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Ancient Sassani Language Bashar Essassani

De oude taal van de Sassani

The Ancient Language of the Essassani is a profound expression of vibrational communication that transcends the limitations of words.
Rooted in universal archetypes, this language resonates deeply with the energetic patterns of existence, creating harmony and alignment with the heart and soul.
It reflects their understanding of the interconnected nature of all life and their mastery of frequency-based interaction.
The Ancient Essassani Language resonates strongly for many people and reminds us of our shared galactic heritage as well as the transformative power of vibrational communication.

A Language of Energy and Resonance 

For the Essassani, communication is far more than the exchange of information - it is a sharing of frequencies that creates mutual alignment.
While telempathy (a seamless blend of telepathy and empathy) is their primary mode of interaction, their Ancient Language carries a unique vibratory meaning. 
Each syllable is carefully designed to resonate with both the speaker and listener, bypassing the intellect to create direct energetic alignment.

This resonance reflects the Essassani's alignment with higher-dimensional principles, where vibration and intention are inseparable.
The Ancient Language serves not only as a tool for connection but also as a means of facilitating synchronicity, spiritual awakening, and energetic healing.

The Ancient Language of the Essassani also serves as a reminder of humanity's shared galactic heritage with them and the transformative power of vibrational communication.
Its resonance reaches deep into our energetic systems, creating subtle alignments that can feel both healing and awakening.
For those who feel a connection to the Essassani or other hybrid civilizations, hearing this language can be an emotionally moving experience - like awakening a memory from another time, another life.
It reminds us of something familiar yet ineffable, stirring the soul with its beauty and its echoes of universal truth.

Some words and phrases in Ancient Sassani :


  • E’sassani:
    The name E’sassani, originally spelled with an apostrophe, translates to "Place of Living Light."
    The apostrophe reflects the unique phonetic structure of their ancient language.
    While often simplified to Essassani in human contexts, the original form retains its deeper cultural significance.
    Similar, the word Sassani refers to their civilization and means 'People or Beings of Living Light,'

    • E: "Place"
    • Sassa: "Living Light"
    • Ni: "People or Being"
  • E’nani-ka:
    This is the Essassani word for Earth, and translates to "Place of the Ancestors." 
    It is derived from the ancient form E’nadea a nani-ka, meaning "Place of the Mother Spirits."
    This name reflects Earth’s significance as a sacred ancestral home, honoring our role in their evolution as a hybrid civilization.

  • Ma’sa’kesh:
    This is the Essassani name for our Sun (Sol), meaning "Light in the Darkness."
    This term symbolizes humanity’s transformational journey from darkness to light.
    This word is symbolic of the journey of transformation of humanity, as perceived by the Essassani - a process of shifting from darkness to light.

    And it is not just a name the Essassani have given it - the name "Ma'sa'kesh" shares a linguistic connection with Earth's mythologies.
    Thousands of years ago, when Essassani visitors interacted with early Earth cultures, their teachings and presence left behind powerful symbolic imprints.
    One such encounter influenced the mythology of India, where the story of Shiva and Muka originated.
    Over generations, the Essassani term "Ma'sa'kesh" evolved linguistically within Indian culture, becoming "Mukesh" to represent Shiva, the god of Light, the destroyer of evil and the transformer, who defeated Muka, a demon of darkness. 
    Nowadays Mukesh is an epithet for the Hindu god Shiva and literally means "conqueror of the Muka demon.
    This is an example of how ancient interactions between civilizations from other worlds have influenced Earth's languages and stories, in this case embedding fragments of Essassani wisdom into our collective myths.

Ancient-Essassani-Language-Number System

When hearing the word Ma’sa’kesh, some people describe a sensation of warmth or inspiration, as if the term itself carries the vibrational essence of sunlight.
This shows how their language interacts with both intellect and intuition, bypassing linguistic boundaries.

  • Some other Sassani words
    - Ha'atu   ~ Unconditional love to you
    - Ta Deo  ~ Father
    - Nania   ~ Daughter
    - Shi va y ~ "I am completely in my passion, make space for I'm coming through"
    - Cybo    ~ Number 13, but also a reference to fluidity, flow, change, transformation
    - Sha      ~ Name or their Sun, but also used as reference to Source or Source of Light
    - illi        ~ a metafor for double sided mirror or reflector, like the 'l' reflects the 'i' in both directions


At times, Bashar shares the ancient E’sassani language during the Holotope Meditations. 
The following snippets, while not understood by the intellect, resonate deeply within the body, creating a profound sense of connection that can be felt at a cellular level.
Hearing this language can sometimes feel like waking up to a memory of another life.

Allow yourself to immerse in the experience and enjoy!

