ET-Healing Experience on hybrid children and civilizations, the mechanism of 'Contraction and Expansion', dis- and misinformation, transcending 3D polarity, Mitochondria, the books of Enoch 'The Watchers' and Archangels, and a special Stargate healing for balancing, clearing, cleansing, and shifting to a higher vibration.
The ET-Healing Experience evenings are monthly live gatherings where we, with a small group of 30 people, experience beautiful energetic activations.
Since this group has a small core, we can build powerful energy fields together with our interdimensional friends in a very short time, where beautiful encounters, powerful healings, and activations can take place.
STARGATE MEDITATION - Healing for balancing, clearing, cleansing, and shifting to a higher vibration
START 01:44:52
- My question is: why have I been so tired for so long? Physically, nothing is wrong; I had it checked later, but what else could it be?
- My question is why I frequently have headaches?
- How do you know if you have hybrid children or other family members such as nephews, nieces, brothers, or sisters?
And if you do, do they visit you, and if so, how do you notice it?
Or do we, as humanity, have hybrid family members anyway because we are them from the future/another timeline?
- My question is why I have had constipation for so long..., tried everything.
- A question...what can we expect this year? Things that will come to light, etc.?
- Recently, I heard that the Elohim are among the 'bad guys', and it was said that this also applies to angels and even archangels...
Is this true, and can you tell us more about it?
- May I receive help for a good recovery of my ankle?
- My question is how you can tell if the real ETs can be seen on Earth or if they are manipulated?
- I'm curious if you can tell more about the role of men in the hybridization process, if that's what it's called.
One may have a partner (purely sexual or permanent/married, etc.), another may not, or be older or in menopause.
I understand that physical eggs from the woman can be used, or is it only energetic as a surrogate?
Are the partners involved, or does it vary?
- Do people with and without autism have a different origin?
So, a different star family?
And do star nations have variations in constitution/wiring within their civilization or between different civilizations?
And is there a link between autism and the Yahyel and/or hybrid children?
- Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak, that's special, because research on long COVID and the functioning of mitochondria has just been published.
It also plays out on another level, beautiful!!!
- Beautiful image of squeezing out a sponge to remove heavy energy.
It makes sense that it takes energy, especially when added to those changes/transformation.
Great explanation, and that age also plays a role. Thank you!!!
- Thank you for the beautiful answer. Very interesting.
- Thank you, Philip and Jacqueline, for the wonderful explanation about the hybrids.
- Great, fun
- Yes, I will have a loving talk with my inner child.
- Thank you!!!
- Clear!
- Sometimes, I work with Archangel Michael, and it feels good.
- Thank you, super interesting.
- Can we address M**** V****'s question first next time? I think it's a beautiful question.
- I will! I was still somewhere far away, savoring the moment. Thank you all!
- It was a wonderful meditation. I was very far away. Thanks again.
- Wonderful, a beautiful gift. I perceived a playful frog-like folk. I didn't know these beings.
- It was another nourishing meditation.
- Thank you very much for this special evening.
- I felt a very loving energy and a lot of reassurance, it was all telepathic.
- Thank you. I saw and felt turquoise/blue energy, very large, protective.
- Thank you for yet another beautiful evening!
- How lovely! Very relevant to my origins.
- Thank you, Jacqueline and Philip, for this beautiful evening! A very gentle and pure energy.
- Thank you all, it was very beautiful again.
- Thank you for the lovely evening and meditations.
- It was my first time, and I loved it.
- Thanks!
- Thank you very much again. It was a pleasure.
- Thank you, have a nice evening!
If you'd like to join the next ET-Healing Experience (online), please check our website under EVENTS | ET-Healing Experience