Themes and Topics


1. Themes and Topics - Levels of Consciousness

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Healing is essentially a search for the way back to your natural self (not the 'normal' self !!!) and therefore can never be separated from the process of awareness.
The only reason why 'our system' shows a dysfunction at a certain level is because we have not been able to perceive the dysfunction on other levels or have not been able to integrate the messages.


2. Identification, Identity and Roles

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In life, we all have roles. We have roles and what you have, you cannot be.
Being yourself and knowing your true essence, is this really possible ?
And for that matter, what is the experience of being yourself fully ?


3. Permission Slips

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In early 2017, Ezra'el and Philip had one of those special moments of exchange and the message of the triple A (AAA) was received very clearly ... humanity is awakening, remembering and evolving towards its own 'triple-A status' - towards the expression of its inherent Authenticity, its inherent Authority and its inherent Autonomy.


4. Energy Work

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Since the contacts with our guides developed further over the years and we became more confident in working with ET-Healing, the Reconnection and the Stargate work, we also wanted to understand more about how it works and how we can free ourselves and become even more energetically available in its application.


5. Energy Fields

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The mechanism of using your own alignment as a channel for extending your energy field with the universal field of consciousness or energy to support or help heal someone else is one of the original bases of Chinese medicine.


6. Polarity (Yin & Yang)

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The mechanism of using your own alignment as a channel for extending your energy field with the universal field of consciousness or energy to support or help heal someone else is one of the original bases of Chinese medicine.


7. Meridians

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Qi, pronounced tchee, is a key concept of oriental culture which identifies a fundamental principle forming and animating the universe and life. Chinese texts describe the Qi as a vital breath with alternating traffic yin & yang.


8. Kundalini

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The healing of the body, mind and soul takes place where the transformation of consciousness from the lower three dimensional reality into divine cosmic consciousness of eternal oneness takes place.

Contact gegevens

Healing Centre Beyond Medicine 

Wolfhezerweg 31
6874 AA Wolfheze
+31 (0)6-43726518

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