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Logo ET-Healing Centre Beyond Medicine


Galactic Heritage Cards

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Galactic Heritage Cards ~ channeled by Lyssa Royal-Holt

A Journey Through Time, Space, and Consciousness

The Galactic Heritage Cards by Lyssa Royal Holt are a profound tool for exploring the multidimensional tapestry of existence.
Channeled from higher consciousness, this 108-card deck offers a unique glimpse into the evolutionary journeys of extraterrestrial civilizations and their connection to the growth of humanity.
Each card reflects a specific theme, civilization, or process, inviting you to uncover the deeper layers of your soul's galactic history.

These cards are so much more than just another deck - they are a mirror to our collective and personal evolutionary paths, as well as those of other civilizations that are genetically and energetically connected to humanity.
They highlight key stages in humanity's transformation, drawing on the wisdom of civilizations such as the Pleiadians, Sirians, Essassani, Arcturians, and even Earth's own past.

Using these cards can help you:

  • Understand karmic patterns and their resolutions.
  • Access insights from your galactic lineage and heritage.
  • Align with the wisdom and lessons of higher-dimensional beings.
  • Awaken to your unique purpose within the greater cosmic family.

Whether used for personal reflection, spiritual guidance, or healing, the Galactic Heritage Cards are a transformative gateway to reconnect with your essence and align with the universal truths of love, synchronicity, and unity.

Interconnected Design

The Galactic Heritage Cards offer more than just insight through information - they provide a visually immersive experience.
All 108 cards are connected through an intricate pattern of lines, symbolizing the deep interconnectedness of all civilizations and events across time, space, and consciousness.
This elegant design enhances the understanding of our shared galactic journey.

Additionally, the cards are accessible as a mobile app, available on app stores, allowing users to explore the teachings and insights on the go.
The app offers features such as single-card draws, multi-card spreads, and interactive guides, making it an engaging and convenient way to connect with the Galactic Heritage Cards anytime, anywhere.



Perfect for:

Seekers, Starseeds, and anyone curious about humanity's galactic journey.
For those ready to explore the vast, interconnected web of life that spans dimensions and timelines, this deck is an invaluable guide to rediscovering your true cosmic nature.
Personally, I think this is one of the best sets of cards on the subject available.
It is absolutely unique.

Contact gegevens

Healing Centre Beyond Medicine 

Wolfhezerweg 31
6874 AA Wolfheze
+31 (0)6-43726518

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