
The Sassani is a hybrid humanoid civilization ?

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The Essassani is the third humanoid race in a series of 5 hybrid humanoid races that have a direct connection and relationship with humans here on earth.
In the article 'THE FIVE HYBRID RACES' we discuss this extensively, but what's even better, to listen to what Bashar says himself in the transmission : (2018) The Five Hybrid Races.

The Essassani will be the 3rd hybrid civilization with which humanity will make physical contact, after the 5th and 4th hybrid race (Ya'Yel and Sha'Yahel), respectively.
For decades they have given humanity information in various ways, especially metaphysical information about the structure of existence and how we create our own reality.

Especially through Darryl Anka a channel of the same oversoul as Bashar (in fact Bashar is a future self of Darryl) and Darryl is able to function as a channel for the vibrations and information of Bashar.
For decades, Bashar has also been providing information in preparation for open contact with other civilizations such as his own, in order to enable those who choose to do so to increase their vibrational frequency and release it from the control mechanisms that have existed on Earth for thousands and thousands of years.

"Please remember — this is very important to remember, all of you.
Our civilization is not doing anything more than you're doing.
We create our own reality, you create your own reality.
It's just that we are aware that we're doing so.
So the only difference between what we experience in our civilization and what you experience in your lives, in your civilization, is not a difference that we're doing something different!
It is the degree of awareness that you have that you're doing the same thing that we are.
That's the difference.
So the more you are more aware of who you are and how you're creating your reality, through your belief systems, then the more you will see that you are always in control of whatever it is that you experience in life."


More info on the five hybrid races on

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