:
- Consciousness:
Thoughts are the primary content of our daytime consciousness and are the ongoing mental dialogue that interprets sensory information and internal experiences. - Decision-making:
Thoughts facilitate decision making by evaluating options, predicting outcomes, weighing pros and cons and is essential for planning and problem solving. - Perception and interpretation:
Thoughts shape how we perceive and interpret our experiences and influence the meaning we assign to events and interactions. - Creative process:
Thoughts are an integral part of the creative process and enable imagination, innovation and the generation of new ideas.
Creative thinking involves combining existing knowledge in new ways. - Communication:
Thoughts are translated into language for communication.
Clear and coherent thinking supports effective verbal and written expression. - Feedback loop:
Thoughts create a feedback loop with beliefs and emotions.
Positive or negative thoughts can reinforce corresponding beliefs and emotional states, creating a cycle that affects our overall mental health.
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Practical Application of the Nine Levels of Consciousness
Okay, that's a lot of information.
We understand that it takes time to sink in and integrate.
The structure of our consciousness is more complex than we think and, at the same time, it is brilliantly designed to experience a physical reality in which many things happen automatically in our consciousness without us having to have conscious control over them.
And on the other hand, it leaves plenty of room for things that we need more awareness for but have forgotten how to do.
For example, consciously manifesting our desired reality !
So there is plenty of room to play and learn in this physical realm.
As we learn to better understand the different levels and their roles, we can begin to use our whole consciousness more effectively by letting the different levels do what they are designed to do and not put all the pressure on the lowest level ... the level of our thoughts.
That is extremely stressful and exhausting for the Physical Mind.
Consider this!
By internally understanding and working with these nine levels of consciousness, we can gain a deeper mastery of our personal life experience.
It brings us closer to our true selves and in touch with the guidance available to us through our Higher Self (Higher Mind).
This helps us to be the creators of our reality rather than the reactors to our reality.
A great starting point for inner work and self-exploration is to WATCH carefully...
- Watch your WORDS
- Watch your ACTIONS
- Watch your THOUGHTS
- Watch your CHARACTER
- Watch your HABBITS
They tell us everything about what is going on in our consciousness.
If we desire to improve our lives, our reality and our world, we have to take responsibility and own our beliefs, emotions, thoughts and actions.
We cannot change what we do not own.
The Motivational Mechanism
A great way to begin transformation is to understand the Motivation Mechanism behind what we do, say, think, feel and believe.
The Motivation Mechanism is the fundamental driving force that makes us choose to believe and act as we do.
It is rooted in the underlying mechanism that automatically moves us toward what we believe is most beneficial to us and, conversely, turns us away from what we believe is less desirable.
The Motivation Mechanism is always connected to what we deeply believe to be true and also why we believe that an alternative action or belief would be worse for us.
This requires us to dive deep into our unconscious motivations and the reasons behind our choices.
It shows us the attachment to our beliefs about outcomes, both positive and negative.
When we feel stuck, or when a current belief causes discomfort or pain, and yet we continue to hold the belief, there is an underlying assumption that the alternative would be even worse.
We call this "fear of the alternative," and it is crucial to understand what we believe is so negative about the alternative that we refuse to pursue it.
This may be a fear of alienation, feeling different, or some other negative outcome associated with the alternative.
This work requires self-love, honesty and deep inquiry to examine the definitions, teachings and core beliefs that influence our actions and perceptions.
And you can do it yourself!
Or, if you like, we can help you learn to do it yourself.
Sometimes it's nice to have a mirror.
Either way, have a great journey!
Densities and Dimensions
Since we mentioned the different densities related to our levels of consciousness, we thought it would be helpful to share a little about the idea of densities and dimensions.
More info on the Nine levels of Consciousness :
Chart Handout
Bashar - Diving Deeper into the Nine Levels of Consciousness
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