Ancient Sassani Language




Ancient Essassani Language   
  - Nui Ennani Ancestors and Children of Earth
  - Nui Sassani Ancestors and Children of Sassani
  - Ash A Meet as One
  - Ne-è Shakana In exalted Light, On the highest realms
  - illi A Ka Reflecting All That Is
  - Demash Demashana To each other, In each other
  - Shi va y Go for it, Go for it, Go for it


 Ancient Sassani Language




Ancient Essassani Language   
  - Nui Tadeo The high vibrational Light of the Father
  - Ash A Shakanani Illuminates your path
  - Ili A Dash Ta Reflects to you that which serves you best
  - Shi va y Our unconditional Love and Blessings to you


Ancient Sassani Language




Connection to Human Languages

The ancient Essassani language shares vibratory roots with many Earth languages, including Sanskrit and Japanese.
Interestingly, the ancient Earth language Sanskrit is also called "language of light" and carry similar energetic imprints that align with universal frequencies.
The phonetic precision of Sanskrit and the poetic flow of Japanese mirror the harmonious qualities of the Essassani language, demonstrating how ancient human cultures have been influenced by extraterrestrial contact.

Bashar has explained that the familiarity of the ancient Essassani language to humans arises from archetypal patterns embedded in the collective subconscious.
These patterns connect all beings to Source Energy and for this reason, they evoke profound emotional and energetic responses, even when the literal meaning of the words is not understood.

Although telempathy is the Essassani’s primary communication method, their Ancient Language remains a vital tool for spiritual and ceremonial purposes.
Its vibrational precision makes it an energetic technology used to align individuals with planetary and cosmic energies.
In rituals, meditations, and transdimensional interactions, the Ancient Language creates a powerful resonance that facilitates healing, synchronicity, and expanded awareness.

This language also embodies the Essassani’s mastery of frequency, acting as a bridge between dimensions and as a reminder that true communication transcends speech.
For them, every word carries intention, energy, and alignment, demonstrating how sound and vibration can transform reality.

Essassani Communication

The Essassani’s approach to communication reflects their broader philosophy of alignment, authenticity, and resonance.
Key insights include:

Telempathy as the Foundation of Connection
By merging telepathy and empathy, the Essassani ensure that communication is both precise and compassionate.
This method allows for the direct sharing of thoughts, emotions, and intentions, creating a deep sense of trust and understanding.

Vibrational Alignment
The Essassani emphasize that effective communication begins with alignment.
By attuning their energy to the frequency of their counterpart, they create a harmonious resonance that fosters clarity and mutual understanding.

The Role of Synchronicity
For the Essassani, communication is not just an exchange but an expression of synchronicity.
Every interaction is seen as perfectly timed and orchestrated by the natural flow of universal energy, reflecting their belief in the interconnectedness of all things.

Energetic Storytelling
In ceremonies and educational contexts, the Ancient Language is used as a form of vibrational storytelling.
Words and sounds are chosen not just for their meaning but for their ability to evoke specific frequencies and alignments in the listener, creating an immersive, transformational experience.

The Essence of Connection

The Ancient Essassani Language shares archetypal roots with many Earth languages, reflecting humanity's deep galactic heritage.
Languages such as Sanskrit, Japanese, and Latin carry vibrational imprints from extraterrestrial interactions, serving as bridges between humanity and the cosmos.
We explore these fascinating connections further in our article on The Galactic Origins of Earth's Languages.

The Ancient Language of the Essassani is far more than just a relic of their past.
How they learned and mastered the ways of vibrational communication, first through the use of tools like the Sha'dok, and later to become fully telempathic, is also a testament to their understanding of the essence of connection.
And it invites humanity to also rediscover the power of sound, resonance and intention as tools for our transformation and alignment. 

Listening to these ancient languages can help us remember our deeper truth and understand that true communication transcends words. 
When two beings are vibrationally attuned, few or no words are needed to convey understanding.
Conversely, without attunement, discussions can go on and on, seeking the alignment that only resonance can bring.
Their language is a reflection of their connection to humanity, and just listening to it invites us to attune to ourselves and each other.
It reminds us that true connection begins not with the words we choose, but with the frequency we hold. 
As we cultivate alignment within ourselves and with others, we move toward a more harmonic, effective, and efficient way of sharing and understanding - a small but profound step toward alignment with each other, with the Earth, and with the Universe... and of utmost relevance today.

It is through this understanding that the ancient language of the Essassani can allow us to experience the profound effects of resonance in communication. 
By delving into its mystery, we can discover new dimensions of connection within ourselves and the greater cosmos.

More on the Essassani Civilization :

Relevant Books on the Essassani World

The images in this article are artistic interpretations and may not reflect exact representations.
Some images are from the amazing documentary 'First Contact' by Darryl Anka ... a must see !!!  Rent or Buy  'First Contact'  on Vimeo

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