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The Masters of Limitation - An ET's Observations of Earth

There is no translation available.

Bashar ~ by Darryl Anka

Author: Darryl Anka
ISBN 978-1-951985-10-3
102 pages (hardcover & E-book)
Year : 2020

The Masters of Limitation: An ET's Observations of Earth offers not only a unique perspective of human society and our place in the universe, but also gifts us with life-changing information that can profoundly alter our view of reality.

This book is a profound exploration of humanity’s journey from the perspective of Bashar, a hybrid extraterrestrial from the Essassani civilization.
It offers a blend of spiritual insights, cosmic history, and practical guidance for individuals seeking to align with their highest potential.
The central theme revolves around humanity as "Masters of Limitation," capable of transforming constraints into profound growth and enlightenment.

Key Highlights:

Essassani and Their Perspective:

    • The Essassani civilization is a hybrid race, blending DNA from Earth humans, Greys, and other extraterrestrial species.
    • They exist in a parallel reality about 500 light-years away from Earth, near the Orion constellation. Their world is called E’sassani ("Place of the Living Light").
    • As a quasi-physical society, they experience higher-dimensional awareness, telepathy, and an interconnected way of life.

Humanity as Masters of Limitation:

    • Humanity’s struggles with fear-based beliefs and disconnection are framed as challenges that, when overcome, lead to unprecedented transformation and mastery.
    • Earth is described as a "master class" in transformation, with humans learning to turn darkness into light and limitation into freedom.

Open Contact and the Hybrid Agenda:

    • The Essassani are part of an Interstellar Alliance facilitating the hybridization agenda to create new species that bridge human and extraterrestrial genetics.
    • The Ya’ya’el, another hybrid race, will be the first of these hybrid civilizations to initiate open contact with Earth.
    • Open Contact is described as a gradual process, respecting humanity's readiness and free will.

Cosmic History of Humanity:

    • Humanity’s genetic origins are linked to the Annunaki and other extraterrestrial interventions.
    • Parallel realities and the concept of multidimensionality are discussed as integral aspects of existence.

Limiting Beliefs and Transformation:

    • Bashar emphasizes that beliefs define experience, shaping reality through thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
    • Negative beliefs, often rooted in fear, create disconnection, while positive beliefs foster connection, unity and expansion.
    • Practical tools are provided to help readers identify and shift limiting beliefs.

The Path Forward:

    • Humanity is described as being on the brink of a shift toward higher awareness and open contact.
    • The transition requires aligning with one’s excitement and core vibration, which Bashar describes as the path to self-realization and connection with the broader multiverse.

The Interconnected Nature of Existence:

    • The book discusses the holographic and multidimensional nature of reality, where all possibilities exist simultaneously, and consciousness navigates these potentials based on its vibrational alignment.
    • This concept is illustrated with metaphors like television channels and film frames.

Environmental Responsibility:

    • Humanity’s disconnection from nature is addressed as a key limitation to overcome.
    • Bashar advocates for recognizing human beings as part of nature, fostering sustainable living, and restoring balance to the planet.

The book serves as both a spiritual guide and a cosmic narrative, inspiring readers to embrace their true potential, let go of fear, and align with the collective awakening of humanity.
It bridges ancient wisdom with futuristic possibilities, offering a roadmap for individual and planetary transformation.

Available on Amazon : The Masters of Limitation: An ET's Observations on Earth

Contact gegevens

Healing Centre Beyond Medicine 

Wolfhezerweg 31
6874 AA Wolfheze
+31 (0)6-43726518

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