In de afgelopen jaren hebben we met regelmaat verzoeken ontvangen uit het buitenland (Canada, USA, Australie, Engeland, India, ...) of we ook een programma wilden gaan ontwikkelen voor ET-Healing Practitioner via skype.
Dit jaar hebben we de stoute schoenen aangetrokken en hebben we besloten gewoon te kijken of dat gaat.
Niet dat het zo moeilijk is om sessies op afstand te doen, dat is normale kost voor ET-Healers.
We hadden wat twijfels over het kunnen geven van voldoende support en het gemis van het kunnen oefenen zij aan zij.
Er gaat na de eerste kennismaking en interacties namelijk een compleet nieuwe wereld open en er start een proces van integreren van sterke en nieuwe energieën die veel 'oud stof kan doen opwaaien' bij de nieuwe practitioner.
Welnu, de eerste ET-Healing ervaring van een ET-Healing Practitioner uit Canada spreekt voor zich...
OMG Jacqueline!
I gave my very first ET-Healing session on the spot, intuitively, to my massage therapist (she is open to these things and does energy healing also) and it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! It completely blew my mind!!
I didn't know I had these things in me!?
I was scared I wouldn't know what to do but they were always giving me one or two steps ahead.
Although I had a moment where I almost panicked and didn't know what to do when she was almost having convulsions on her chair, but I thought they knew what they were doing and decided to trust the process as I saw it wasn't getting worst and out of control. Yes, she was sitting in a chair as we didn't plan for it at the moment we felt their presence.
I was in the "zone" (it almost felt like a space without time) and experienced myself as pure consciousness without ego.
They were right to tell me I was (somehow) ready, to start and let myself be surprised.
My therapist was very open, hence easier to deal with. I'm not expecting such results on everyone I train with, but I'll stay as confident as possible. It's so inspiring!
I feel I could see things but not with my physical eyes, rather as if my higher-self was seeing things it was telepathically sending me images of. Would that make sense to you?
I felt compelled to say things during the session that she confirmed relevant and I even saw them give her a hug at a moment she later confirmed was the toughest of the session, saying it was very deep for her.
At the end, I felt they wanted to play with her and tickle her, which I thought was maybe silly so I didn't dare telling her in the moment but she later confirmed it would have made sense to her.
That was last Friday 07-07 and I still can't believe what happened.
This is all pretty much all new to me. I never had these "gifts" before.
And later on ...
OMG, I was wondering why I felt a pressure near my left inside heel when you gave me the session and they were anchoring my star family's energy.
I was clueless as it didn't represent any acupuncture points I could find.
I never told my therapist and then out of the blue she "coincidentally" showed me a page of a book about Jin Shin Jyutsu that mentioned that particular point was meant to:
• Have the consciousness evolve
• recognize cause and effect
• free oneself from the past and accept what is new
• free oneself from all fears
Holy smoke, how pertinent is that?? haha!
My mind is officially blown and I can't wait for what's coming :)
July 7, 2017, Nadine StL......., CANADA
Het samenwerken met de ET's is werkelijk zo ongelooflijk mooi ...
~Jacqueline Fiolet en Joël en Christiano met buitenaards team
~Healing Centre Beyond Medicine - Extraterrestrial Healing & Communication