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ET-Healing Practitioner Course Material


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We hope you enjoy watching, reading and listening to all of the many materials here !!!

Lots of love and big hugs,
Jacqueline, Philip


Joel - extraterrestrial guide from Sirius


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As an ET-Healing practitioner you work with all kinds of energy on different layers (energy bodies) of a living being, mostly humans, but these can just as well be animals or plants.
We will explore in more detail what energy is, the relationship between energy and matter, how energy seemingly takes form in a body and how you, as a healing facilitator, will be interacting with it.


1 - In Contact

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During this first session, you will be introduced to an extraterrestrial companion that will guide you specifically during the ET-Healing Sessions but will be in general a being that will support you in your spiritual evolution and experiences in these other realities.
We call it your ET-Guide.



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There is actually no fixed form for cooperating with these extraterrestrial beings.
Everyone is different, has different soul agreements and we nor they force anyone to work in a certain way.
Precisely because of your uniqueness we challenge you to find your own form, because only in that form you will be able to flow most effectively.


3 - The Art of Channeling

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First step to understand the mechanism of channeling is to understand mechanism of how we perceive our 3D-reality and learning to understand the way in which information from ET Guides enters our consciousness via the Higher Mind.
By understanding this mechanism, it is easier to start trusting the information you are receiving.


4 - The Art of ET-Healing - Part I

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This session is about learning to understand the mechanism of each disease as an imbalance in the flow of energy and that every form of healing is in fact the process of re-establishing the resonance of body systems with its natural core frequency.


5 - The Art of ET-Healing - Part II

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Now that we know a little more about how healing in general works and you have experienced the contact, energies and effect of ET Healing, the question is how to enhance this process. 
This is the beginning of a great new journey.


6 - Levels of Change

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One of the most important things in maintaining and regaining our health is our ability to change.
And the other way around, one of the most dis-easing factors in our lives is our avoidance of change, our fear to change.


7 - Who Am I ?

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Did you know that any kind of consciousness that projects itself into form - even the idea of 'Artificial Intelligence' as you call it, not something designed and programmed so far - that the first and most profound question it asks itself is … Who Am I ? ... and followed by the next question ... Who Are You ?
Then the journey of discovery and exploration of the Self begins !        ~ Bashar


8 - Paradox, Passion, Purpose and Personal Theme's

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Now that we are beginning to understand who we are and how we perceive (and create) our physical reality, the question is what you would like to be doing and how you want to show yourself in the world.
What is the most exciting and at the same time the most challenging way to express myself in the world and what stops me from doing so?


9 - Your Relationship with our Galactic Family

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As we become more and more aware of who we are ourselves, the question of 'who are you' automatically comes up.
This question naturally applies to others in our predominant physical reality as well as to our cosmic connections and beings from civilizations in other realities.


10 - Working as a ET-Healing Practitioner / Therapist

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Facilitating ET-healing for a person does not mean removing an illness (on any level), but supporting the person in integrating the "misaligned" parts and returning to their natural state of being.
It is said that a miracle is actually a conversion from fear to love, and ET-Healing can be just like magic.


11 - Time to bring in your own Topic

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While going through the ET-Healing Practitioner Course, a completely new world has opened up for you and we can imagine that, like us in the beginning, you are brimming with questions.
In this penultimate lesson, therefore, we offer you the space to bring in a topic of your choosing.


12 - Completion, Evaluation and Certification

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In this last session we will complete the ET-Healing Practitioner Program together in a way you might not expect.
Where most courses and programs are completed with a kind of assessment by the trainers, this course has (as in many aspects) its own perspective on this.


Healing Centre Beyond Medicine 

Wolfhezerweg 31
6874 AA Wolfheze
+31 (0)6-43726518

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