Stargate Work


1. What is a Stargate

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There are different types of Stargates that offer more or less the same benefits, but not every stargate will work or feel the same for everyone.
Virtually all properly functioning Stargates contain Sacred Geometric proportions and it is up to the user to feel which type of Stargate resonates best.


2. Working with the Stargate

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We had been working with the Stargate for a few years before we went to Mount Shasta in 2016 to do the Stargate Experience Practitioner Trainings with Prageet and Julieanne and there we received a lot of confirmation about our experiences and what we had learned in working with it.


3. Allowing is the key

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When you open yourself up to the Stargate energy it is important to just allow your full experience and not necessarily follow all the directions or words of the person guiding the experience.
Know that sometimes your experiences will take you away from 'the speakers'' voice.


4. Connecting with the Stargate

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So, the first step is to anchor yourself in your body.
Be sure that you are in your body, remembering that you need to be aligned with the body. Again, you can use your breath to do this, that works perfectly.


5. The Stargate and the Pyramid

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The energy of the Stargate is unlimited in form and its multi-dimensionality.
This sacred form allows for an unlimited amount of experiences to take place for you within the sacred structure, and there are an unlimited number of initiating processes waiting for you as you are ready to unfold.


6. The Central Crystal of the Stargate

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If you are connecting with the Stargate, you will find that a few locations in the Stargate are presenting themselves ... usually it is the central crystal and sometimes a Pillar of Light radiating up and down from it.


7. Moving through Dimensions

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There will be new experiences opening up for you every time you work with the sacred energies of the Stargate.
The Stargate offers a series of initiation energies in which you are invited to go one dimension higher at a time and taking you effortlessly deeper and deeper into the multidimensional layers of yourself


8. The Pillar of Light

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Many times, once the Stargate is activated one could see a Pillar of Light that comes down from the Central Crystal of the Stargate (octaeder), down into the base of the Stargate, functioning as a doorway for energies.


9. In Contact

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Once the energies of the Stargate are fully activated and the full bandwidth of high frequencies is felt in the field, so to speak, then there is the opportunity to invite other forms of consciousness into your journey in the Stargate Experience.


10. What if you do not experience anything

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Well first of all, note that it is impossible to experience nothing, for by definition nothing (non-existence) cannot be experienced.
There is always an experience !!!


11. A Personal Stargate

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And so, the question arises, ‘If I wish to work with the Stargate energy, do I need to invest in getting my own Stargate?’
So, let us respond to this question.


12. Alcazar, Prageet and Julieanne

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Alcazar is a group consciousness, a gathering of that which we call Universal Masters, that bring their energies together as one, through this spokesperson, Alcazar, who communicates to humanity.


Healing Centre Beyond Medicine 

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