ET-Healing Practice Week in Domaine Terre Neuve (La Vie Tara) - France
La Vie Tara - Maison de Terre Neuve
ET-Healing Practice Week in Domaine Terre Neuve (La Vie Tara) - France
For several months now, we have been supporting ET-Healing Practitioners abroad through online sessions.
The first session of course consists of the first contact with the teams and an ET Guide who will personally guide them and then there are many sessions to guide these participants in their process and with their experiences.
Sunday 25 November - Saturday 1 December 2018
Ardeche - France
For several months now, we have been supporting ET-Healing Practitioners abroad through online ET-Healing sessions.
The first session of course consists of making the first contact with the teams and a member of their team who will personally guide the ET-Healing Practitioner and after that many sessions are scheduled to guide these participants in their process and with their experiences.
We also bring these participants into contact with other ET-Healing Practitioners so that they can practice and exchange with each other, but then too, these sessions and contacts usually take place via online media ... Remote healings.
And it works, no doubt at all. But as human beings it is so nice to be in direct contact with one another.
That is why one of the most important activities during our training courses is to practise it directly with one another and a number of the 'online' participants would like this so much that we decided to organize a training week in our new training centre Domaine Terre Neuve (France).
And this week we offer the chance to all ET-Healing Practitioners we have been training and supporting for the last 5 years, to practice in an international setting, that will be English spoken.
And also people who would like to learn more about the ET-Healing Training courses in the Netherlands or France are most welcome to join us to experience this during this week.
Are you interested in a relaxing holiday week, bathing in a field of extraterrestrial frequencies and at the same time exploring if this is possibly something for you ... join us !
Direct Contact : Contact Philip